O'zone B-litter
born May 8th 2002
2 males (brown)
4 females (2 black, 2 brown)
Baikal, Baku
Babylone, Baltica, Boheme, Byzance
B-litter Charactertest scoreboard
FIN & EST CH EDC Junior W'99 & Youth W'00 BH HK2 (Search 2) ADpr HD-B phtvl/phpv-grenzfall
Medusa von der Räuberhöhle
Nemesis Figi v. Koepsel
BH, TK1, PEJÄ, PEHA, SAR-dog, National
exam for RH-F and RH-FL
O'zone Baikal
at 5 weeks
at 12 weeks
almost 23 months
at 2 years
at 2 years
photo by Jaana Hakola
Sending to look for lost person (training Search), autumn 2004
Apport in lost object search training, autumn 2004
Night time search & rescue training inside a building - and lost person found
Pekka & Rico in Searching 1 trial
Rico & Jade, autumn '05
Rico & Jade, autumn '05
Jade & Rico in May'06
Rico in his SAR Dog Team vest, April'07
Rico & Pekka at SAR obedience trial
© K. Salomaa
The SAR Dog Team of year 2007, Dog Club Tassut; Pekka Salomaa & O'zone Baikal
O'zone Baikal and his owner/handler P. Salomaa got a Honorary Mention and
recognition for "Rico's" work as a SAR-dog. He is greatly missed by so
O'zone Baikal'lle (ohj. P. Salomaa) myönnettiin VAPEPAN Salon hälytysryhmän
kunniamaininta ansiokkaasta työstä pelastuskoirana."Ricoa" jäivät
kaipaamaan niin monet...
8.5.2002 - 8.8.2008
schawannoma maligni, hermotupenkasvain
http://encyclopedia. thefreedictionary.com/ Malignant+Schwannoma
erittäin aggressivisesti edennyt kasvain uuvutti taistelijan
vWD - clear (vapaa; Laboklin DNA-test)
CAH - normal (M0; May'07)
neck & spine x-rayed normal (9.11.2007)
3 teeth surgically removed because of training accident
3 hammasta poistettu kirurgisesti treenionnettomuuden seurauksena
BH-test passed 24.4.2005
TK1 (Obedience I, 3 x 1/V-result; 163,5 p., 163 p., 168 p.; 1 x 3/G-result;
135 p.)
Obedience II, 2-result: 144 p.; 2 x 2-result: 158 p. in Obedience Team Finnish
Championships (TOKO joukkue SM-kisat)/ 156 p./67,5 p.
In SAR Dog Trial 3.6.2007 obedience accepted, search accepted; National exam
for RH-FL (PEHA)
National exam for RH-F (PEJÄ) 8.9.2007, SAR Dog of year 2007 by Dog Club
Finnish Charactertest (LT 12.6.2005
+125 p.)
3 x CAC (full CAC's) & res-CAC & BOS & res-CACIB, Best Male -placements
Owner: K. & P. Salomaa, Finland
Shown in Baby class (5-7 months)
Lahti 27.10.2002 V1 & BOS-puppy for Mr Luoso (FIN)
Shown in Puppy class (7-9 months)
Turku CACIB-show 26.1.2003 V2 for Mr Weldraajier (NL)
Shown in Junior class
Tampere CACIB-show 16.3.2003 EX 1 & CAC for Mr Smith (GB)
Hyvinkää 13.7.2003 EX 1 & res-CAC for Mr Pentenero (Italy)
Tampere 28.9.2003 EX 1 & CAC & BOS for Mrs Kharatishvili (RUS)
Shown in Open class
Hyvinkää 3.7.2005 0 for Mrs Palgi (FIN)
Pori CACIB-show 29.7.2007 EX 1, 2nd Best Male & CAC & res-CACIB
"Rico's" family has a new member from September'05, brown girlie "Jade" (Aldo
EM & Eria Pro Iterna Magica) - have a look at her & littermates :-)
Taigatrails Ajade Artemida
and from September'06 also a brown young man "Pequ" (Petrus Giro de Diemar & Eria Pro Iterna Magica) - have a look at him and his littermates :-)
Taigatrails Brown Pequenito
Rico, Jade & Pequ, October'06
(c) P. Salomaa
Rico and his mates, February'07
FI & RU & LV & SE & EE CH, FH1, BH, TK2, KK1
O'zone Baku
at 5 weeks
at 13 months
Obedience training in spring '04; heeling
Lost object found - spring '05
Photo by M. Rytkönen
August 2005
October 2005
April 2006
April 2006
July 2006
Baku tracking, September 2006
Baku & Dascha vom Havelland, February '07
February '07
© K. Virtala
Baku at Tervakoski INT show August 26th'07
© K. Virtala
Baku at Tervakoski INT show August 26th'07
© H. Pasanen
Baku after Seinäjoki INT, Oct. 21st '07: Best male, BOS, CAC, CACIB
Baku in Lahti INT Oct.28th'07
© M. Rytkönen
Baku at almost 6 years
Baku & Dascha, September '08
© O. Vilkuna
Baku in KK-trial in Estonia, 4.7.2009
© O. Vilkuna
Baku in KK-trial in Estonia, 4.7.2009, first place
8.5.2002 - 15.4.2010
eutanasia (due to spinal cord discus prolapsis)
ED (OD) - 0/0
CAH - normal (M0; May 2009)
vWD - clear (vapaa; VetGen DNA-test)
Abnormality diagnosed in the neck vertebrae: degeration of a spinal discus C6-7
(lievä välilevyn rappeuma), mild discus prolapsis C6-7 (lievä välilevyn pullistuma),
mild compression of spinal cord 02/2008 (MRI-scan)
Spine - normal 02/2006 + 2/2008 (x-ray/MRI-scan)
BH-test passed 18.9.2004
TK1 (Obedience I, 3 x 1/V-result; 167 p, 162 p, 183,5 p)
TK2 (Obedience II, 3 x 1/V-result, 1 x 2/SG-result; 163,5 p.; 157 p.; 193,5
p & HP; 162 p.)
FH1 27.10.2007 (70 p.)
KK1 4.7.2009 (90 p.)
Good Dog
Citizen test 21.10.2006
Finnish Charactertest (LT 12.6.2005 +125
Owner: H. Pasanen, Finland
Baku's full SHOW & OTHER RESULTS at his homepage - have a look :-)
Baku's homepage
"Baku's" family has a new member from May'06, little black girlie "Dascha" (Spike
Les Deux Peupliers & Isana vom Märkischen Land)
Dascha vom Havelland
O'zone Babylone
at 16 weeks
"Pinkki" at 29 months
Sister and brother: O'zone Babylone & Baku, October '04... speeeeeeddd!!!
at almost 4 years
© S. Laakkonen
September '06
at 4,5 years, January'07
Madda and Pinkki 13.6.2010
Cooling off summer heat 7.8.2010
8.5.2002 - 10.8.2010
eutanasia (aggressive osteosarcoma)
CAH - normal (M0; November'06)
vWD - clear (vapaa; VetGen DNA-test)
neck & spine x-rayed normal; 03/2006
Cardiotested - normal
(15.11.2006; clinical + ECG + ultra)
Finnish Charactertest (LT 31.10.2004 +126 p.)
Progeny: O'zone F-litter
Owner: P. Rintamäki, Finland
Shown in Puppy class (7-9 months)
Finnish Winner CACIB-show 8.12.2002 V3 for Mrs Karttunen (FIN)
Shown in Youth class
Lahti 18.1.2004 VG 3 for Mrs Rannala (EST)
Turku CACIB-show 24.1.2004 EX 4 for Mr Lemo (KRO)
Shown in Open class
Jyväskylä (CACIB) 20.11.2005 VG for Mrs Holm (FIN)
Lahti 15.1.2006 VG 4 for Mrs Karttunen (FIN)
Tampere (CACIB) 18.3.2006 VG 2 for Mr S. Giannone (BE)
Helsinki Working Breeds Assoc. spring show 7.5.2006 VG 2 for Mrs C. Ranne (FIN)
Helsinki (CACIB) 20.5.2006 VG 4 for Mr A. Lyrholm (SWE)
Helsinki, Finnish Dobermann Club Speciality Show 4.6.2006 EX for Mr T. Byström (SWE), received Keevan Trophy for Best Charactertested Finnish Bred & Owned Dobermann Female
Helsinki 17.9.2006 VG 4 for Mrs N. Karlsdotter (SWE)
Lahti 14.1.2007 EX 2 & 4th Best Female for Mrs P. Rekiranta (FIN)
Karjaa CACIB 1.7.2007 EX 3 for C. Vantu (RO)
Shown in Veteran class
Vantaa 5.6.2010, Dobermann Speciality Show VG 4 for Norbert Daube
O'zone Baltica
at 16 weeks
In Memoriam
sudden death when outing, had been operated on pyometra approx. a month
Finnish Charactertest (LT 12.6.2005 +142 p.)
Owner: A. Väisänen, Finland
Shown in Baby class (5-7 months)
Lahti 27.10.2002 V1 & HP & BOB-puppy for Mr Luoso (FIN)
Shown in Junior class
Tervakoski 6.9.2003 VG 3 for Mrs Rannala (EST)
O'zone Boheme
approx 10 months
Wanting to get "higher"
almost 13 months
Nemé & Niklas summer 2003
approx 15 months
playing with Dad
"Nemé" in BH-test
in BH-test
At 3 years
in November'05
in November'05
in November'05
"Nemé" in autumn forest
"Nemé" in Spring'07
8.5.2002 - 23.2.2009
sudden death (no autopsy conducted)
ED (OD) - 0/0
neck & spine x-rayed normal; 03/2006
vWD - clear (vapaa; Finnzymes DNA-test)
CAH - normal (M0; May'06)
cardiotested - normal (ultra + ECG + clinical, 28.6.2005)
ADpr-test passed 11.9.2004 (Kestävyyskoe hyväksytty)
BH-test passed 9.10.2004
JK1 8.6.2008 (obedience 87/100 p., object search & tracking 180/200 p. Total 267 p.)
Finnish Charactertest (LT 31.10.2004 +181 p.)
7.11.2004 Canicross 4 km-series; 1. place
9.10.2005 Canicross 4.4 km-series; 2. place
15.10.2005 Canicross Finnish Championships; 8. place
7.10.2005 Canicross women's competition series (qualif. for Nat. CH.); 2. place with handler H. Kyyrönen
15.10.2005 Canicross Finnish Championships, women's competition series; 4. place with handler H. Kyyrönen
CACIB, 3 x CAC (full CAC's), BOB's, res-CAC's
Owner: M. Leinonen & J. Valli, Finland
Shown in Baby class (5-7 months)
Lahti 27.10.2002 V2 for Mr Luoso (FIN)
Shown in Puppy class (7-9 months)
Seinäjoki 9.11.2002 V1 & HP & BOB & BOG3 -puppy for Mr Alén (FIN)
Turku CACIB-show 26.1.2003 V4 for Mr Weldraaijer (NL)
Jyväskylä 2.2.2003 V1 & Honor Prize & BOB-puppy for Mr Tast (FIN)
Shown in Junior class
Finnish Dobermann Club Speciality show 25.5.2003 VG 4 for Mrs Sjöblom (FIN)
Heinola 24.8.2003 EX 1 & CAC & BOB for Mr Weldraaijer (NL)
Porvoo 13.9.2003 VG 4 for Mr Wiblishauser (GER)
Tampere 28.9.2003 EX 1 & res-CAC for Mrs Kharatishvili (RU)
Shown in Youth class
Jyväskylä 15.11.2003 EX 1 & CAC & CACIB for Mrs Palgi (FIN)
Helsinki 7.12.2003 Finnish Winner show VG 4 for Mr Kliebenstein (GER)
Turku CACIB-show 24.1.2004 EX for Mr Lemo (KRO)
Shown in Open class
Helsinki, Finnish Dobermann Club Speciality Show 22.5.2004 EX for Mr Rosenberg (RUS)
Helsinki, Aptus Show (CACIB) 23.5.2004 EX 3 for Mr Zidar (SLO)
Heinola 29.8.2004 EX 1, Best female, CAC, BOB for Mr Muntean (RO)
Tampere 12.9.2004 EX 3 for Mr Hartman (Hungary)
O'zone Byzance
at 16 weeks
© T. Hyvärinen
Sanni 2009
8.5.2002-24.8.2009 (eutanasia; renal failure)
Owner: J. Plump, Finland
In puppytest at 7 weeks all puppies demonstrated independance, high self-assurance, playfulness and sociability
Tested by Mr Myyry Haus Riback dobermanns
at 4 weeks
head of B-litter puppy at 5 weeks
sire: INT & D & A & VDH & SLO CH ZTP V1A SchH1 IPO2
Como Jivono di Matario
Description & Explanations to different elements of the Finnish Charactertest
Dog |
Medusa von der Räuberhöhle (dam) |
O'zone Baikal |
O'zone Baku |
O'zone Babylone |
O'zone Baltica |
O'zone Boheme |
O'zone Byzance |
I Capability to function |
+1 |
-1 |
+1 |
+1 |
+1 |
+2 |
II Sharpness |
+1 |
+1 |
+1 |
+1 |
+3 |
+1 |
III Desire for defence action |
- 1 |
+1 |
+1 |
+1 |
+1 |
+1 |
V Desire to fight |
+2 |
+2 |
-1 |
-1 |
-1 |
+3 |
V Nerve construction |
+1 |
+1 |
+1 |
+1 |
+1 |
+1 |
VI Temperament |
+3 |
+2 |
+2 |
+1 |
+3 |
+1 |
VII Mental hardness |
+1 |
+1 |
+1 |
+3 |
+1 |
+3 |
VIII Accessibility |
+3 |
+3 |
+3 |
+3 |
+3 |
+3 |
IX Gunshot |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Total |
+168 |
+125 |
+125 |
+126 |
+142 |
+181 |
The purpose of the character test is to examine a dog's behavior in a situation where it's nervous system is heavily stressed. Test results can be used to define dog's character, determine
the dog's suitability to training, and of course it gives information for breeding, too. The age limits for dog's
participating are from 2 to 6 years.
Tests are judged by two specially trained judges. Every tested feature is estimated on a six-degree scale from +3 to -3.
All features have individual coefficients based on the feature's trainability and on the other hand inheritability. A dog is certified when its total points are at least +75 and it has got positive rank (at least +1) from the following features: tendency to aggression, nerves and accessibility.
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