O'zone C-litter

born May 30th 2003

5 males (liver)
6 females (1 black, 5 liver)

Centauri, Chronos, Cirius, Copernicus, Cosmos
Capricorne, Cassiopea, Celeste, Chaos, Comete, Cygne

C-litter Charactertest scoreboard


MultiCH HD-A BAER +/+ ARDS-free

Dalissi Magical Moonshine


Busby's Freschman

Kjmo's Dennis

Busby's Belle
Multi EUR CH

Salsusa Eternal Star

Theakston Tamerlan

Olympic Star of Olbero
FDC Youth W'99 HD-B BAER +/+

Dalmira's Agile-Macy

INT & EST & S & N CH

Caesand's Tops' Smile
INT & FIN & S & EST CH Europe W'91

Elaridge Prince Rufus
Caesand's Just Perfect
FIN & EST CH Balt W'98

Marnellin Palma de Marina

Hedera's Euonymus Nanus
Marnellin Domina Magna

O'zone Centauri


approx. 9 weeks

at 12 months

at 12 months

Training obedience in January '05

"Häkä" in Finnish charactertest


relieved after the test

BAER (left/right) +/+
not for breeding: blue eye
full dentition

training in Search & Rescue - trial

BH-test passed 14.5.2005
Finnish Charactertest (LT 16.10.2005 +120 p.)

Owner: O. Lankinen, Finland

INT & FIN & RUS & EST & LT & LV* CH (* to be confirmed)
Multi Best Male placements, BOB's, BOS's, BIG- placements, BIS-2 Junior, 2 x BOB junior
2 x CACIB, 4 x CAC (Finland), 1 x CAC (Estonia), 2x CAC (Russia, 2 x CAC (Lithuania)
2 x Jun-CAC (Estonia), 4 x res-CAC, 3 x res-CACIB
O'zone Cirius


at 9 weeks

at 3,5 months

at 9,5 months

at 10,5 months

at 11 months

in Finnish Winner'04; photo by I. Petrakova

Winter '05 Free Spirits: O'zone Cirius & his friend "Metka" the Malinois
photo by M. Hokkanen

Spring in heart: O'zone Cirius and his new friend "Oiva" the little Malinois :-)
photo by M. Hokkanen

Photo by Elena Vestimova

Cirius in Vyborg 13.8.05

30.5.2003 - 4.12.2012 (eutanasia; possible trauma-related acute paralysis)

Ciriuksn muistolle

O Zonesta Outilta Ciriushauva tuli
koko suvun sydämet hänelle suli.
Joskus tuntui onko se koira lain
kun haukuntakin oli musiikkia vain.
Terveenä eli 10 vuotta melkein
osoitti uskollisuuta kaikin elkein.
Syliini loppuivat Ciriuksen päivät
todella tyhjät huoneet jäivät.
Loistaa kaukana Ciriustähti
sinne Cirius meiltä lähti.

Kiitos Outille maailman ihanimmasta koirasta
Ciriuksen perhe

full dentition
BAER +/+ (bilateral hearing)

ADpr (kestävyyskoe 27.5.2005)
Finnish Charactertest (LT 16.10.2005 +142 p.)

Cirius' own page (complete results)

previous co-owners: T. Holma & O. Vilkuna
present owner: T. Holma (from 1.6.2008)

O'zone Copernicus

at 9 weeks
Photo by M. Kylmä

at 9 months

at 12 months

Kosti & his friend Kerttu

Kosti & Rallallaa Mama Africa "Kerttu"

Kosti & Kerttu summer'06

Kosti & Kerttu summer'06

Kosti & Kerttu in December'07 - Who said Dals have short attention span... We have been waiting ages now to hear the word "Free"..???

© J. Korhonen

Kosti, November'07

© J. Korhonen

.. I believe I have pulled enough... Your turn now...

30.5.2003 - 14.12.2007
(euthanasia; too many changes of home made it hard to adjust once more)

BAER +/+
full dentition

Owner: J. Korhonen & J. Siirilä, Finland

Shown in Puppy class (7-9 months)

Turku CACIB-show 24.1.2004 for Mr Achtergael (Belgia)

Shown in Junior class

Hämeenlinna 18.4.2004 G for Mr Silta (FIN)

Helsinki, Aptus Show (CACIB) 23.5.2004 S for Mr Luoso (FIN)

Shown in Open class

Vantaa 3.9.2005 EX 4 for Mr McDowell

Porvoo 10.9.2005 VG for T. Borkowski (POL)

O'zone Cosmos

at 10 weeks

at 14 months

at 14 months

© H. Tauru

Kosti autumn'07

BAER +/-
full dentition

not for breeding: blue eye

Owner: H. Tauru, Finland

O'zone Capricorne

"Liinu" taking a very relaxed nap at approx. 10 weeks

"Liinu" in photo with her 11 year old "step-Mom" Moona

BAER +/-
full dentition

Owner: P. Nurmenniemi, Finland

O'zone Cassiopea

approx. 10 weeks

Cassiopea in summer 2004

BAER +/+
full dentition

Euthanasia autumn 2007; the breeder was not consulted nor informed

Owner: T. Veniniemi, Finland

O'zone Celeste

at 9 weeks

Swimming at 9 weeks

O'zone Celeste enjoying a windy winter's day

"Ronja" at 11 months

at 12 months

"Ronja" at 15 months

at 20 months

Ronja autumn '05

Ronja summer '07

© U. Östergård

Ronja at her own chair, winter'07

© U. Östergård

Ronja summer '09 at 6 years

© U. Östergård

Ronja winter '09 at 6,5 years

© U. Östergård

Ronja 8 years

© U. Nordström

Ronja 9 years

© U. Nordström

Edith 5 months with Ronja 9 years

© U. Nordström

Ronja 10 years

© U. Nordström

Ronja 10 years

© U. Nordström

Ronja 11 years, 06/2014

© U. Nordström

Ronja 11 years, 06/2014

© U. Nordström

Ronja 11 years, 06/2014

BAER -/+
HD-C (C/B)
full dentition

Finnish Charactertest (LT 11.9.2005 +170 p.)

30.5.2003 - 22.2.2016 (euthanasia; acute pancreas inflammation)

"Ronja" has successfully completed her first - unofficial - Agility trial in summer'04 with 1st prize!
Hope to see her in official trials later on too :-)

Owner: U. & J. Nordström, Finland

Shown in Junior class:

Helsinki 24.7.2004 VG for Mr Hickey (IRL)

Pori (CACIB) 1.8.2004 VG 3 for Mr Leenen (Belgium)

Seinäjoki (CACIB) 23.10.2004 VG 3 for Mr Cronander (SWE)

Seinäjoki 24.10.2004 G for Mr Silta (FIN)

Turku (CACIB) 29.1.2005 VG for Mrs Cederström (SWE)

Shown in Open class:

Porvoo 10.9.2005 EX for Mr T. Borkowski (POL)

Jyväskylä (CACIB) 20.11.2005 EX 3 for Mr Peddie (CAN)

O'zone Comete

at 8 weeks

at 5 months

First show in baby class - in and out of ring

Winter fun

11 months

"Sissi" in Germany, autumn 2004

"Sissi" at 3 years

© R. Käkönen

"Sissi" almost 5 years

Sissi and Eliel on Christmas Eve 2008

Oz. Comete, aka. Sissi, almost 12 years © S. Käkönen

Oz. Comete almost 14 years & Oz. Shalimar 20 months © family Käkönen

30.5.2003 - 19.7.2017
(eutanasia; old age troubles)

Raskain sydämin saatoimme silkkikorvamme matkalle.

Vaikka suru on suuri, niin olemme ikuisesti kiitollisia jokaisesta
muistosta ja mustavalkoisesta karvasta jonka meille jätit. Saimme
sinulta niin paljon, ettei sitä pysty sanoin kuvaamaan.

Juokse jälleen vahvoin jaloin ja kirkkain silmin, rakas Sissi

BAER +/+
missing 1 x P

Finnish Charactertest (LT 5.8.2006 +172 p.)

Owner: S. & R. Käkönen, Finland / Germany

Shown in Baby class (5-7 months; 1 show)

Espoo 1.11.2003 for Mrs Heikkinen-Lehkonen (FIN)

Shown in Puppy class (7-9 months; 1 show)

Turku (CACIB) 24.1.2004 3rd Best Female Puppy for Mr Achtergael (Belgia)

Shown in Junior class ( 9-18 months; 1 show)

Helsinki, Aptus Show (CACIB) 23.5.2004 S for Mr Luoso (FIN)

Shown in Open class:

Turku (CACIB) 27.1.2007 EX for Mr T. Pehar (CRO)

O'zone Cygne

at 9 weeks

Training for Junior Handler

at 12 months

at 12 months

Training agility in summer 2004

Training agility in summer 2004

O'zone Cygne gazing at the window

BAER +/+
full dentition

Finnish Charactertest (LT 10.9.2005 +114 p.)

not for breeding: blue eye

Owner: K. Lahtinen, Finland

Shown in Baby class (5-7 months)

Espoo 1.11.2003 for Mrs Heikkinen-Lehkonen (FIN)

Shown in Junior class (9-18 months)

Finnish Dalmatian Club Puppy & Junior Show (unofficial), Hyvinkää 13.11.2004 for Mrs Onza (FIN)

"Caro" has followed her mother's tracks in showbiz and appears in a TV-series together with 3 other dalmatians - the series comes out on Finnish television channel 2 in autumn 2005

In puppytest at 7 weeks all puppies demonstrated independence, high self-assurance, playfulness and sociability
Tested by Mr Myyry Haus Riback dobermanns

C-litter at 3 days

Hulda and C-litter at 4 weeks

Hulda and some of the C-litter at 5 weeks

Sire to C-litter; "Moon" in Russia in 2004 - ...with Love
Photo by I. Petrakova

Sire to C-litter; "Moon" in Russia in 2004 - ...with Love
Photo by I. Petrakova

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

In Memoriam

O'zone Chronos & O'zone Chaos

BAER -/- (deaf)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Charactertest scoreboard

Description & Explanations to different elements of the Finnish Charactertest

Dalmira's Agile-Macy (dam)
O'zone Centauri
O'zone Cirius
O'zone Copernicus
O'zone Cosmos
O'zone Capricorne
O'zone Cassiopea
O'zone Celeste
O'zone Comete
O'zone Cygne
I Capability to function
II Sharpness
III Desire for defence action
V Desire to fight
V Nerve construction
VI Temperament
VII Mental hardness
VIII Accessibility
IX Gunshot

The purpose of the character test is to examine a dog's behavior in a situation where it's nervous system is heavily stressed. Test results can be used to define dog's character, determine the dog's suitability to training, and of course it gives information for breeding, too. The age limits for dog's participating are from 2 to 6 years.

Tests are judged by two specially trained judges. Every tested feature is estimated on a six-degree scale from +3 to -3. All features have individual coefficients based on the feature's trainability and on the other hand inheritability. A dog is certified when its total points are at least +75 and it has got positive rank (at least +1) from the following features: tendency to aggression, nerves and accessibility.

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