News 2009
O'zone K-litter (Dalmatian) planned for 2010.
O'zone K-pentue (Dalmatiankoira) suunnitteilla vuodelle 2010. |
In our small breeding many good things have happened again this year 2009
O'zone Evald "Eetu" and Gracilis Irresistible "Irma" finished their
International Championships (C.I.B.) as the "1 year and 1 day" rule was
fulfilled and for example, they took a double win in Riga INT (Latvia)
in June "Eetu" being BOB & BIG1 & BIS5 and "Irma" BOS.
Lacrima Christi Close To Ozone "Alma" became FIN & EE CH (in one weekend)! O'zone Goldfinger "Otso" got CAC's and BOB's and BIG-placings in Finland and Estonia (expecting to finish his championships in 2010). Natascha Number One "Ghia" did a comeback to showgrounds at age 9,5 years winning EE & LT VET CH titles. O'zone Baku added EE & LV & SE CH & KK1 to his titles. Dascha vom Havelland got KK1 and Estonian CAC. Demolition Extra Elite got FH1 & AD. I-litter puppies had great debutes in baby/puppy/junior classes with O'zone Ikaros finishing the year Finnish Junior Winner 2009 & Nordic Junior Winner 2009. The H-litter has been health checked. The F-litter has been Finnish Charactertested The J-litter is born and found their owners... And many many more bigger and smaller achievements and events have taken place. There has also been some sorrow and hard times. THANK YOU to all those who have supported me and have taken good care of their dogs! |
13.12.2009 |
Nordic Winner 2009
dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Ikaros EX 1, Nordic Junior Winner '09 (PMJV-09), 4th Best Male, CAC O'zone Ilias EX 3 O'zone Ilmarinen VG ![]() O'zone Ikaros in Open class males: O'zone Golfinger EX 1, res-CAC in Champion class males: O'zone Evald EX in Junior class females: O'zone Iman VG in Champion class females: Gracilis Irresistible VG for J. Nallem (Uruguay) dobermanns in Youth class males: O'zone Huron EX 2, 3rd Best Male for K. Louhi (FI) dalmatiankoirat "Ikaros" ERI 1, PMJV-09, PU 4, SERT "Ilias" ERI 3 "Ilmari" EH "Otso" ERI 1, vara-SERT "Eetu" ERI "Irma" VG Tuomarina J. Nallem (Uruguay) dobermannit "Huron" ERI 2, PU 3 Tuomarina K. Louhi (FI) |
12.12.2009 |
Finnish Winner 2009
Great results over the weekend at the biggest annual shows in Finland with over 17 000 entires in all! dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Ikaros EX 1, Finnish Junior Winner '09 (JV-09), res-CAC (qualifies for Crufts 2010 & 2011) O'zone Ilias EX 2 O'zone Ilmarinen VG 3 ![]() O'zone Ilmarinen in Open class males: O'zone Golfinger VG 1 in Champion class males: O'zone Evald EX in Junior class females: O'zone Iman VG in Champion class females: Gracilis Irresistible EX in Breeder's class: Kennel O'zone 1st place, HP for T. Illukka (FI) dalmatiankoirat "Ikaros" ERI 1, JV-09, vara-SERT "Ilias" ERI 2 "Ilmari" EH 3 "Otso" EH 1 "Eetu" ERI "Miina" EH "Irma" ERI kasvattajaluokka 1 KP ROP-Kasvattaja Tuomarina T. Illukka (FI) |
5.12.2009 |
O'zone Huron was awarded the most advanced newcomer 2009 in DTT club! Congratulations Huron and Sanna, keep up the good work!
O'zone Huron palkittiin DTT:n (Dobermann Team Turku) vuoden 2009 edistyneimpänä tulokkaana! Onnea Huron ja Sanna! |
29.11.2009 |
Turku INT
dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Ikaros VG 2 O'zone Ilmarinen VG 3 for C. Mery (FR) dalmatiankoirat "Ikaros" EH 2 "Ilmari" EH 3 Tuomarina C. Mery (FR) |
28.11.2009 |
Turku INT
dobermanns in Youth class males: O'zone Huron VG 4 O'zone Hades VG in Open class males: O'zone Fulton VG 4 in Youth class females: O'zone Hope EX 2 for Z. Sallijevic (SE) dobermannit "Huron" EH 4 "Hades" EH "Luca" EH 4 "Hani" ERI 2 Tuomarina Z. Sallijevic (SE) |
25.11.2009 |
Health result
O'zone Jarensk vWD - free (DNA) O'zone Jachal vWD - carrier (DNA) O'zone Justice vWD - carrier (DNA) O'zone Java vWD - carrier (DNA) O'zone Jewel vWD - carrier (DNA) |
21.11.2009 |
Jyväskylä INT
dobermanns in Working class males: Demolition Extra Elite EX 1, 4th Best Male for T. Pillemont-Heijden (NL) dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Ilias EX 2 in Open class males: O'zone Goldfinger EX 3 in Junior class females: O'zone Iman EX 1 for F. Kane (GB) dobermannit "Demo" ERI 1, PU 4 Tuomarina T. Pillemont-Heijden (NL) dalmatiankoirat "Ilias" ERI 2 "Otso" ERI 3 "Miina" ERI 1 Tuomarina F. Kane (GB) |
24.10.2009 |
Hämeenlinna CAC
dobermanns in Youth class males: O'zone Huron EX 2, 4th Best Male in Youth class females: O'zone Hope EX for S. Cepps (BR) dobermannit "Huron" ERI 2, PU 4 "Hani" ERI Tuomarina S. Cepps (BR) |
17.10.2009 |
Working result
Demolition Extra Elite passed AD-trial Judge H. Hiltunen "Demo" suoritti AD-kokeen Tuomari H. Hiltunen |
17.10.2009 |
Rakvere, Estonia
dobermanns in Open class males: Santa Julf Lanvin EX 2, 2nd Best Male in Open class females: Dascha vom Havelland EX 3 in Veteran class females: Natascha Number One EX 1, BOB-VET, 4th Best Female -> EE & LT VET CH for T. Borkowski (PO) dalmatians in Open class males: O'zone Goldfinger EX 1, Best Male, BOB, EE CAC, BIG 3 for H. Lehkonen (FI) dobermannit "Simo" ERI 2, PU 2 "Dascha" ERI 3 "Ghia" ERI 1, ROP-VET, PN 4 -> EE & LT VET MVA Tuomarina T. Borkowski (PO) dalmatiankoirat "Otso" ERI 1, PU 1, ROP, EE SERT, RYP 3 Tuomarina H. Lehkonen (FI) |
27.9.2009 |
Charactertest results, Orimattila O'zone Fresno +110 p. O'zone Fulton +142 p. O'zone Foenix +157 p. O'zone Formosa +174 p. Lacrima Christi Close To Ozone +71 p. Judges M. Laine & S. Heikkilä Luonnetestituloksia: "Ares" +110 p. "Luca" +142 p. "Feena" +157 p. "Åsa" +174 p. "Alma" +71 p. |
20.9.2009 |
Hyvinkää CAC
dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Ilmarinen EX 2, 2nd Best Male, res-CAC O'zone Ikaros EX 3, 4th Best Male in Champion class females: Lacrima Christi Close To Ozone EX 4 for T. Sulce (LV) dalmatiankoirat "Ilmarinen" ERI 2, PU 2, vara-SERT "Ikaros" ERI 3, PU 4 "Alma" ERI 4 Tuomarina T. Sulce (LV) |
13.9.2009 |
Working result
Demolition Extra Elite FH1, 71 p. Judge R. Kojo "Demo" erikoisjälkikokeessa, FH1, 71 p. Tuomari R. Kojo |
13.9.2009 |
dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Ilias VG 4 in Open class males: O'zone Goldfinger EX 1, 2nd Best Male, CAC in Open class females: Lacrima Christi Close To Ozone EX 1, 2nd Best Female, CAC - FI & EE CH for P. Teini (FIN) dalmatiankoirat "Ilias" EH 4 "Otso" ERI 1, PU 2, SERT "Alma" ERI 1, PN 2, SERT - FI & EE MVA Tuomarina P. Teini (FIN) |
12.9.2009 |
Tallinn, Estonia
dobermanns in Open class females: Dascha vom Havelland EX 2, 3rd Best Female in Veteran class femals: Natascha Number One EX 2 for K. Juurik (EST) dalmatians in Open class males: O'zone Goldfinger EX 1, 2nd Best Male in Open class females: Lacrima Christi Close To Ozone EX 1, Best Female, CAC, BOB, BIG 2 for M. Johanssen (SWE) dobermannit "Dascha" ERI 2, PN 3 "Ghia" ERI 2 Tuomarina K. Juurik (EST) dalmatiankoirat "Otso" ERI 1, PU 2 "Alma" ERI 1, PN 1, SERT, ROP, RYP 2 Tuomarina M. Johanssen (SWE) |
6.9.2009 |
dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Ikaros EX 1, 3rd Best Male in Open class females: Lacrima Christi Close To Ozone EX for C. Jouanchiot (FR) dalmatiankoirat "Ikaros" ERI 1, PU 3 "Alma" ERI Tuomarina C. Jouanchiot (FR) |
30.8.2009 |
Tervakoski CACIB
dalmatians in Puppy class males: O'zone Iason 2nd Best Male Puppy in Youth class males: O'zone Goldfinger EX 2 in Puppy class females: O'zone Iman Best Female Puppy, HP, BOS-puppy in Champion class females: Lacrima Christi C'est La Vie EX for J. Verrees (BE) dalmatiankoirat "Väinö" Paras Urospentu 2 "Otso" ERI 2 "Miina" Paras Narttupentu, KP, VSP-pentu "Helmi" ERI Tuomarina J. Verrees (BE) |
30.8.2009 |
Unofficial Obedience trial
O'zone Goodfella & Sanna in Obedience trial (unofficial) total 77/80 p. and first place! "Luca" ja Sanna epävirallisessa TOKO-kokeessa, yhteensä 77/80 p. ja ensimmäinen sija! |
23.8.2009 |
Dalmatian Speciality Show, Tallinn, Estonia
dalmatians in Champion class females: Lacrima Christi C'est La Vie EX for I. Bakal (CRO) dalmatiankoirat "Helmi" ERI Tuomarina I. Bakal (CRO) |
23.8.2009 |
Dobermann Speciality Show, Tallinn, Estonia
dobermanns in Champion class males: O'zone Baku EX 1, CAC, 3rd Best Male - EE CH in Open class females: Dascha vom Havelland EX 1, 4th Best Female in Veteran class females: Natascha Number One EX 1, BIS4-VET for T. Sulce (LV) dobermannit "Baku" ERI 1, SERT, PU 3 - EE MVA "Dascha" ERI 1, PN 4 "Ghia" ERI 1, BIS4-VET Tuomarina T. Sulce (LV) |
22.8.2009 |
Baltic Winner, Tallinn, Estonia
dalmatians in Champion class females: Lacrima Christi C'est La Vie VG dobermanns in Champion class males: O'zone Baku G in Open class females: Dascha vom Havelland VG in Veteran class females: Natascha Number One VG 2 dalmatiankoirat "Helmi" EH dobermannit "Baku" H "Dascha" EH "Ghia" EH 2 |
16.8.2009 |
Joensuu CACIB
dalmatians in Open class males: O'zone Eadmund VG 2 in Champion class females: O'zone Ebba EX 1, 4th Best Female, res-CACIB for M. Mähönen (FIN) ![]() O'zone Eadmund dalmatiankoirat "Bonzo" EH 2 "Eppu" ERI 1, PN 4, vara-CACIB Tuomarina M. Mähönen (FIN) |
16.8.2009 |
Nyköping, Sweden
dobermanns in Champion class males: O'zone Baku 1/1 CK, CAC, Best Male, BOS - SE CH for A. Maeland (SWE) dobermannit "Baku" 1/1 CK, SERT, PU 1, VSP - SE MVA Tuomarina A. Maeland (SWE) |
15.8.2009 |
Norrköping, Sweden CACIB
dobermanns in Champion class males: O'zone Baku 1/1 for E. Liljeqvist Borg (SWE) dobermannit "Baku" 1/1 Tuomarina E. Liljeqvist Borg (SWE) |
8.8.2009 |
Druskininkai, Lithuania
dalmatians in Champion class females: Gracilis Irresistible EX 1, LT CAC, Best Female, BOB, Winner CAC, CACIB -> LT & INT CH (C.I.B.) for P. Iversen (NO) dobermanns in Champion class males: O'zone Baku VG 2 in Open class females: Dascha vom Havelland EX 2 in Veteran class females: Natascha Number One EX 1, BOB-VET for P. Delerue Sanchez (P) ![]() Dascha, Baku, Irma & Ghia dalmatiankoirat "Irma" ERI 1, LT SERT, PN 1, ROP, CACIB -> LT & INT MVA (C.I.B.) Tuomarina P. Iversen (NO) dobermannit "Baku" EH 2 "Dascha" ERI 2 "Ghia" ERI 1, ROP-VET Tuomarina P. Delerue Sanchez (P) |
7.8.2009 |
Druskininkai, Lithuania
dalmatians in Champion class females: Gracilis Irresistible G (due to missing teeth) for M. Mannucci (IT) dobermanns in Champion class males: O'zone Baku EX 1, LT CAC in Open class females: Dascha vom Havelland EX 2 in Veteran class females: Natascha Number One EX 1, BOB-VET, BIS 3-VET for J. Seltz (FR) dalmatiankoirat "Irma" H (hammaspuutos) Tuomarina M. Mannucci (IT) dobermannit "Baku" ERI 1, LT SERT "Dascha" ERI 2 "Ghia" ERI 1, ROP-VET, BIS-VET 3 Tuomarina J. Seltz (FR) |
26.7.2009 |
Mikkeli CACIB
dalmatians in Puppy class females: O'zone Indira Best Female Puppy, HP, BOB-Puppy in Champion class females: O'zone Ebba EX 2, 3rd Best Female for T. Pukkila (FIN) dalmatiankoirat "Miina" Paras Narttupentu, KP, ROP-pentu "Eppu" ERI 2, PN 3 Tuomarina T. Pukkila (FIN) |
25.7.2009 |
Haapsalu, Estonia
dobermanns in Champion class males: O'zone Baku EX 1, 2nd Best Male in Open class females: Dascha vom Havelland EX 3, 3rd Best Female in Veteran class females: Natascha Number One EX 1, BOB-VET for Z. Salijevic (SWE) dobermannit "Baku" ERI 1, PU 2 "Dascha" ERI 3, PN 3 "Ghia" ERI 1, ROP-VET Tuomarina Z. Salijevic (SWE) |
19.7.2009 |
dalmatians in Youth class males: O'zone Goodfella VG 3 for J. Steinbock (Israel) dalmatiankoirat "Luca" ERI 4 Tuomarina J. Steinbock (Israel) |
18.7.2009 |
dalmatians in Youth class males: O'zone Goodfella EX 4 for C. Saevich (Argentina) dalmatiankoirat "Luca" ERI 4 Tuomarina C. Saevich (Argentina) |
18.7.2009 |
dalmatians in Baby class males: O'zone Ilmarinen Best Male Puppy, HP, BOS-Puppy O'zone Ikaros 2nd Best Male Puppy O'zone Ilias 3rd Best Male Puppy in Baby class females: O'zone Indira Best Female Puppy, HP, BOB-Puppy dalmatiankoirat "Ilmarinen" Paras Urospentu, KP, VSP-pentu "Ikaros" Paras Urospentu 2 "Ilias" Paras Urospentu 3 "Miina" Paras Narttupentu, KP, ROP-pentu |
12.7.2009 |
Riihimäki Puppy Show
dalmatians in Baby class males: O'zone Ilias Best Male Puppy, HP, BOB-Puppy, BIG3 Puppy O'zone Ikaros 2nd Best Male Puppy dalmatiankoirat "Ilias" Paras Urospentu, KP, ROP-pentu, RYP3-pentu "Ikaros" Paras Urospentu 2 (5-7 kk) |
6.7.2009 |
In Memoriam
Our beloved old lady "Hulda" Dalmira's Agile-Macy ![]() 8.11.1997 - 6.7.2009 euthanasia And now, the end is near; And so I face the final curtain. My friend, Ill say it clear, Ill state my case, of which Im certain. Ive lived a life thats full. Ive traveled each and evry highway; And more, much more than this, I did it my way. Regrets, Ive had a few; But then again, too few to mention. I did what I had to do And saw it through without exemption. I planned each charted course; Each careful step along the byway, But more, much more than this, I did it my way. Yes, there were times, Im sure you knew When I bit off more than I could chew. But through it all, when there was doubt, I ate it up and spit it out. I faced it all and I stood tall; And did it my way. Ive loved, Ive laughed and cried. Ive had my fill; my share of losing. And now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing. To think I did all that; And may I say - not in a shy way, No, oh no not me, I did it my way. -Frank Sinatra, My Way- |
5.7.2009 |
Luige CAC (Estonia)
dobermanns in Champion class males: O'zone Baku EX 1, 3rd Best Male in Open class females: Dascha vom Havelland EX 1, 2nd Best Female, CAC in Veteran class females: Natascha Number One EX 1, BOB-Veteran, Best Female, BOB, BIS-Veteran for I. Poletaeva (FIN) ![]() Ghia BIS-VET 1 dobermannit "Baku" ERI 1, PU 3 "Dascha" ERI 1, PN 2, SERT "Ghia" ERI 1, ROP-VET, PN 1, ROP, BIS-VET 1 Tuomarina I. Poletaeva (FIN) |
28.6.2009 |
Fin DAL Speciality Show, Tervakoski
dalmatians in Baby class males: O'zone Ilmarinen 2nd Best Baby Male Puppy, HP O'zone Ikaros 3rd Best Baby Male Puppy O'zone Ilias 4th Best Baby Male Puppy O'zone Iason very promising (no placing) in Baby class females: O'zone Indira Best Baby Female Puppy, HP, 2nd Best Female Puppy in Open class males: O'zone Goldfinger EX 3 dalmatiankoirat "Ilmarinen" Paras Urospentu 2, KP "Ikaros" Paras Urospentu 3 "Ilias" Paras Urospentu 4 "Väinö" erittäin lupaava, ei sijoitusta "Otso" ERI 3 |
27.6.2009 |
Hämeenlinna CAC
dalmatians in Youth class males: O'zone Goldfinger EX 1, Best Male, CAC, BOB, BIG 3 for T. Eerola (FIN) dalmatiankoirat "Otso" ERI 1, PU 1, SERT, ROP, RYP 3 Tuomarina T. Eerola (FIN) |
26.6.2009 |
Unofficial Agility trial, Kannus
O'zone Goodfella & Sanna in Agility trial (unofficial) Maxi class time 30,17, faults 0 - 2nd place "Luca" ja Sanna epävirallisessa Agility-kilpailussa, aika 30,16, 0 virhettä - 2. sija |
16.6.2009 |
In Memoriam
Petrus Giro de Diemar ![]() ![]() 19.3.1999 - 16.6.2009 Non... rien de rien Non je ne regrette rien Ni le bien... qu'on m'a fait Ni le mal, tout ça m'est bien égal... Non... rien de rien Non... je ne regrette rien C'est payé, balayé, oublié Je me fous du passé... Avec mes souvenirs J'ai allumé le feu Mes chagrins, mes plaisirs Je n'ai plus besoin d'eux Balayées les amours Avec leurs trémolos Balayés pour toujours Je repars à zéro Non... rien de rien Non... je ne regrette rien Ni le bien, qu'on m'a fait Ni le mal, tout ça m'est bien égal... Non, rien de rien Non... je ne regrette rien Car ma vie... car mes joies... Aujourd'hui... ça commence avec toi... -Edith Piaf- |
14.6.2009 |
Unofficial Agility trial, Kannus
O'zone Goodfella & Sanna in Agility trial (unofficial) Maxi class time 37,78, unaccepted due false track. "Luca" ja Sanna epävirallisessa Agility-kilpailussa, aika 37,78, hylätty väärän radan vuoksi. |
14.6.2009 |
Riga CACIB (Latvia)
dobermanns in Champion class males: O'zone Baku EX 3 dalmatians in Champion class males: O'zone Evald EX 1, Best Male, CAC, CACIB, BOB, BIG 1, BIS 5 -> LV CH! in Champion class females: Gracilis Irresistible EX 1, Best Female, CACIC, BOS dobermannit "Baku" ERI 3 dalmatiankoirat "Eetu" ERI 1, PU 1, SERT, CACIB, ROP, RYP 1, BIS 5 -> LV MVA! "Irma" ERI 1, PN 1, CACIB, VSP |
13.6.2009 |
Riga CACIB (Latvia)
dobermanns in Champion class males: O'zone Baku EX 2, 4th Best Male, CAC -> LV CH! dalmatians in Champion class males: O'zone Evald EX 3, 3rd Best Male in Champion class females: Gracilis Irresistible EX 2, 2nd Best Female, res-CACIB, CAC -> LV CH! dobermannit "Baku" ERI 2, PU 3, SERT -> LV MVA! dalmatiankoirat "Eetu" ERI 2, PU 3 "Irma" ERI 2, PN 2, vara-CACIB, SERT -> LV MVA! |
7.6.2009 |
dobermanns in Junior class males: O'zone Hades EX 1, 3rd Best Male, res-CAC in Open class males: O'zone Fresno VG 3 in Open class females: O'zone Fidji G for P. Rekiranta (FIN) dobermannit "Hades" ERI 1, PU 3, vara-SERT "Ares" EH 3 "Laika" H Tuomarina P. Rekiranta (FIN) |
8.-9.6.2009 |
Health results
O'zone Hades PHTVL/PHPV and all other eye illnesses free O'zone Houston PHTVL/PHPV and all other eye illnesses free O'zone Hudson PHTVL/PHPV and all other eye illnesses free O'zone Humboldt PHTVL/PHPV and all other eye illnesses free O'zone Huron PHTVL/PHPV and all other eye illnesses free O'zone Hope PHTVL/PHPV and all other eye illnesses free |
6.6.2009 |
Estonian Winner 2009, Tallinn
dalmatians in Champion class males: Spotnik's Dare Devil EX 1, 2nd Best Male, res-CACIB in Champion class females: Lacrima Christi C'est La Vie EX for J. Wauban (NL) dalmatiankoirat "Nory" ERI 1, PU 2, vara-CACIB "Helmi" ERI Tuomarina J. Wauban (NL) |
30.5.2009 |
Happy Birthday!
Happy 6th Anniversary to dear C-litter! ![]() ![]() |
24.5.2009 |
Helsinki CACIB
dobermanns in Junior class males: O'zone Hades VG 1 in Open class males: Demolition Extra Elite VG 4 for C. Jouanchiot (FR) dalmatians in Champion class males: O'zone Evald EX 1, Best Male, BOS, CACIB -> INT CH! in Youth class females: Lacrima Christi Close To Ozone VG 2 for M. Leonard (IRL) dobermannit "Hades" EH 1 "Demo" EH 4 dalmatiankoirat "Eetu" ERI 1, PU 1, VSP, CACIB -> INT MVA! "Alma" EH 2 Tuomarina M. Leonard (IRL) |
23.5.2009 |
Österbybruk CACIB (Sweden)
dobermanns in Champion class females: Santa Julf Alaska EX 2, CK, 4th Best Female for B. Wiberg (SWE) dobermannit "Saga" ERI 2, SA, PN 4 Tuomarina B. Wiberg (SWE) |
23.5.2009 |
Tampere CAC
dalmatians in Youth class males: O'zone Goldfinger EX 1 for P. Rekiranta (FIN) dalmatiankoirat "Otso" ERI 1 Tuomarina P. Rekiranta (FIN) |
23.5.2009 |
Helsinki, Finnish Dobermann Speciality Show
dobermanns in Junior class males: O'zone Hades VG O'zone Humboldt EX for A. Berling (DK) in Open class males: O'zone Fresno G in Working class males: O'zone Baku VG 2 for M. Dalgaard in Open class females: O'zone Foenix VG for B. Zanieri (IT) dobermannit "Hades" EH "Sulo" ERI Tuomarina A. Berling (DK) "Ares" H "Baku" EH 2 Tuomarina M. Dalgaard "Feena" EH Tuomarina B. Zanieri (IT) |
23.5.2009 |
Unofficial Agility trial
O'zone Goodfella & Sanna in their first Agility trial (unofficial) Maxi starter (ALO) time 43,66 and -10 -> 2nd place! "Luca" ja Sanna ensimmäisessä epävirallisessa Agility-kilpailussa, aika 43,66 ja -10 p. -> toinen sija! |
21.5.2009 |
dalmatians in Baby class males: O'zone Ilmarinen Best Baby Male, HP, 2nd Best Male Puppy O'zone Ilias 2nd Best Baby Male O'zone Ikaros 3rd Best Baby Male in Baby class females: O'zone Indira Best Baby Female, HP, Best Female Puppy, BOS-Puppy dalmatiankoirat "Ilmarinen" Paras Urospentu (5-7 kk), KP, Paras Urospentu 2 "Ilias" Paras Urospentu 2 (5-7 kk) "Ikaros" Paras Urospentu 3 (5-7 kk) "Miina" Paras Narttupentu (5-7 kk), KP, Paras Narttupentu, VSP-pentu |
21.5.2009 |
Happy Birthday!
Happy 6 years Birthday to dear Chimera! ![]() Hyvää 6 v synttäriä rakkaalle "Meralle"! |
17.5.2009 |
Unofficial SAR-dog test
O'zone Hudson in unofficial SAR-dog aptitude test: demonstrated natural talent. "Onni" epävirallisessa PEKO-soveltuvuustestissä osoitti luontaista taipumusta & kykyä lajiin. |
16.5.2009 |
Hamina CAC
dobermanns in Open class males: Demolition Extra Elite VG 3 for T. Kuzelj (SLO) dobermannit "Demo" EH 3 Tuomarina T. Kuzelj (SLO) |
16.5.2009 |
Varkaus CAC
dalmatians in Youth class males: O'zone Goldfinger EX 2 O'zone Goodfella VG 3 in Youth class females: O'zone Gem VG 2 for L. Zake (LV) dalmatiankoirat "Otso" ERI 2 "Luca" EH 3 "Lady" EH 2 Tuomarina L. Zake (LV) |
16.5.2009 |
Charactertest results, Karkkila O'zone Fidji +110 p. Judges T. Matsuoi & L. Haanpää "Laika" luonnetestissä, pisteet +108 p. |
8.5.2009 |
6.5.2009 |
2.5.2009 |
Somero CAC
dobermanns in Open class males: O'zone Fresno G in Open class females: O'zone Fidji S for K. Järvinen (FIN) dobermannit "Ares" G "Laika" T Tuomarina K. Järvinen (FIN) |
1.5.2009 |
1.5.2009 |
Hollola CAC
dalmatians in Champion class males: Spotnik's Dare Devil EX 1, 2nd Best Male, res-CAC in Youth class females: Lacrima Christi Close To Ozone VG 3 for H. Lehkonen (FIN) dalmatiankoirat "Nory" ERI 1, PU 2, vara-SERT "Alma" EH 3 Tuomarina H. Lehkonen (FIN) |
26.4.2009 |
Vaasa INT
dalmatians in Youth class males: O'zone Golfinger VG 3 for V. Ivanicheva (RUS) dalmatiankoirat "Otso" EH 3 Tuomarina V. Ivanicheva (RUS) |
25.4.2009 |
Lahti INT
dobermanns in Open class males: Demolition Extra Elite VG 4 in Open class females: O'zone Foenix EX 4, 4th Best Female for K. Le Mare (UK) dalmatians in Champion class males: Spotnik's Dare Devil EX 2, 4th Best Male in Youth class females: Lacrima Christi Close To Ozone EX 1, Best Female, CAC, CACIB, BOS for M. Talvitie (FIN) dobermannit "Demo" EH 4 "Feena" ERI 4, PN 4 Tuomarina K. Le Mare (UK) dalmatiankoirat "Nory" ERI 2, PU 4 "Alma" ERI 1, PN 1, SERT, CACIB, VSP Tuomarina M. Talvitie (FIN) |
24.4.2009 |
Happy 9 years Birthday to Grand Old Lady
Natascha Number One " Ghia"!
![]() Happy 7 years Birthday to "Amo", Aldo Extra Moravak! |
23.4.2009 |
Unofficial fundraising show in Helsinki
In adult dogs class LC Close To Ozone came in 2nd Best In puppy class both boys O'zone Ikaros and O'zone Ilias (almost 5 months) were granted "very promising" and Ikaros became Best Puppy & BIS of entire event! ![]() © R. Onza Ikaros BIS 1 |
19.4.2009 |
Jämsä CAC
dalmatians in Youth class males: O'zone Golfinger VG 1 for T. Pukkila (FIN) dalmatiankoirat "Otso" EH 1 Tuomarina T. Pukkila (FIN) |
17.-19.4.2009 |
Training camp
The very first working trials (search/tracking + object search, obedience) training camp of Finnish Dalmatian Club; I participated as a training instructor & had Eetu, Mera and the little boys Ikaros and Ilias along. Great people and promising dogs. Thank You all! Some photos from camp Dalluyhdistyksen ensimmäisellä PK-leirillä koulutusohjaajana. Menossa mukana Eetu & Mera ja pikkupojat Ilias ja Ikaros. Mukavaa ja innostunutta porukkaa sekä lupaavia koiria. |
11.4.2009 |
Stockholm, Sweden INT
dobermanns in Working class males: O'zone Baku 1/2 CK for P. Jentgen (LUX) dobermannit "Baku" 1/2 CK Tuomarina P. Jentgen (LUX) |
9.4.2009 |
In Memoriam |
5.4.2009 |
FinDAL Puppy Speciality and Open Show Tuusula
dalmatians in Pet class females: O'zone Gothika VG 2 for Z. Radic (CRO) dalmatiankoirat "Siru" EH 2 Tuomarina Z. Radic (CRO) |
14.3.2009 |
Tampere INT
dalmatians in Youth class males: O'zone Gladiator EX 1 in Champion class males: Spotnik's Dare Devil EX 2 for G. Schiker (D) ![]() "Nory" at Tampere INT dalmatiankoirat "Otto" ERI 1 "Nory" ERI 2 Tuomarina G. Schiker (D) |
16.2.2009 |
Chimera Extra Moravak in cardiotest (clinical, ECG, ultra) - cardio: normal & Holter 24 h (18.2.2009) - normal |
23.2.2009 |
In Memoriam
JK1, BH, AD O'zone Boheme "Nemé" ![]() 8.5.2002 - 23.2.2009 Yllättäen hän lähti luotamme kesken talvisen pulkkaretken - osanotto suruunne Jorma & Marjo sekä lapset ja kiitos teille Nemén rakastamisesta sekä ystävyydestänne. "Pikku-Muusa" on nyt enkelikoira... ![]() ![]() ![]()
30.1.2009 |
25.1.2009 |
dobermanns in Junior class males: O'zone Hades EX 1 O'zone Huron EX 3 at just 10 months in their first official show in Youth class males: O'zone Fresno EX 2 in Open class males: Demolition Extra Elite EX for C. Vantu (RO) dobermannit "Hades" ERI 1 "Huron" ERI 3 "Ares" ERI 2 "Demo" ERI Tuomarina C. Vantu (RO) |
24.1.2009 |
dalmatians in Champion class males: Spotnik's Dare Devil EX 2 in Youth class females: Lacrima Christi Close To Ozone EX for S. Desserne (FR) dalmatiankoirat "Nory" ERI 2 "Helmi" ERI Tuomarina S. Desserne (FR) |
18.1.2009 |
Lahti CAC
dobermanns in Junior class males: O'zone Humboldt EX 1, 2nd Best Male, CAC for M.-L. Kurvinen (FIN) Not bad for his first show :) Congratulations to owners & "Sulo"! ![]() © J. Rantanen O'zone Humboldt in his very first show, Lahti 18.1.2009 dobermannit "Sulo" ERI 1, PU 2, SERT Tuomarina M.-L. Kurvinen (FIN) |
1/2009 |
Health results
O'zone Gothika HD A/B, ED 1/0 O'zone Goodfella HD B/C, ED 0/0 O'zone Ghostbuster HD C/B, ED 0/0 |
11.1.2009 |
Kajaani CACIB
dalmatians in Youth class males: O'zone Goldfinger VG 1 in Junior class females: O'zone Gem VG 3 for G. Nymann (DK) ![]() © H. Levinheimo O'zone Gem dalmatiankoirat "Otso" EH 1 "Lady" EH 3 Tuomarina G. Nymann (DK) |