CIE, OgreW-19, TLNJW-18, BALTJW-18, EE JCH
Finnish Puppy Winner -17, Helsinki Puppy Winner -17

Legrant Land Geneva Gold


© I. Savalgina

Clara 1 months

Clara on the boat to Finland © O. Vilkuna

Clara 10 weeks on the peer © O. Vilkuna

Clara expression 2.5 months © O. Vilkuna

Clara 2.5 months © O. Vilkuna

Clara 5 months at Narva 26.11.2017 © V. Nuutinen

Clara 5 months in Narva 26.11.2017 © V. Nuutinen

Clara 3 months hiking © O. Vilkuna

Felix & Clara 4 months © O. Vilkuna

Clara 7 months © O. Vilkuna

Clara 7 months © Olegor Bruni

Clara 7 months © Olegor Bruni

Clara 10 months, 04/2018 © O. Vilkuna

Clara 10 months, 04/2018 © O. Vilkuna

Clara almost 14 months at BALTW-18

Clara almost 14 months at BALTW-18

Clara 07/2018

Halla & Clara 11/2018

Oz. Oma, Clara, Oz.Qommander 08/2018

Clara & Halla 05/2019

Clara 09/2019 © O. Vilkuna

Clara at walk in the forest 01/2020 © O. Vilkuna

Clara 03/2020 © O. Vilkuna

Clara 6 years 10 months & Halla 5 years 8 months
© kennel O'zone

Beautiful 7 years birthday 21.6.2024 to beloved Clara!
© kennel O'zone

21.6.2017 -

vWd - free (DNA; Laboklin)
dilution factor: D/D - noncarrier (DNA; Laboklin)
degenerative myelopathy: N/N (exon 2) - non-carrier (DNA; Laboklin)
malignant hyperthermia (MH) - N/N - non-carrier (DNA; Laboklin)

ED- 0/0
SP2 (spondylosis: grade 2, evident)
LTV3 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra: asymmetric)
VA0 (vertebral anomaly; normal, number of anomalies: 0)

phtvl/phpv: grade 2-6 (other eye 0, other grade 4)

CAH; M0 (normal; 6.8.2019)

Not for breeding.
Sterilized 10/2020
Holter 24h (Alba Medical): 30.12.2020 + 3.1.2023; normal (about Alba Medical)
hypothyreosis detected 06/2023

Clara in FKU database

owner: kennel O'zone


International Champion, Belgian Champion, Eurocup Winner 2014, Hopkoning 2014, BDCB DV-Jugendsieger 2014 BH, Test Social Behavior, GHP/IPO III, ZTP V 1A, WGH Tracking + Defense Belgian Work Selection

Ramonburg's Leiko

Juno v. t. Genebos

Lomax Pacino del Fiorsilva

Moro Del Diamante Nero
Zeni del Rio Bianco
Reny of Tanderberg
Nitro del Rio Bianco
Wallis Niki of Tanderberg
Eres v. t. Genebos Bongo Ken-Ti's
Nitro del Rio Bianco
Tequila Ramonburg's
Asha v. d. Donken

Xianto v. d. Donken

Vienna Ramonburg's

CIE,Baltic Winner'2014, Lithuanian Winner'2014 & 2015, BALT & LV & LT & EE & HR & RO & BY & U CH, BALT & LV & LT & EE JCH National Breeding Test (LV)

Legrant Land Farra Farah

Hummer Hoch Legrants
Dester Elsan Haus Brahms Vom Hanseaten
Naomi-Nalin Disant Rou
Elsan Haus Aisha-Arisha S'Lichobor Fantom
Naomi-Nalin Disant Rou
Legrant Land Dakota Dorman Fedor Del Nasi Baron Nike Renewal
Akuna Matata de Grande Vinko
Fideja Fargus Legrant Elsan Haus Aikido
Dana Dariana Elsan Haus

shown in baby class 5-7 months

25.11.2017 Narva NDS; Best Baby Female & HP & BOB-Puppy (and shortlisted in final 8 in BIS-Puppy) for H. Assenmacher Feyel (DE)
26.11.2017 Narva NDS; Best Baby Female & HP & BOB-Puppy (unfortunately we couldn't stay for finals) for V. Shiyan (UE)
9.12.2017 Helsinki Puppy Winner-17 Best Baby Female & HP & Best Female Puppy & BOS-Puppy for J. Putkonen (FI)
10.12.2017 Finnish Puppy Winner-17 Best Baby Female & HP & Best Female Puppy & BOB-Puppy (we couldn't stay for finals)
14.11.2018 Helsinki, National Puppy Show; Best Baby Female & HP & Best Female Puppy & BOB-Puppy & BOG-4 Puppy for K. Metteri-Gold / T. Nygård (group) (FI)

shown in puppy class (7-9 months)

21.1.2018 Turku INT; Best Puppy Female & HP & BOB-Puppy (no additional competitions for puppies as INT show) for T. Okkola (FI)
10.2.2018 Tallinn Winter Cup-18 INT (EE); Best Puppy Female & HP & BOB-Puppy & BIS-4 Puppy for M. Wildman (UK) / Csaba Zsolt Lokodi (RO)

shown in junior class

25.3.2018 NDS Tallinn (Estonia); EX2 for I. Vasiljevic (Serbia)
14.4.2018 TLNW-18, Tallinn (Estonia); EX1 CQ Jun-CAC BOB-Jun TLNJW-18 Jose Tomas Delgado Cabezas (E)
19.5.2018 Pihkova NDS, 1st show (Russia); EX2 res-JunCAC -> can be applied to JunCAC
19.5.2018 Pihkova NDS, 2nd show (Russia); EX2 res-JunCAC
25.03.2018 NDS Tallinn (Estonia); EX2 for I. Vasiljevic (Serbia)
24.03.2018 NDS Tallinn (Estonia); EX1 CQ 2nd Best Female BOB-Junior Jun-CAC for J. Haranen (EE)
19.5.2018 Double-NDS Pihkova (RUssia); 2x EX2 res-JunCAC
2.6.2018 Estonian Winner-18 Luige/Tallinn (Estonia) EX4 gfor L. Pajuland (EE)
18.8.2018 Baltic Winner-18, Kiili/Tallinn (Estonia): EX1 CQ JunCAC -> EE JCH, BOB-Jun, BALTJW-18 for Francisco Ruiz Rodriguez (E)

shown in intermediate class (15-24 months):

22.9.2018 Tallinn INT (Estonia); EX1 CQ BF1 BOS CAC CACIB for R. Vesic (Serbia)
7.10.2018 Sundsvall INT (Sweden); EX1 CQ Best Female CACIB BOS for M. Östlund-Holmsten (SE)

shown in open class:

24.11.2018 Minsk INT (Belarussia); EX1 CAC Best Female BOS CACIB for I. Azen (BY)
25.11.2018 Minsk INT (Belarussia); EX2 for J. Lawless (IE)
20.12.2019 Vilnus INT; EX1 class-CAC
21.12.2019 Vilnus INT; EX3
22.12.2019 Vilnus INT; EX1 class-CAC