Kennel O'zone Statistics
born 8.5.2002
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
vWD |
WSU DCM genetest | Show | Character- test |
Other |
Baikal | A |
0 |
M0 |
clear |
BOS, 3 x CAC (full CAC's), res-CAC, res-CACIB | BH, TK1, national exam for RH-FLA, PEJÄ, PEHA, SAR-dog, neck &
spine x-rayed normal (9.11.2007) Eutanasia 8.8.2008 - schawannoma maligni |
Baku | A |
0/0 |
0 |
M0 |
clear |
3 x BOS, 3 x CAC (full CAC's), 5 x res-CAC, 3 x CACIB, FIN CH, RUS CH, LV CH, SE CH, EE, LT CAC | DNA-identification; FH1, BH, TK2 (Obedience 2), KK1 (Estonian obedience); Abnormality
diagnosed in the neck vertebrae: degeration of a spinal discus C6-7 (välilevyn
rappeuma), mild discus prolapsis C6-7 (välilevyn pullistuma), mild
compression of spinal cord 02/2008 (MRI-scan) Spine - normal 02/2006 +
2/2008 (x-ray/MRI-scan) Eutanasia 15.4.2010 - spinal cord discus prolapsis |
Babylone | B |
0 |
M0 |
clear |
EX | neck & spine x-rayed normal (03/2006); cardiotested - normal (11/2006)
Eutanasia 10.8.2010 - aggressive osteosarcoma |
Baltica | A |
0 |
VG | ||||||
Boheme | A |
0/0 |
0 |
M0 |
clear |
CACIB, BOB's, 3 x CAC (full CAC's), res-CAC's | ADpr, BH, Canicross; neck & spine x-rayed normal (03/2006), JK1. Sudden death 23.2.2009 |
Byzance | euthanasia (08/2009; renal failure) |
born 6.7.2003
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
vWD |
WSU DCM genetest | Show | Character- test |
Other |
Dakar | clear |
Devon | B |
0/0 |
0 |
M0 |
carrier |
EX, CAC | |||
Darling | B |
0 |
clear |
G | Canicross (Nat. CH-series) 7th place Eutanasia 28.6.2005 - assumed allergic reaction |
Djakarta | 0 |
carrier |
EX |
born 20.3.2007
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
vWD |
WSU DCM genetest | Show | Character- test |
Other |
Fresno |
0/0 |
EX | Sterilized 07/2011 (due to prostate problems) 20.3.2007-10.5.2013 (eutanasia due to injuries caused by an accident at early age that started strongly to affect on the quality of his life) |
Fulton |
EX | incipient spondylosis Th3-4 (09/2014), 20.3.2007 - 11.4.2015 (eutanasia; spondylosis Th3-4 started to affect on the quality of his life) | ||
Fidji |
0/0 |
M0 (Germany)
VG | occult stage (asymptomatic) DCM (degenerative type / rappeumamuoto)
diagnosed 03/2012 (Germany; clinical, ECG, doppler),
Hypothyroidism (no detectable thyroid hormone (T4), Idexx Laboratories,
Germany - 03/2012),
reexamination (04/2013), significant improvement in heart function
(Denmark; clinical, ECG, doppler),
DCM possibly of an acquired type due to hypothyroidism?
No sign of DCM detected 09/2013 - Cardiologist report [PDF]
20.3.2007 - 17.6.2014 Final diagnosis: sinus arrest (without sinus tachycardia) due to symptoms of sinus node dysfunction (and sinus node dysfunction/sick sinus syndrome led to sinus bradycardia and during the last weeks of her life progressed to Atrial fibrillation with slow ventricular response which is also different form atrial fibrilations in DCM). In humans sinus arrest is considered an inevitable end in people with Sick Sinus Syndrome who do not have a pacemaker. The University’s finally report reported generalised inflammation of the entire heart and valves leading to the symptoms detected by the cardiologist not even five days prior to her death. |
Foenix |
0/0 |
EX, BF placements | 20.3.2007 - 31.1.2018 (old age; cardiac arrest) | |||
Formosa |
0 |
positive heterozygote | 2 x CAC, res-CAC's, BOS, BF placements | Thyroid - normal (08/2010, 05/2012)
20.3.2007 - 18.6.2013 (eutanasia; Autopsy conducted by Finnish Food Safety Authority EVIRA: major finding: excessive accumulation of copper to livercells > coppertoxicosis (liiallinen kuparin kertyminen maksasoluihin; kuparitoksikoosi) |
France | B/A |
0/0 |
0 |
VG | Died 4.11.2008 - run over by car |
born 13.3.2008
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
vWD |
WSU DCM genetest | Show | Character- test |
Other |
Hades |
0/0 |
free (DNA)
negative | res-CAC |
13.3.2008-4.7.2018 (eutanasia; suspect lymphoma) |
Halifax |
free (by parentage)
13.3.2008-29.11.2017 (euthanasia due Right-sided congestive heart failure RS-CHF) |
Houston |
0/0 |
free (DNA)
13.3.2008 - 31.7.2013 (eutanasia; lymphosarcoma) | ||
Hudson |
free (DNA) |
negative | EX 2, 4th Best Male |
MH-test passed
RH-E 22.6.2009, PERA-A (SPEK), incipient spondylosis Th4-5 & 10-11, degenerative lumbosacral stenosis detected 10/2014, hypothyreosis detected 12/2015 13.3.2008 - 29.2.2016 (euthanasia; congestive heart failure diagnosed at helsinki Uni. Veterinary Hospital, Cardilogy Clinic 02/2016 affected on the quality of his life / sydänlihaksen laajentuma vaitutti elämän laatuun; diagnosoitu YES 02/2016) (article on degenerative lumbosacral stenosis |
Humboldt |
free (DNA)
13.3.2008 - 28.3.2014 (euthanasia; lymphosarcoma), sterilized 09/2009 | |
Huron | A |
0/0 |
0 |
free (DNA)
negative | 3 x CAC, BOS, BOB, CACIB | BH, JK1 13.3.2008 - 6.7.2020 (eutanasia: old age troubles) |
Hydro | A |
0/0 |
0 |
free (by parentage)
negative | Not for breeding: blue (EJ), sterilized 09/2011. 13.3.2008 - 26.8.2015(euthanasia; multiple tumours) |
Hope | A |
0/0 |
0 |
free (DNA)
EX |
Eutanasia 30.12.2010 - maintaining problems |
born 1.10.2009
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
vWD |
WSU DCM genetest | Show | Character- test |
Other |
Jachal | A |
0/0 |
0 |
M0 |
carrier (DNA) |
negative | VG | Canicross Finnish Championships 3,4 km Bronze Medalist, neck & spine normal, knees 0/0, Canicross Finnish Championships Bronze
Medalist, Dobermann Breed Championships 2 x Gold Medalist Hypothyreosis detected 07/2016 Sterilized 07/2016 LTV4 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra; anomalous amount of vertebra; 07/2016) SP3 (spondylosis; grade 3, moderate; 07/2016) VA0 (vertebral anomaly; normal; 07/2016) 1.10.2009 – 3.10.2017 (euthanasia; cardiomyopathy / CHF) |
Jarensk | A |
0/0 |
0 |
free (DNA) |
VG in Junior Class | 1.10.2009 - 24.12.2018 (eutanasia; acute severe pain most likely elated
to spondylotic changes) |
Jericho | A |
0/0 |
0 |
VG |
sterilized 06/2013 1.10.2009 - 28.10.2016 (eutanasia; tumours in lungs being possibly metastasis of tumour elsewhere) |
Justice | B/A |
0/0 |
0 |
carrier (DNA) |
CAC, CACIB, BOS | BH 1.10.2009- 18.4.2017 (euthanasia; suspect brain tumor) |
Java | A |
0/0 |
0 |
carrier (DNA) |
negative | 3 x CAC, CACIB, BOB, BOS, BF placements | EE CH, Starter-KK1 97 p./100 p., 1st place (Estonia) 14.8.2010, neck & spine normal, knees 0/0. TK1.
Neck & spine x-rayed - incipient spondylosis Th8-10, spondylosis L7-S1 (07/2012), ch. test: MH-test passed, BH, KK2, KK3, FI CH, LTV0 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra; normal; 11/2014)
SP2 (spondylosis; grade 2, evident; 11/2014), VA0 (vertebral anomaly; normal; 11/2014), sterilized (pyometra; 4/2015) 1.10.2009 - 20.8.2015 (euthanasia; reason not told to breeder) |
Jedda | A |
0/0 |
0 |
negative | VG in Junior Class | neck & spine normal, incipient spondylosis L7-S1, otherwise normal spine (11/2013), LTV2 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra; symmetric: 02/2015), SP1 (spondylosis; grade 1, mild: 02/2015), VA0 (vertebral anomaly; normal: 02/2015) Hypothyreosis detected 09/2016 |
Jewel | A/B |
0/0 |
0 |
CAH - normal (M0; 11/2011) |
carrier (DNA) |
negative | res-CAC, BF placements | + 155p, MH-test passed |
knees 0/0, neck & spine normal (2/2011), LTV4 (6 to 8 lumbosacralis/ lannenimkamaa),SP1 (degree 1, mild), VA0 (normal) - 08/2014, WSU DCM genetest: negative, Thyroid - normal (01/2013; 04/ 2014),
BH, PEHA-A, PEHA-B (National Exam for RH-FL levels A and B), PEHA-A + PEHA-B (RH-FL levels A & B), HK1 ,
sterilized 01/2015 1.10.2009 - 13.4.2018 (eutanasia: äkillinen kova kipu kaulan alueella, halvaannutti takajalat / sudden strong pain in neck area paralyizing rear legs) |
Joy | B |
0/0 |
0 |
negative | 1.10.2009-4.12.2013 (accident; run over by car) |
born 22.4.2011
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
vWD |
WSU DCM genetest | Show | Character- test |
Other |
Marvel | Blue, not for breeding 22.4.2011 - 4.10.2015 (accident; run over by car) |
Mohican | A |
0 |
free (DNA) |
MH-test passed |
9.3.2013 DogSki Scandinavian Open Championchips (SOC), Vekarajärvi (Finland)
J W_F3 Women sprint A-final 1.9 km V
3rd place, time 3.54 (+0.02), neck& spine x-rayed
normal (2012) 22.4.2011 – 3.10.2017 (euthanasia; family situation / maintaining problems) |
born 15.10.2012
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
vWD |
WSU DCM genetest | Show | Character- test |
Other |
Narnia | C/B |
0/0 |
0 |
CAH - M0 (normal; 03/2016) |
vWd - carrier (DNA) |
dilutefactor - free, neck & spine x-rayed: normal (03/2014) |
born 14.8.2013
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
vWD |
WSU DCM genetest | Show | Character- test |
Other |
Peacemaker | B |
0/0 |
Phtvl/Phpv, rd/hc/pra - 0 |
free (DNA) |
VAO - normal (official),
neck and spine - normal (11/2014; unofficial; orthoped statement), knees - 0/0 cruciate ligament operated due trauma 11/2016 Sterilized 01/2019 14.8.2013 - 3.10.2022 (renal failure; munuaisten vajaatoiminta) |
Pilgrim | B |
0/0 |
0 |
M0 |
carrier (DNA) |
HeJW-14 CIB |
BH - passed (excellent; 5.9.2015) LTV1, SP1, VAO TK1 (9.4.2016) Sterilized 01/2019. Frozen semen available 28.6.2020 Agility 1st class 0 -result 3rd place and moved to Agility 2nd class 14.8.2013 - 5.1.2024 (eutanasia due old age troubles) |
Phaedra | B/B |
0/0 |
0 |
free (DNA) |
MH (27.6.2015) |
DD-dilutuin factor free, neck & spine & knees x-rayed - normal (09/2014; unofficial; orthoped's statement) LTV3 (asymmetric; 10/2015; FKU), SP0 (free; 10/2015; FKU) cardiotested (clinical+ECG+ultra): normal (02.01.2017 + 27.12.2017 + 3.3.2020) 14.8.2013-1.3.2022 (eutanasia: tumor of the spleen/ hemangiosarcoma - pernakasvain) |
Phoebe | A/A |
0/0 |
free (DNA; Laboklin) |
patellar luxation med. - 0/0 no evidence of inherited eye diseases LTV1 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra;divided median crest (s1-s2) or other mildly abnormal structure) SPO (spondylosis; free) VA0 (vertebral anomaly; normal) Sterilized 04/2022 AD (endurance test) - passed (25.7.2015) BH - passed (17.10.2016) 11.3.2017 Lieksa SPKL Finnish Championships, women series B; BRONZE MEDALISTS!! 25.2.2017 Taivalvaara VUL women series B; SILVER MEDALISTS!! 14.1.2017 Lapinlahti Sprint Finnish Championships, women series B; SILVER MEDALISTS!!! JK1 - 268p (20.6.2017) 14.8.2013-28.5.2024 (eutanasia; old age troubles) |
Priya | A |
0/0 |
CAH - normal (M0; 10/2015) |
free (DNA) |
MH (passed; 2.5.2015) |
sterilized (06/2014; pyometra), neck & spine - normal (11/2014; unofficial; orthoped statement, VAO - normal, LTV2 (official)
dilution factor: D/D - noncarrier (DNA; Laboklin) follicular dysplasy detected 11/2015 (sterilisation related??) 25.2.2018 Dogski Dobermann Breed Championships silver medalists! (RM2) & District Championship (PM) 14.8.2013-23.2.2023 (eutanasia; tumor of the spleen, pernakasvain) |
born 5.12.2014
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
vWD |
WSU DCM genetest | Show | Character- test |
Other |
Reykholar | C |
free (DNA) |
LTV0 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra; normal),
VA1 (vertebral anomaly; mild) dilution factor: D/D - noncarrier (DNA; Laboklin) polyarthritis of autoimmune form detected 08/2016 5.12.2014 - 5.9.2016 (euthanasia; polyarthritis) |
Rhinelander | A |
free (by parentage) |
LTV0 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra; normal) VA1 (vertebral anomaly; mild) |
Rostov | C |
free (by parentage) |
LTV4 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra; anomalous amount of vertebra; 6 instead of 7; 12/2015), VA0 (vertebral anomaly; normal; 12/2015), missing 1 incisive tooth, lower jaw |
born 24.7.2018
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
vWD |
WSU DCM genetest | Show | Character- test |
Other |
Viggo | C/C |
0/0 |
phtvl/phpv - bordercase (rajatapaus) - no evidence of other inherited eye diseases (09/2019) |
M0 (normal; 08/2020) |
free (DNA: Laboklin) |
EE & LT CH & RU & RKF & EE & LV JCH & ATJW-19 |
dilution factor: D/D - noncarrier (DNA;Laboklin) SP0 (spondylosis: grade 0, normal) LTV4 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra: anomalous amount of vertebra) VA1 (vertebral anomaly; mild: number of anomalies: 2) CAH; M0 (normal; 08/2020) gastric obstruction operated (a winter glove / suolistotukos - talvihansikas - operoitu; 02/2020) 24.7.2018 - 23.5.2022 (eutanasia: furunculosis and severe pododermatitis complicated by MRSP due to antibiotic thereapy and medicine hypersensitivity) |
Valmayer | free (by parantage) |
gastric obstruction operated (suolistotukos operoitu; 07/2020) 24.7.2018-21.8.2023 (eutanasia due glyckol poisoning) |
Valfred | free (by parantage) |
Valdor | C/C |
0/0 |
free (by parantage) |
P2 (grade 2, evident) |
Valdemar | free (by parantage) |
Rear leg operated due trauma related fracture 05/2022 | |||||||
Valhalla | no evidence of inherited eye diseases (07/2019) |
M0 (normal; 08/2020) |
free (DNA; Laboklin) |
C.I.E. BALT & LV & EE & BY & LT CH & CIS-Winner-20 & European Junior Winner-19 (EUJW-19) & BALT & EE & LT & LV & RU & RKF JCH & Ogre JW-19 & TLN WinterCup-19 Puppy Winner, Tallinn PuppyW-19 (TLNPuppyW-19)
dilution factor: D/D - noncarrier (DNA;Laboklin) Dilated cardiomyopathy DCM2 (Titin) – PCR: N/DCM2 (heterozygous for the high-risk factor for DCM in the Titin-gene; Laboklin) Holter 24h 28.12.2020 + 3.1.2023): normal A Cardio ECG & ultra (21.12.2021; normal + 23.12.2022; normal) Sterilized 10/2024; retired from breeding |
Valfrida | B/B |
0/0 |
free (DNA; Laboklin) |
SP0 (spondylosis: grade 0, normal) LTV43 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra: asymmetric) VA0 (vertebral anomaly; normal: number of anomalies: 1) CAH; M0 (normal; 08/2020) BH passed 15.10.2022 dilution factor: D/D - noncarrier (DNA; Laboklin) 1.9.2024 ZTP V1B (judge T. Becht, D) |
Valborg | free (by parantage) |
Volga | A/A |
0/0 |
free (by parantage) |
SP0 (spondylosis: grade 0, normal) LTV0 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra: normal) VA0 (vertebral anomaly; normal, number of anomalies: 0) sterilized 09/2021 Hypothyreosis detected 08/2022 BH passed 30.5.2022 MH passed 30.6.2022 HK1 30.5.2023 Reactive cutaneous histiocytosis diagnosed 02/2023 HK2 6.8.2023 JK1 14.10.2023 |
born 21.8.2022
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
vWD |
WSU DCM genetest | Show | Character- test |
Other |
Åsgard | C/C |
0/0 |
clear by parantage |
BALT & EE & LV & LT CH C.I.B.-J FI, EE & LV JCH. Tallinn Winter Cup
Winner-24. Finnish Junior Winner-23 (FIJW-23/JV-23).Estonian Junior
Winner-23 (EEJW-23). Latvian Junior Winner-23 (LVJW-23) |
Dilated cardiomyopathy DCM2 (Titin) – PCR: N/DCM2 (heterozygous for the
high-risk factor for DCM in the Titin-gene; Laboklin) Degenerative Myelopathy – PCR: N/N (exon 2; homozygous for the wildtype-allele = clear for DM in exon 2 of the SOD1-gene; Laboklin) vWD Type I: N/N (clear; Laboklin) D-locus D1 (dilution d1): N/d1 (carrier; Laboklin) B-locus bd / bc : NN (non-carrier; Laboklin) / bs: N/bs (carrier; Laboklin) Narcolepsy – N/N (non-carrier; Laboklin) No evidence of inherited eye diseases (10/2023) LTV2 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra; symmetric) VA1 (vertebral anomaly: mild, number of anomalies:1) SP0 (spondylosis: free) |
Ålena | C/C |
0/0 |
clear by parantage |
LV CH. FI & EE JCH. Tallinn Winter Cup Baby Winner-23 |
Dilated cardiomyopathy DCM2 (Titin) – PCR: N/DCM2 (heterozygous for the
high-risk factor for DCM in the Titin-gene; Laboklin) Degenerative Myelopathy – PCR: N/N (exon 2; homozygous for the wildtype-allele = clear for DM in exon 2 of the SOD1-gene; Laboklin) vWD Type I: N/N (clear; Laboklin) D-locus D1 (dilution d1): N/N (non-carrier; Laboklin) B-locus: bd / bc : NN (non-carrier; Laboklin) / bs: N/bs (carrier; Laboklin) Narcolepsy – PCR: N/N (non-carrier; Laboklin) No evidence of inherited eye diseases (11/2024) SP0 (Free) LTV1 (Divided median crest (S1-S2) or other mildly abnormal structure) VA0 (Normal), number of anomalies: 0 CAH-M0 (normal; 11/2024) |
Åttilia | clear by parantage |
FI JCH. FDC BOS-Junior-23 |
Ålwen | C/C |
0/0 |
clear by parantage |
LTV1 (Divided median crest (S1-S2) or other mildly abnormal structure) SP0 (Free) VA1 (Mild), number of anomalies: 1 |
Ådin | clear by parantage |
21.8.2022 - 10.2.2023 (eutanasia; OCD of the knee) |
Åhto | C/C |
0/0 |
clear by parantage |
BALT & EE & LV & LT CH C.I.B.-J EE JCH LVW-24 (Latvian
Winner-24) Tallinn Winter Cup Winner-24. Finnish Winner-23
(FIW-23/V-23). Finnish Junior Winner-23 (FIJW-23/JV-23). Helsinki Junior
Winner-23 (HeJW-23) |
Dilated cardiomyopathy DCM2 (Titin) – PCR: N/DCM2 (heterozygous for the
high-risk factor for DCM in the Titin-gene; Laboklin) Degenerative Myelopathy – PCR: N/N (exon 2; homozygous for the wildtype-allele = clear for DM in exon 2 of the SOD1-gene; Laboklin) vWD Type I: N/N (clear; Laboklin) D-locus D1 (dilution d1): N/N (non-carrier; Laboklin) B-locus: bd / bc / bs: NN (non-carrier) Narcolepsy – PCR: N/N (non-carrier; Laboklin) LTV1 (divided median crest (S1-S2) or other mildly abnormal structure) VA1 (mild), number of anomalies: 1 No evidence of inherited eye diseases (10/2023) SP0 (spondylosis: free) CAH: M0 (normal, 11/2024) |
Årcus | clear by parantage |
Åsiris | clear by parantage |
FI JCH. FDC BOB-Junior-23 |
No evidence of inherited eye diseases (10/2023) |
born 26.8.2023
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
vWD |
WSU DCM genetest | Show | Character- test |
Other |
Övermakt | clear by parantage |
Dilution - free (by parentage) 22.9.2023 eutanasia; respiratory distress caused by "kennelcough" bacteria |
Österdottir | clear by parantage |
FI, EE & LV JCH. Tallinn Puppy Winner-24. Tallinn Winter Cup Baby Winner-24 |
Dilution - free (by parentage) | ||||||
Östervind | clear by parantage |
Dilution - free (by parentage) | |||||||
Övergudinna | clear by parantage |
Dilution - free (by parentage) 22.9.2023 eutanasia; respiratory distress caused by "kennelcough" bacteria |
Överraskning | clear by parantage |
Dilution - free (by parentage) | |||||||
Önsketanke | clear by parantage |
Dilution - free (by parentage) |
born 12.7.2001
Dog | HD |
Show |
Character- test |
Other |
Angus | full dentition | ||||
Abigail | C |
blue eye |
full dentition | ||
Agatha | patch |
full dentition |
born 30.5.2003
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
Show | Character- test |
Other |
Centauri | A |
0/0 |
+/+ |
blue eye | BH; full dentition | |
Cirius | A |
0/0 |
+/+ |
FIN & RUS & EST & LT & INT & LV CH, CAC's, 2 x Junior-CAC (Estonia),res-CAC's, 2 x CACIB, res-CACIB's, FDC BOB-Junior'04, EDC BOB-Junior'04, BIS 2-Junior, CIB.BALT.FI.RU.EE.LV.LT CH, FDC BOB-junior & BIS-Veteran | ADpr; Sledge Dog Race (Ski), KSPKY Championships, 3.5km /; full dentition eutanasia 4.12.2012 |
Copernicus | B |
+/+ |
EX | full dentition | ||
Cosmos | +/- |
blue eye | full dentition | |||
Capricorne | +/- |
full dentition | ||||
Cassiopea | +/+ |
full dentition | ||||
Celeste | C |
1/1 |
-/+ |
EX | full dentition 30.5.2003 - 22.2.2016 (euthanasia; pcute oancreas inflammation) |
Comete | A |
0/1 |
+/+ |
EX | missing 1xP1 30.5.2003 - 19.7.2017 (eutanasia; old age troubles) |
Cygne | B |
+/+ |
blue eye | full dentition |
born 4.8.2005
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
Show | Character- test |
Other |
Eadgar | B |
0/0 |
+/+ |
full dentition | ||
Eadmund | A |
0/0 |
+/+ |
FI CH | full dentition 4.8.2005 - 9.11.2015 (eutanasia; old age troubles) |
Eivar | A |
0/0 |
+/- |
res-CAC, CAC (estonia), BM placements | full dentition 4.8.2005 - 13.4.2017 (euthanasia; old age troubles started severely affecting on the quality of his life) |
Erland | A |
0/0 |
+/+ |
FI CH | full dentition, Obedience I, 2 x 1-result: 181 p. & HP, 1-result: 177,5 p. TK1, neck & spine x-rayed: normal (11/2006) | |
Evald | B |
0/0 |
+/- |
CIB.BALT.FI.RU.EE.LV.LT CH EEW.08, HVW-13 | endocardiosis detected 01/2014, Mitral valve dysfunction diagnosed 02/2014 (Helsinki University
Veterinarian Hospital, Cardiological Clinic; YES / kardiologia), Heart Failure (Mitral Valve Insuffiency) in the Dog, missing 1xP1, ADpr, BH, sterilized 06/2012, neck & spine x-rayed: normal (11/2006)
4.8.2005-25.9.2014 (arrythmia due to GVS - gastric volvulus syndrome - on the operating table at vet clinic) |
Ebba | A |
0/0 |
+/+ |
FI CH, 2 x res-CACIB | missing 2 x P4, neck&spine x-rayed: normal (09/2006)
4.8.2005-2011 (eutanasia, maintaining problems) |
Elna | A |
0/0 |
+/- |
EX | full dentition, sterilized 09/2009, 4.8.2005 - 13.7.2015 (eutanasia; acute renal failure) |
born 8.9.2007
Dog |
Show |
test |
Other |
Ghostbuster |
VP (puppy class) |
full dentition, endocardiosis diagnosed 01/2012 (Mitral Valvel Disease; Helsinki University Hospital Cardiological Clinic - YES), sterilized 02/2013 |
Gladiator |
EX, BM placements |
full dentition 8.9.2007-25.1.2017 (euthanasia due spondylotic changes which started to affect on the quality of his life) |
Goldfinger |
FI.EE.LT CH, 3 x CACIB, res-JWW, SDC BOB-Junior | missing 2 x P1, severe spondylosis (2012)
eutanasia 21.11.2012 |
Goodfella |
EX |
full dentition,placings in Agility trial, sterilized 01/2012, T10-11, T11-13 (2012) 8.9.2007 - 8.9.2015 (euthanasia due complications after gastric obstruction operation) |
Gem |
VG |
full dentition, mild spondylosis (2011) 8.9.2007 - 13.2.2019 (euthanasia; old age troubles and spodylotic changes affecting the quality of her life) |
Gothika |
FDC BOB-Pet, patch | missing 1 x P1; Not for breeding: patch (EJ), sterilized 04/2009, TK1, mild spondylosis (2011), BH, KK1, SP1 (spondylosis; grade 1 , mild), LTV0 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra; normal) (01/2015) |
born 3.12.2008
Dog |
HD |
ED (OD) |
Show |
Character- test |
Other |
Iason |
A |
0/0 |
+/+ |
EX |
MH-test passed |
full dentition 3.12.2008 - 14.1.2022 (eutanasia; old age troubles and suspect stroke) |
Ikaros |
B/C |
0/0 |
+/+ |
full dentition |
Ilias |
B |
0/0 |
+/+ |
full dentition |
Ilmarinen |
B |
0/0 |
+/+ |
C.I.B. & FI & EE & LT & LV & BALT & SLO & HR CH & TLN WCup Veteran Winner-17 & BALTVW-17 & LVVW-17 & EE VetCH & LT VetCH & LV VetCH & Balt VetCH & German (VDH) Veteran CH, German Veteran Winner-17, World Veteran Winner-17, BALTVW-18, MH |
MH |
full dentition 3.12.2008 - 5.10.2020 (eutanasia; neural damage to other rear leg due trauma suffered in 04/2020 started greatly affect on the quality of his life) |
Ithaka |
+/+ |
full dentition | |
Ivanhoe |
+/- |
Idole |
B |
0/0 |
-/+ |
full dentition, BH-passed (8.10.2015) 3.12.2008 - 14.1.2019 (eutanasia; old age adaptability issues to changed life situation) |
Iman |
B |
0/0 |
+/+ |
EX, res-CAC's, res-CACIB's, BF placements |
full dentition |
Indira |
A |
0/0 |
+/- |
CIB & FI & BALT & LV & LT & EE CH & Baltic Winner-12 & TLN WCup Veteran Winner-17 & Tallin Veteran Winner-17, LVVW-17, EE VetCH & LV VetCH & LT VetCH & BALT VetCH, MH |
MH |
full dentition 3.12.2008 - 22.6.2022 (eutanasia; old age troubles) |
Inga |
C |
1/1 |
+/+ |
patch |
Not for breeding: patch (EJ), sterilized 05/2011
eutanasia 17.9.2012 |
Isthar |
+/+ |
full dentition 3.12.2008 - 13.7.2020 (eutnasia: old age troubles) |
born 4.4.2010
Dog |
HD |
ED (OD) |
Show |
Character- test |
Other |
Kafka |
A |
0/0 |
+/+ |
full dentition 4.4.2010-1.3.2023 (suspect tumour of the spleen; eutanasia) |
Karajan |
A |
0/0 |
+/? |
EX, BM placements |
full dentition |
Kieslowski |
A |
0/0 |
+/+ |
EE & FI CH |
missing 1 x P1, 4.4.2010 - 7.12.2021 (eutanasia; suspect stroke / epäily aivoinfarkti) |
Kobayashi |
+/+ |
full dentition 4.4.2010 – 27.11.2020 (eutanasia; old age troubles) |
Kubrick |
A |
0/0 |
+/? |
Not for breeding: blue eye (EJ), full dentition, sterilized 05/2012, Canicross National Championships 4/10,
29.9.2012, SAR DOg trials (SEARCH) passed 13.4.2013 + 25.4.2013, official SAR_dog
confirmed 10/2013 4.10.2015 Canicross National Championships DCM, placing 10/14 4.4.2010 – 26.3.2021 (tumour in the spleen - pernakasvain; eutanasia) |
Kuroda |
A |
0/0 |
+/? |
full dentition | |
Kurosawa |
B |
0/0 |
+/+ |
EE CH, CAC (Estonia), BM placements |
full dentition seminoma (beningn) operated 02/2017 - castrated; link to testicular tumors 4.4.2010 - 28.7.2020 (eutanasia: old age troubles & glaucoma affecteng greatly on the quality of life) |
Katharsis |
A |
0/0 |
+/+ |
MH-test passed, LT + 142p |
missing 1 x P4, sterilized 02/2012 |
Katherine |
?/+ |
BLR & FI & EE CH, CAC (Estonia, Belorussia, Lithuania), BF placements, CACIB, BOB, BOG-2 |
missing 2 x P4 |
Kharisma |
A |
0/0 |
+/+ |
CIB & TLN WinterCup Winner-14, FI & BALT & LV & LT & EE CH, JWW'11, BALT & EE & LV & LT VCH, BALTVW-18 | missing 2 x P4, Official heart auscultation: no heart murmur nor sign of heart failure;
status normal (SKL sydänkuuntelu; normaali 8.4.2014) 4.4.2010 - 28.7.2022 (eutanasia: old age troubles) |
Khloe |
+/+ |
missing 1 x P1, sterilized 03/2012 | |
Kokoschka |
A |
0/0 |
+/+ |
Nor for breeding: patch (EJ), full dentition, sterilized 10/2012. 4.4.2010 - 16.6.2022 (eutanasia: glaucoma affecteng greatly on the quality of life) |
born 5.2.2011
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
Show | Character- test |
Other |
Lacan | +/+ |
full dentition, 5.2.2011 - 6.9.2021 (eutanasia due Cushing syndrome affecting greatly on the quality of his life) | ||||
Lancelot | A |
0/0 |
+/? |
EX | missing 3 x P2, sterilized 03/2013 operated cruciate ligament (1 knee; 09/2015; ristiside operoitu), 5.2.2011 - 5.12.2021 (eutanasia; rupture in the spleen / pernan repeämä) |
Lemminkäinen | A |
0 |
+/+ |
CIB & FI & SE & EE & LV & LT & BALT CH, EE & LV & LT & BY & BALT VetCH, EE & LV & LT & BALT JCH, European Veteran Winner-19 (EVW-19), Austrian Veteran Winner-19 (ATVW-19), Tallinn WinterCup VeteranW-19, Tallinn VeteranW-19 (TLNVW-19), Tallinn Junior Winner 2012 (TLN JW'12), ÖDaC / ÖKV Jugendsieger-12, FDC BOS-Junior'12, MH | MH | full dentition |
Léon | B/C |
0 |
+/- |
EX | full dentition, operated cruciate ligament (1 knee; 3/2013; ristiside operoitu). Article on cruciate ligament operations (in Finnish) |
Leonardo | B |
0/0 |
+/+ |
BALT & BY & FI & EE & LV & LT CH | missing 2 x P urate stone operated 08/2016 |
Leopold | +/+ |
full dentition 5.2.2011 - 28.7.2024 (old age: died peacefully in his sleep) |
Lionheart | B |
0 |
+/+ |
CIB, FI.EE.LT.BLR CH BALT.EE.LV.LT JunCH HeJW-11 | full dentition urate chrystals detected 2014, special diet started 5.2.2011-18.3.2024 (passed away peacefully in sleep; old age) |
Locke | +/+ |
full dentition sterilized 09 / 2015 urate stone operated 11/2015 5.2.2011 - 7.7.2018 (sudden death; previously undetected hypothyreosis having caused heaart muscle atrophy and failure) |
Liebchen | A |
0/0 |
+/+ |
EX | missing 1 x P1, 2 x P2, 1 x P3, operated cruciate ligament (1 knee; 12/2013; ristiside operoitu) | |
Lorelei | B |
0 |
+/+ |
VG | +82p (26.4.2015) |
missing 3 x P1, 2 x P2, 1 x P3, operated cruciate ligament ( 2 knees; 5/2013 + 11/2013; ristiside operoitu
, molemmat polvet) 5.2.2011 - 17.4.2023 (eutanasia; suspect tumor related to old age) |
Louhi | C/B |
0/0 |
+/+ |
EX | missing 3 x P | |
Lourdes | A |
+/- |
full dentition |
born 13.4.2013
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
Show | Character- test |
Other |
Odin | A |
0/0 |
+/+ |
full dentition Certified Finder-dog 2016 |
Olaf | +/+ |
full dentition, osteosarcoma diagnosed 11/2014 Osteosarkooma (suomeksi) euthaniasia 01/2015 (osteosarcoma) |
Orion | B |
0/0 |
+/+ |
FI & LV & EE CH, BLR JunCH & BLRJW-14, BALT & EE & LV & LT JCH | First dignosed in 09/2015 with osteosarcoma wich originated from trauma to soft tissue and due this rear leg amputated 09/2015 - Rediagnosed
11/2015 with histiocytic
sarcoma 13.4.2013 - 23.12.2015 (euthanasia; histiosytic sarcoma) |
Osgar | A |
0/0 |
+/+ |
CIB & NORD & BALT & FI & NO & SE & EE & LV & LT CH & EE JCH, EE VCH, TLNWinter Cup JW-14 & TLNWinter CupW-14 & ValmieraW-16, BALTVW-21 | full dentition |
Ossian | A |
0/0 |
+/+ |
FI & EE CH, EE JunCH & EDALK BOB-Junior'14 | full dentition, sterlized (04/2016) 13.4.2013 - 11.8.2021 (eutanasia: intestinal tumour) |
Oswald | A |
0/0 |
+/+ |
full dentition | ||
Oula | A/A |
0/0 |
+/+ |
FI CH | full dentition 3.4.2013 - 4.2.2016 (authanasia; hemangiosarcoma OR teleangiectatic sarcoma) |
Odile | +/+ |
full dentition in 2015 diagnosed with CAD and occassional vasculitis occuring related to eg. rabies vaccination (Canine Atopic Dermatitis) |
Oihonna | A |
0/0 |
+/+ |
EEJunCH, EE CH | full dentition | |
Oma | A |
0/0 |
+/+ |
CIB, BALT & FI & SE & EE & LV & LT & BLR CH, EE JCH, TLN WinterCup Junior Winner-14 | full dentition cruciate ligament operated 04/2020 on one rear leg due trauma (fell down badly from stairs) Mild MMVD (Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease) detected 12/2022 Sterilized 12/2022 |
Opri | A |
0/0 |
+/+ |
FI & EE CH | full dentition, partially blue eye 3.10.2015 Canicross National Championships DCM/W2.5 km, time 8.31, placing 2 / 10 |
Owendy | +/+ |
full dentition |
born 10.6.2014
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
Show | Character- test |
Other |
Qommander | A |
0/0 |
-/+ |
missing 2 X P4, LTV0, VAO |
spondylosis - SPO (free, 01/2018; FKU), hypothyreosis detected 01/2018 |
born 6.8.2015
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
Show | Character- test |
Other |
Starrider | B/C |
0/1 |
+/+ |
C.I.B. & C.I.B-V.(to be confirmed) NORD & FI & SE & NO & BALT & EE & LV & LT & RU CH, FI & EE VCH, EE JCH, EEW-18, Tallinn Winter Cup Winner-24 & Veteran Winner-24, MoletaiCupW-17, FinDAL Open BOS-Puppy-16 & TLN Puppy Winner-16 | full dentition TLN Puppy Winner-16 LTV-0 (lubosacral transitional vertebrae - normal, 11/2016) LTV-0, VA0, SP1 lemon - carrier (DNA; Laboklin) |
Sandman | A |
0/0 |
+/+ |
CIB.HR.BiH.HU CH BiH.HR.HU JCH, LV CH,EE CH | full dentition lemon - free (DNA; Laboklin) |
Shaman | +/- |
FI & BALT & LT & LV & EE CH BH TK1 RTK1 RTK2 MH | full dentition BH - passed (29.4.2017) TK1 RTK1 RTK2 MH - passed (16.6.2018) Castrated spring 2020 6.8.2015 - 6.4.2023 (eutanasia; spondylotic changes started to greatly affect on his quality of life) |
Sinbad | +/+ |
full dentition 6.8.2015 - 3.8.2023 (eutanasia; tumour of the spleen) |
Sheherazade | B/A |
0/0 |
+/- |
EE & LV CH, Best Female placements, 3 x res-CACIB | full dentition lemon - carrier (DNA; Laboklin) LTV1 (divided median crest (s1-s2) or other midly abnormal structure), VA0 (normal), spondylosis - SP0 (free) lemon - carrier (DNA; Laboklin) Mild MMVD (Myxomatous Mitral Valve Disease) detected end of 2021; medication started for MMVD 08/2022 6.8.2015-15.7.2024 (Tumour in the bone) |
Shalimar | B/B |
0/0 |
+/- |
C.I.B. BALT, FI, SE, EE, LV, LT & BY CH. FI, EE, LT & LV VCH. TLN Winter Cup VW-25. TLN Winter Cup W-25. HeVW-24 BALTW-17 & BOB at Finnish Dalmatian Club Champion of Dalmatians 2017 &2019. HeJW-16 & EE JCH & FinDAL Open BOB-Puppy-16 | full dentition lumbosacral transitional vertebra - LTV1 (divided median crest (s1-s2) or other mildly abnormal structure) vertebral anomaly - VA0 (normal) |
Saskia | C/C |
1/0 |
+/+ |
CIB & FI & EE & SE CH, TLN WCup Winner-17 & FINJW-16 (JV-16) & EE JCH | full dentition LTV-0 (normal) |
Shiva | +/- |
full dentition |
born 9.8.2016
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
Show | Character- test |
Other |
T'Aramis | -/+ |
missing 1xP2, 2xP3 | ||||
T'Aragorn | A |
0/0 |
+/+ |
LTV0 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra; normal) SPO (spondylosis; free) VA0 (vertebral anomaly; normal) 9.8.2016 - 22.9.2018 (eutanasia; epileptic type seizures dispite medication, suspect bacteria / virus trigger; autopsy not conducted) complete dentition, gastric obstruction operated 12/2017, tail aputated due inflammation of unknown origin 03/2018 |
Thesiree | A/B |
0/0 |
-/+ |
FI.BALT.EE.LV.LT.RU CH, EE JCH | LTV - 0 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra: 0, normal)
VA - 0 (vertebral anomaly: 0, normal) E-Locus (coat colour yellow) - PCR: Result: genotype E/E (non-carrier, DNA: Laboklin) complete dentition Euthanized 21.10.2019 (in obduction no spesific findings, epilepsy of idiopathic type not ruled out) |
Thessalia | -/+ |
EE.LT.LV.BALT CH | missing 2 x P3 , 2x P4 LTV0 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra; normal) VA0 (vertebral anomaly; normal) |
Thalassa | +/+ |
dentition: ?? | ||||
Theba | +/+ |
missing 2xP3 sterilized autumn 2018 9.8.2016- 29.3.2023 (eutanasia: lymphoma) |
born 10.6.2018
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
Show | Character- test |
Other |
Unto | +/+ |
Urmas | C/C |
0/0 |
+/+ |
complete dentition lumbosacral transitional vertebra - LTV0 (norma) spondylosis - SP0 (free vertebral anomaly - VA0 (normal |
Usko | +/+ |
complete dentition | ||||
Urho | B/B |
0/0 |
+/+ |
BH. JK1. JK2. JK3. TK1. TK2. RTK1. RTK2. RTK3. RTK4. EK1. FI & EE & LT CH & EE JCH. MEJÄ RM-24. Skijoring Breed Gold Medalist-23, -24 & -25 (RM 2023, 2024 & 2025). National Championships Skijoring Bronze Medalists (SM3) -23 & Silver Medalist (SM2) -24. Austrian Junior Winner-19 (ATJW-19). Helsinki Puppy Winner-18 | complete dentition, lumbosacral transitional vertebra - LTV0 (normal; 06/2020; FKU) spondylosis - SP0 (free; 06/2020; FKU) vertebral anomaly - VA0 (normal; 06/2020; FKU) |
Uoti | +/- |
complete dentition | ||||
Unna | B/B |
0/0 |
+/+ |
C.I.B. & FI & BALT & EE & LT & LV & BY CH & BALT & LV & EE & LT JCH & Tallinn JuniorW-19 (TLNJW-19) | complete dentition, lumbosacral transitional vertebra - LTV0 (normal; 06/2020; FKU) spondylosis - SP0 (free; 06/2020; FKU) vertebral anomaly - VA0 (normal; 06/2020; FKU) lemon - free (DNA; Laboklin) |
Usva | +/+ |
complete dentition Epileptic type seizures in 06/2020 and 10/2020 - on medication: suspect idiopatic epilepsy (of unknown origin) Partial medial cruciate ligament tear of the hock; operated 08/2022 (osittainen kintereen mediaalisten ligamenttien repeämä; operoitu) |
Ulrika | +/+ |
complete dentition, Sterilized 07/2019 |
born 18.9.2019
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
Show | Character- test |
Other |
Woitto | A/A |
0/0 |
+/- |
hyperurticosuria: N/Hu (LUA; Laboklin), missing 2xP4, 1xP3 LTV-0 (normal), VA0 (normal), spondylosis - SP0 (free) |
Woima | +/+ |
hyperurticosuria: N/Hu (LUA; Laboklin), complete dentition Masticatory muscle myositis detected 02/2022 (possibly triggered by atopy related ear infections) Demonstrates Canine atopic dermatitis (caD) symptoms |
Walo | -/- |
euthanized 31.10.2019 due deafness, hyperurticosuria: N/Hu (LUA; Laboklin) | ||||
Wanamo | -/- |
euthanized 31.10.2019 due deafness, hyperurticosuria: N/Hu (LUA; Laboklin) | ||||
Wellamo | B/B |
0/0 |
+/+ |
hyperurticosuria: HUU/HUU (Laboklin), missing 1xP3 LTV-0 (normal), VA0 (normal), spondylosis - SP0 (free) |
born 24.6.2020
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
Show | Character- test |
Other |
Xport Your Love | A/B |
0/0 |
+/- |
FI, EE, LV, LT & BALT CH. EE JW-21 & TLNJW-21. EE JCH | LTV0 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra; normal) VA0 (vertebral anomaly; normal) spondylosis - SPO (free, 06/2022; FKU) | |
Xhibit Grace | C/B |
0/0 |
+/+ |
EE JMVA | LTV1 (divided median crest (s1-s2) or other mildly abnormal structure) SP0 (free) VA0 (normal), number of anomalies: 0 Demonstrates Canine atopic dermatitis (caD) symptoms |
Xecutive Order | B/B |
0/0 |
-/+ |
EEJV-21 | complete dentition |
Xact Image | +/+ |
Xcel Heart | +/+ |
Xpert Mind | +/+ |
Partially torn cruciate ligament (trauma) operated 11/ 2022 | ||||
Xpect No Less | +/+ |
Suspect SRMA 8/2021 (possibly triggered by vaccinations) Sterilized 1/2023 |
Xpress Yourself | B/B |
0 |
+/+ |
Gastric obstruction (pine cone, hair, wood / suolistotukos; käpy, hiuksia, kepinpaloja ) operated 03/2020 LTV0 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra; normal), VA0 (vertebral anomaly; normal), spondylosis - SPO (free, 09/2022; FKU) |
Xplore Epoq | +/+ |
castrated in early 2023 | ||||
Xceed All | +/+ |
born 10.10.2021
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
Show | Character- test |
Other |
Yekaterina | C/B |
1/0 |
+/+ |
EE CH | Complete dentition lemon - carrier (DNA; Laboklin) LTV0 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra; normal) VA0 (vertebral anomaly; normal) spondylosis - SPO (free) Demonstrates Canine atopic dermatitis (caD) symptoms |
Yelena | +/+ |
Complete dentition lemon - free (DNA; Laboklin) Not for breeding: partially blue eye |
Yegor | C/B |
0/0 |
+/+ |
Complete dentition LTV1 (divided median crest (s1-s2) or other midly abnormal structure) VA0 (vertebral anomaly; normal) spondylosis - SPO (free) |
Yevgeny | B/B |
0/0 |
+/+ |
EE CH. Tallinn Baby Winner -22 | Complete dentition lemon - carrier (DNA; Laboklin) LTV0 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra; normal) VA0 (vertebral anomaly; normal) spondylosis - SPO (free) |
Yaroslav | A/A |
+/+ |
Complete dentition lemon - free (DNA; Laboklin) |
Yaromir | B/B |
0/0 |
+/+ |
Complete dentition LTV0 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra; normal) VA0 (vertebral anomaly; normal) spondylosis - SPO (free) 3 incisive teeth removed due injury; SKL veterinarian certificate (06/2024) |
Yulian | A/A |
1/1 |
+/+ |
Complete dentition lemon - carrier (DNA; Laboklin) LTV0 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra; normal) VA0 (vertebral anomaly; normal) spondylosis - SPO (free) |
Yakov | +/+ |
Complete dentition |
Yasha | A/B |
0/0 |
+/+ |
Complete dentition Not for breeding (EJ; blue eye) Hunting Dogs Aptitude Test for Tracking - passed LTV1 (divided median crest (s1-s2) or other mildly abnormal structure) VA0 (vertebral anomaly; normal) spondylosis - SPO (free) |
Yura | +/+ |
Missing 1 x P1 lemon - carrier (DNA; Laboklin) Not for breeding: partially blue eye |
born 30.4.2022
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
Show | Character- test |
Other |
Zahera | C/D |
0/0 |
+/+ |
FI CH, FI JCH, EE JCH, Tallinn Winter Cup Junior Winner -23 | Genotype N/e1 (before E/e: lemon carrier; Laboklin) Complete dentition LTV0 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra; normal) VA0 (vertebral anomaly; normal) spondylosis - SPO (free) |
Zahra | +/+ |
Genotype N/N (before E/E: lemon free; Laboklin) Missing 2 x P4(?) |
Zahida | +/+ |
Complete dentition(?) | ||||
Zelma | C/C |
0/0 |
-/+ |
FI & EE CH. C.I.B.-J. EE, FI & LV JCH. EEJW-23, LVJW-23 | Genotype N/e1 (before E/e: lemon carrier; Laboklin) Complete dentition LTV0 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra; normal) VA0 (vertebral anomaly; normal) spondylosis - SPO (free) |
Zachary | B/C |
0/0 |
+/+ |
C.I.B.(to be confirmed) FI & SE & LV & LT & EE & BALT CH. BALTW-24. C.I.B.-J. FI & EE & LV JCH. LVJW-23. TLN JW-23 Finnish Puppy Winner-22, Helsinki Puppy Winner-22 |
Genotype N/e1 (before E/e: lemon carrier; Laboklin) Complete dentition LTV1 (divided median crest (S1-S2) or other midly abnormal structure SPO (free) VA0 (normal) |
Zavier | C/B |
0/0 |
+/+ |
FI, EE & LT CH. FI & EE JCH. TLN Winter Cup W-25. Tallinn Winner-24 | Genotype N/e1 (before E/e: lemon carrier; Laboklin) Complete dentition Finder dog advanced final exam - passed 26.9.2024 RTK1 LTV0 (Normal) VA0 (vertebral anomaly; normal) spondylosis - SPO (free) |
Zabel | +/- |
Complete dentition | ||||
Zafar | +/- |
Complete dentition | ||||
Zahir | A/A |
0/0 |
+/+ |
Genotype N/N (before E/E: lemon free; Laboklin) Complete dentition LTV1 (Divided median crest (S1-S2) or other mildly abnormal structure) VA0 (vertebral anomaly; normal) spondylosis - SPO (free) |
Zayd | C/B |
0/0 |
+/+ |
Missing 2 x P3(?) LTV0 (lumbosacral transitional vertebra; normal) spondylosis - SPO (free) |
Zaul | +/+ |
Complete dentition |
born 19.9.2024
Dog | HD |
ED (OD) |
Show | Character- test |
Other |
Aequitas | +/+ |
Lemon - free (by parentage) |
Aiolos | +/- |
Lemon - free (by parentage) |
Apollo | +/- |
Lemon - free (by parentage) |
Atlantis | -/- |
Lemon - free (by parentage) 7.11.2024 Eutanasia due deafness |
Aquarius | +/+ |
Lemon - free (by parentage) Not for breeding due blue eye |
Aeternitas | +/+ |
TLN Winter Cup BabyW-25 | Lemon - free (by parentage) |
Ariadne | +/+ |
Lemon - free (by parentage) |
Asteria | +/+ |
Lemon - free (by parentage) |
Aurora | -/- |
Lemon - free (by parentage) 7.11.2024 Eutanasia due deafness |
Althea | +/+ |
Lemon - free (by parentage) |
Artemis | +/- |
Lemon - free (by parentage) |