C.I.B. & BALT & FIN & RUS & LV & LT & EE CH, Finnish Winner-07 (V-07), FDC Youth Winner & BOS-Youth'07, FinDAL Open Show BOB-VET-14, EE VetCH, FINVW-14 & FINW-14, TLN VW-15, TLN W-15, TLN VW-16

Gracilis Irresistible

"Irma" at 5,5 weeks

"Irma" at 5,5 weeks

some pups of Gracilis I-litter at 5,5 weeks

at 9 weeks

at 10 weeks

at 11 weeks

Dascha & Irma puppyfun'06

Irma in July'06

© Eva Dragovic

"Irma" at 3 months

© Eva Dragovic

"Irma" at 3 months

© E. Salminen

Rehersing at fund raising unofficial Match Show, September'06;
Best Big Breed Puppy & BIS 3

"Irma" at 8 months

"Irma" at 8 months

Irma at Search basic training; sending to find lost person; Feb.'07

Lost person found; Feb. '07

© J. Vierimaa & P. Kylmälä

Irma, Era and Helmi, May'07

© E. Dragovic

Irma at Euro Dog Show'07, 14 months

© S. Heikkinen

Irma at FinDAL Speciality'07

© TEXTerri

Irma (Gracilis Irresistible) Finnish Winner -07

Nory & Irma resting once home after trip to Russia, September '08

Irma, September '08

© A. Vilkuna

Irma 2,5 years & Hulda 11,5 years, January '09

© M. Poskiparta

Irma at Vilnus INT (Lithuania) 21.12.2008

© H. Pasanen

Dascha vom Havelland, O'zone Baku, Gracilis Irresistible & Natascha Number One in Druskininkai

© O. Vilkuna

Gr. Irresistible 6.5 years & children Oz. Liebchen and Lemminkäinen, 19 months, 09/2012

© A-M. Uschanov

Gr.Irresistible, Oz. Lemminkäinen, Oz. Lorelei 09/2012

© O. Vilkuna

Oiva ~20 months & mother Irma 6½ years, 10/2012

© T. Fyhr

Gr. Irresistible "Irma" FINDAL Open show Best veteran Female & BOB-Veteran-14

CIB & MultiCH FV-08 Gr. Irresistible "Irma" BOB & BOB-Vet & EE VetCH & BIG-1 in Rakvere Nat. Show 29.3.2014

© E. Dragovic

CIB & MultiCH Gracilis Irresistible 8.5 yeards in WDS Helsinki-14

© A. Kalanti

FINVW-14 & FINW-14 & BOB & BOB-Vet Gracilis Irresistible and FINW-14 BOS Firehouse's Powerback, 7.12.2014

© O. Vilkuna

Irma almost 11 years 8 months

14.3.2006 - 4.12.2017

owners: O. Vilkuna & K. Vilkuna

BAER +/+ (bilateral hearing)
missing 6 x P

Finnish Charactertest (LT 19.4.2008 +108 p.)

Multi BOB-Puppy, Best Female -placements, 8 x CAC, CAC Russia, BOS-Youth, BOB, BOS, 4 x CACIB, BIG 1 Russia, 2 x BIG 2, FDC Youth Winner & Bos-Youth'07, Finnish Winner-07 (V-07)

Progeny O'zone L-litter (2011)

retired from breeding


Multi CH WW'03 EW'02

Lacrima Christi Coppola
Multi CH

Dalissi Magical Moonshine
Multi CH

Busby's Freschman
Multi CH

Salsusa Eternal Star

Multi CH

Aranyagi - Haragos Andy

Firehouse's Frantic Fullback
PL & D & N CH

Perdita's Inside Information

Perdita's Killing Me Softly

Caesands Rock'n Roll
Gracilis Banzai

Caesands Guardian Angel

Shown in Baby class (5-7 months; 1 show)

Hyvinkää Puppy show 20.9.2006 1st & HP (Honour Prize) & Best Female Puppy & BOB & BOG 1 & BIS 4 for Mrs Kärkäs (FIN) and BIS by T. Borkowski (PL)

Shown in Puppy class (7-9 months; 5 shows)

FinDAL Club Autumn Puppy & Junior & Open show 21.10.2006 2nd & Honor prize & 2nd Best Female Puppy for Mr M. Luoso (FIN)

Lahti Puppy show 29.10.2006 1st& Honor prize & Best Female Puppy & BOB (unfortunately we couldn't stay for the BOG-ring) for Mrs K. Nieminen (FIN)

Espoo puppy show 3.11.2006 1st, HP, Best Female Puppy, BOB, BIG 3 for Mrs S. Juutilainen (FIN)

Jyväskylä (CACIB) 19.11.2006 2nd best female Puppy & HP for Mrs T. Illukka (FIN)

Finnish Winner-06, Helsinki 10.12.2006 Best Female Pyppy & HP & BOB-Puppy for Mrs M. Poggesi Arnetoli (IT)

With these showresults from puppy class and just 6 shows "Irma" became the 2nd most successfull Dalmatian puppy in Finland year 2006 - Top 10 Show Dal Puppies

Shown in Junior class (9-18 months)

Turku (CACIB) 27.1.2007 EX 1, Best Junior Female, 2nd Best Female, CAC for Mr T. Pehar (CRO)

Tampere (CACIB) 23.4.2007 VG for Mrs F. Somerfield (GB)

Lahti CACIB 28.4.2007 EX 1, Best Junior Female, 2nd Best Female, CAC for Mr T. Pukkila (FIN)

Turenki 6.5.2007 EX 1, Best Junior Female, Best Female, CAC, BOS for Mr J. Lappi (FIN)

Zagreb, Croatia ECDC (European Co-operation of Dalmatian Clubs) show 8.6.2007 VG for J. Kruus (EST)

Zagreb, Croatia EW-07 show 8.6.2007 EX for M. Poggesi Arnetoli (IT)

Zagreb, Croatia Dalmatian Club "Attila Dubac" show 9.6.2007 EX for F. de Ridder (BE)

Shown in Youth class (15-24 months)

FinDAL Speciality Show, Jämsä 21.7.2007 EX 1, BOS-Youth, 4th Best Female & CAC for S. Marshall (AUS)

Pori CACIB 29.7.2007 EX 1, Best Female & BOB & CAC & CACIB & BIG 2

Tervakoski CACIB 26.8.2007 VG 3 for E. Norrmanseth (N)

Seinäjoki CACIB 21.10.2007 EX 1 & CAC for P. Teini (FIN)

Lahti CACIB 28.10.2007 EX 2 for J. Kruus (EST)

Finnish Winner-07, Helsinki 8.12.2007 EX 1, Best Female, CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG 2 & Finnish Winner-07 (this result qualifies for Crufts) for E. Engh (N)

Shown in Open class

Tampere CACIB 15.3.2008 EX 2 for M.-C. Delabelle (BE)

Lahti CACIB 27.4.2008 EX 1, 4th Best Female, res-CAC for E. Nummijärvi (FIN)

Hollola 1.5.2008 EX 1, 3rd Best Female, res-CAC for T. Pukkila (FIN)

Turku Dalmatian Speciality Show 8.6.2008 EX 1, 4th Best Female, BOB-Open Class Dog

Kotka CACIB 14.6.2008 EX 1, Best Female, CAC, CACIB, BOS -> FIN CH! for S. Seymour (Australia)

World Dalmatian Show 2008 - Almare Stäket - Swedish Dalmatian Speciality Show 5.7.2008 VG for M. Luoso (FIN)

Shown in Champion class

Vyborg, Russia 6.9.2008 EX 1, Best Female, CAC, BOB, BIG 1 -> RUS CH for E. Kuleshova

Rakvere, Estonia 25.10.2008 VG 2 for R. Hubenthal (NO)

Vilnus (Lithuania) CACIB 20.12.2008 EX 2 for B. Petkievicene (LTU)

Vilnus (Lithuania) CACIB 21.12.2008 EX 1, class-CAC, 2nd Best Female, res-CACIB

Riga (Latvia) CACIB 13.6.2009 EX 2, 2nd Best Female, res-CACIB, CAC -> LV CH

Riga (Latvia) CACIB 14.6.2009 EX 1, Best Female, CACIC, BOS

Druskininkai, Lithuania CACIB 7.8.2009 G for M. Mannucci (IT)

Druskininkai, Lithuania CACIB 7.8.2009 EX 1, LT CAC, Best Female, BOB, Winner CAC, CACIB -> LT & INT CH (C.I.B.) for P. Iversen (NO)

Tallinna CAC, Estonia 12.9.2010 EX 3

Tallinn, Estonia, Estonian Winner 2011 EX 3 for B. Lundgren (SE)

Tallinn, Estonia, Estonian Winner 2011 EX 2, 2nd Best Female, CAC -> EE & BALT CH for T. Arangelova (Bulgaria)

16.3.13 Vihti, FinDAL Open Show EX for H. Hoie (kennel Spotnik's, NO)

Shown in Veteran class

22.3.2014 Vierumäki, FinDAL Open show-14 EX1 CQ BOB-vet 2nd Best Female & special nomination "Best Mover" for M. Wallenius (kennel Tinydot's, FI)

Rakvere (Estonia) National Show 29.3.2014 EX1 CQ BOB-Vet vet-CAC > EE VetCH!! Best Female BOB & BIG-1 for T. Pehar (HR)

Rakvwere (Estonia) National Show 30.3.2014 EX1 CQ BOB-Vet (vet-CAC) Beast Female BOS for L. Tchistiakova (RUS)

11.4.2015 Tallin Winner-15 for T. Illukka;EX1 CQ BOB-Vet Best Female BOS TTLN VW-15 & TLN W-15

30.5.2015 Estonian Winner-15, Tallinn, J.-P. Achtergael (BE); EX4

31.5.2015 Estonian Dalmatian Speciality, A.-M. Klepp (NO); EX1 CQ BOB-Vet & BIS-2 Vet

22.8.2015 BALTW-15 Tallinn (Estonia) EX3 for C. de Giuliani (IT)

16.4.2016 Tallin Winner-16 for A. Foss (NO);EX1 CQ BOB-Vet 2nd Best Female TLN VW-16

According to the new Finnish rules on Dog shows that came into force in 2003 a dog under 24 months can accept as many CAC as it is given; one must however be obtained after the age of 24 months. According to the old rules, a dog could only obtain a maximum of 3 CAC: a maximum of 2 before the age of 24 months, and at least one being older that 24 months.

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