News 2017

Oz. U – litter (dalmatian) is expected early 2018.
Oz. U – pentue (dalmatiankoira) odotettavissa alkuvuodesta 2018.


Vilnus INT (Lithuania)

judge for dalmatian A. Szutkiewicz (PL)

in intermediate females
O'zone Thesiree "Desi" EX1, class-CAC, BB3

in junior females
O'zone Thessalia "Liah" VG2


Vilnus INT (Lithuania)

judge for dalmatian V. Veiga (PT)

in intermediate females
O'zone Thesiree "Desi" EX1, class-CAC, BB3

in junior females
O'zone Thessalia "Liah" EX2


Finnish Puppy Winner-17

judge for dobermann K. Louhi (FI)

in baby females (5-7 months)

Legrant Land Geneva Gold "Clara" Best Baby Female & HP & Best Female Puppy & BOB-Puppy (we couldn't stay for finals)


Helsinki Puppy Winner-17

judge for dobermann J. Putkonen (FI)

in baby females (5-7 months)

Legrant Land Geneva Gold "Clara" Best Baby Female & HP & Best Female Puppy & BOS-Puppy


In memoriam

C.I.B. & BALT & FIN & RUS & LV & LT & EE CH, Finnish Winner-07 (V-07), FDC Youth Winner & BOS-Youth'07, FinDAL Open Show BOB-VET-14, EE VetCH, FINVW-14 & FINW-14, TLN VW-15, TLN W-15, TLN VW-16

Gracilis Irresistible

(euthanasia; multiple tumours)

Irma is best characterized by one word: JOY

Joy of living,
Joy of movement,
Joy of sharing her existence with her people.

Thank You Irma for the joy You brought into our lives. We will always love You.

E. Grieg, Solveig's Song

In memoriam

O'zone Halifax "Rico" Risto

13.3.2008-29.11.2017 (euthanasia due Right-sided congestive heart failure RS-CHF)

Keskiviikkoillan hämärtyessä sammui Ricon sydän,äidin,isin ja Mariuksen syliin.
Lähes 10 vuotta palvelusta, Ricon tehtävä oli "Pidä äiti näkyvissä niin kaikki on hyvin!"

Olo niin tyhjä... Pelko että sataa lunta joka peittää viimeiset jäljet... Pyysin vielä että vartioi mua sieltä jostain,anna merkki että kaikki on hyvin. Kiitos kaikesta, rakas Risto-poikani, tiedät etten unohda sinua eikä kukaan voi korvata sinua. Jätit melko isot saappaat täytettäväksi.

Ikävöiden,kuitenkin lämmöllä ja rakkaudella muistaen:
Äiti,Isi,Marius,Hippu ja Feena-sisko "O'zone Foenix"

Thank You To Rico's family for the years of loving and having the courage to let go when his time was due.


Narva National Show (Estonia)

judge for dobermann V. Shiyan (UE)

in baby females
Legrant Land Geneva Gold "Clara" Best Baby Female & HP & BOB-Puppy

judge for dalmatian P. Bozhinovski (Macedonia)

in open males
Oz. Starrider EX1 CQ Best Male BOB

in open females
Oz. Saskia EX1 CQ 2nd Best female

in junior females
Oz. Thesiree EX1 C! Jun-CAC BOB-Jun Best Female BOS -> EE JCH !!

Unfortunately we couldn't stay for finals.

Clara 5 months at Narva 26.11.2017 © V. Nuutinen


Narva National Show (Estonia)

judge for dobermann H. Assenmacher Feyel (DE)

in baby females
Legrant Land Geneva Gold "Clara" Best Baby Female & HP & BOB-Puppy (and shortlisted in final 8 in BIS-Puppy)

judge for dalmatian V. Fedorov (Belarus)

in open males
Oz. Starrider EX1 CQ Best Male CAC BOB BOG3 -> EE CH and with that also FI & BALT & LV & LT CH !!

in open females
Oz. Saskia EX1 CQ Best Female CAC BOS -> EE CH and with that also FI & SE CH !!

in junior females
Oz. Thesiree EX1


World Winner-17 INT, Leipzig (Germany)

judge for males veteran / champion / open / intermediate M. Lepasaar (EST)

in champion males
Blanco Solar Gabriel EX

in open males
Oz. Starrider EXf (in final 8)

in veteran males
Oz. Ilmarinen EX1 Vet-CAC -> World Veteran Winner-17 & German (VDH) Veteran Champion

judge for females veteran / champion intermediate Miguel Angel Martinez (ARG)

in veteran females
Oz. Indira EX

in champion females
Oz. Shalimar EX (in final 8)

judge for puppies / juniors A. Kazmierski (POL)

in junior females
Oz. Thesiree EX


German Winner-17 INT, Leipzig (Germany)

judge for dalmatian veteran males / junior & veteran females / puppies A. McKiernan (IE)

in veteran males
Oz. Ilmarinen EX1 Vet-CAC -> German Veteran Winner-17

in veteran females
Oz. Indira VG

in junior females
Oz. Thesiree EX

judge for dalmatian champion / open / intermediate males + females Z. Jojkic (SRB)

in champion males
Balanco Solar Gabriel EX2, VDH res-CAC

in open males
Oz. Starrider EX (in final 6)

in champion females
Oz. Shalimar EX

in breeders' kennel O'zone BOB-Breeder


Lahti, National Puppy Show

judge for dobermann K. Niemelä (FI)

shown in Baby females 5-7 months
Taikaviitan Xillä-Xiisti "Pixie" VP (very promising)


Tampere INT

judge for dalmatian S. Zeferino (PT)

in junior males
Oz. T'Aramis VG

in champion males
Oz. Shaman EX

in junior females
Oz. Thessalia VG

in champion females
Oz. Shalimar EX


Tampere INT

judge for dalmatian M. Lepasaar (EE)

in junior males
Oz. T'Aramis G

in junior females
Oz. Thessalia G


Paneveyz Nat. show (Lithuania)

judge for dalmatian F. Chaikovskaya (RUS)

in champion males
Oz. Qommander "Jalo" EX1 CQ class-CAC Best Male Winner-CAC BOS -> LT & BALT CH!

in champion females
Oz. Oma "Rafi" EX1 CQ class-CAC Best Female Winner-CAC BOB BOG-1 -> LT & BALT CH!

in veteran females
Lacrima Christi Close To Ozone "Alma" EX1 CQ BOB-Vet -> LV VCH & BALT VCH!

in Brace
Oz. Qommander & Oz. Oma BIS-2 Brace

Early morning 20.10.17 in Estonia, heading to Paneveyz Lithuania © O. Vilkuna

Home after show trip to Paneveyz, Lithuania © O. Vilkuna

Alma 10½ years, Rafi 4½ years & Jalo 3½ years in Lithuania © O. Vilkuna


Rakvere Nat. show (Estonia)

judge for dalmatian H. Almgren (SE)

in junior females
Oz. Thesiree EX1 CQ Jun-CAC BOB-Jun Best female BOB (didn't stay for finals)


Valmiera Nat. show (Latvia)

judge for dalmatian K. Vidal Montero (E)

in champion males
Oz. Shaman EX2 CQ 2nd Best Male CAC -> LV CH!

in junior females
Oz. Thessalia EX1 CQ Jun-CAC BOB-Jun 4th Best Female

in champion females
Oz. Oma EX1 CQ Best Female BOB BOG-3

Oz. Oma BOG-3 © O. Vilkuna


Rakvere Nat. show (Estonia)

judge for dalmatian K.-E. Johansson (SE)

in junior females
Oz. Thesiree "Desi" EX1 CQ Jun-CAC BOB-Jun Best Female BOB BOG-4


Valmiera Nat. show (Latvia)

judge for dalmatian P. Ståhlberg (FI)

in champion males
Oz. Shaman "Riski" VG (due high tail)

in jun females
Oz. Thessalia "Liah" EX1 CQ Jun-CAC BOB-Jun 4th Best Female

in champion females
Oz. Oma "Rafi" EX1 CQ Best Female CAC -> LV CH! BOB BOG-3 (for B. Spoljaric, HR)


judge for dobermann G. Gladic (Serbia)

in champion females
Oz. Phaedra "Dharma" EX1 CQ Best Female CAC BOB LV & BALT CH !!


National Obedience Trial

O'zone Shaman & N. Liukkonen; I level 180,5/ 200p -> TK1

Congratulations to "Dream-Team" !


In memoriam

O’zone Mohican
22.4.2011 – 3.10.2017
(euthanasia; family situation / maintaining problems)

The decision was not an easy one to make but sometimes the greatest act of love is let one go.
Thank You to Axis’s family for being able to make the hardest of decisions.
Run free – this world was not yours….

© K. Puolakanaho

Axis 2,5 months with his friend


In memoriam

DCMV 2010 SM3, DCMV 2014 SM3, PAVH MA45 2011 RM2, PAVH MA45 2012 RM1, MA45 2012 PM, PAVH 2013 RM1

O’zone Jachal ”Remu”

1.10.2009 – 3.10.2017 (euthanasia; cardiomyopathy / CHF)

"Timantit on ikuisia ja sä oot yksi niistä"
Mamman ja iskän "partiopoika", aina valmis.
Sydän itkee taivaan kanssa yhdessä, meillä on niin kova ikävä
Remun biisi, kuvastaa taistelutahtoa, intoa, elämisen halua loppuun saakka..

"Timantit on ikuisia ja sä oot yksi niistä"
Kulje vierellämme, rakkaudella mamma ja iskä sekä Sonja ja Niko

Thank You greatly family Harjuntausta for all these years of loving and taking care of him.

O'zone Jachal
© K. Harjuntausta

Beautiful 8 years birthday to Oz. J – litter veterans!!

Erinomaista 8-vuotis veteraanisynttäriä Oz. J -pentueelle!!

O'zone J-litter at 1 day

Kennel day at Lammi with agility & action & co-operation practices, training in national obidience trial, field tracking for National Tracking Trial and FH.

Thank You to all participants and training instructors Jirka Vierimaa, Kristiina & Pekka Salomaa, Päivi Saalasto and Jukka Rask! Photos by H. Suominen, A. Tasala and N. Liukkonen


Tallinn INT (Estonia)

judge for dalmatian G. Schogol (Georgia)

in open males
Oz. Starrider VG1 ( no mae got CQ in any class )

in champion females
Oz. Shalimar EX1 CQ Best Female CAC CACIB BOB BOG-4 > finished EE & FI & LT & BALT CH !!!

Shalimar in Tallinn 23.9.2017 © O. Vilkuna

Starrider in Tallinn 23.9.2017 © O. Vilkuna

Working trial

JK1 (262p)

With this working result "Noah" became also CIB!!!

O'zone Pilgrim & S. Kalkela



Heinola, FinDAL Speciality, 132 entries

judge for males J. Rotsch (DE)

in junior males
Oz. T'Aragorn VG

in open males
Oz. Starrider EX

in champion males
Blanco Solar Gabriel EX
Oz. Osgar VG

in veteran males
Oz. Ilmarinen EX

judge for females P. Rotsch (DE)

in junior females
Oz. Thesiree EX

in open females
Oz. Saskia EX

in champion females
Oz. Oma EX3 CQ
Oz. Sheherazade VG
Oz. Shalimar EX

in veteran females
Oz. Indira EX1 CQ BOS-Vet 2nd Best Female

in progeny class (Oz. Indira: Osgar, Oma, Starrider, Shalimar) 2nd & HP
in breeder class ( Starrider, Oma, Shalimar, Indira) 2nd & HP

CIB & FI & BALT & LV & LT & EE CH & Baltic Winner-12 & TLN WCup Veteran Winner-17 & Tallin Veteran Winner-17, LVVW-17, EE VetCH & LV VetCH & LT VetCH & BALT VetCH, MH O'zone Indira BOS-Vet 2nd Best Female at FinDAL Speciality-17

© M. Toivanen

Breeder group: Oz. Starrider, Oma, Shalimar & Indira © M. Toivanen

Sunny 4 years birthday to P -litter!!

Aurinkoista 4 -vuotissynttäriä P -pentueelle!!

© O. Vilkuna

Oz. P -litter puppies at age 3.5 weeks

Joensuu Nat. show

judge for dalmatian P. Miller (Australia)

in junior females
Oz. Thessalia VG1

in open males
Oz. Shaman EX1 CQ 2nd Best Male CAC -> FI CH!!


Merry 1 year birthday to T- litter babies!!

Hauskaa 1-vuotissynttäriä Oz. T -pentueelle!!

T-litter pups almost 7 weeks © O. Vilkuna


Happy 2 years birtday to stunning S-litter "Aces"!!

Erinomaista 2 -vuotisynttäriä "Ässille" Oz. S-pentue!!

S- litter pups age 5 weeks having a nap outdoors


Ransäter INT (SE)

judge for dalmatian L. Vidén (SE)

in champion males
Oz. Osgar EX1 CQ Best Male CAC CACIB BOB -> SE & NORD CH !!!!

in champion females
Oz. Oma EX1 CQ Best Female CAC CACIB BOS -> SE CH !!!


judge for dobermann C. G. Stafberg (SE)

in champion females
Oz. Phaedra EX1 CQ CACIB BOB -> CIE !!!

Thank You Sofia M. for great company and handling assistance :-)

Ransäter INT 30.7.2017 Sweden CIB & BALT & FI & NO & EE & LV & LT CH & EE JCH, TLNWinter Cup JW-14 & TLNWinter CupW-14 & ValmieraW-16 Oz. Osgar now also SE & NORD CH and CIB, FI & EE & BLR CH, EE JCH, TLN WinterCup Junior Winner-14 now also SE CH after having not been shown for 2 years :-)
© F. Brunberg (kennel Jilloc's, SE)

BOB & BOS competition Ransäter INT 30.7.2017 © F. Brunberg (kennel Jilloc's, SE)

In memoriam

O'zone Comete "Sissi"

30.5.2003 - 19.7.2017
(eutanasia; old age troubles)

Raskain sydämin saatoimme silkkikorvamme matkalle.

Vaikka suru on suuri, niin olemme ikuisesti kiitollisia jokaisesta
muistosta ja mustavalkoisesta karvasta jonka meille jätit. Saimme
sinulta niin paljon, ettei sitä pysty sanoin kuvaamaan.

Juokse jälleen vahvoin jaloin ja kirkkain silmin, rakas Sissi

Thank You greatly to Sissi's family for all these years of care and loving and the courage and strenght to let her go when time was due.

Sissi 12 years

Sissi 5 years

Sissi 4 years

Sissi 8 weeks

© family Käkönen

In memoriam

Oz. Erland "Era / Erppu"

4.8.2005 - 5.7.2017
(eutanasia; old age troubles)

Beautiful minds lead meaningful lives and print their mark forever on those they meet on their journey on Earth.

Thank You Jirka for loving and caring for him and having the strenght to let him go when time was due.

" (...)
Just close your eyes and dream away
To think of me now and every day
And in your heart there
I will always remain
Remain with you now and everyday

"Angel", The 10 tenors

© J. Vierimaa

Working trial

judge A. Aula

JK1 (268p)

O'zone Phoebe & M. Heikkinen



In memoriam

O'zone Ghostbuster "Buster"

(eutanasia; primarly veterianarian malpractice leading to stomach torsion ; eutanasia due operation complications)

Buster's family's words to hiM ( Busterin perheen muistosanat hänelle:)

Busterin muistolle

Tulit pentuna ja täytit ekasta yöstä lähtien aukon sydämessämme. Siitä alkoi ikimuistoinen yhteinen taival; pysyit aina vierellämme meitä tukien ja palvoen. Jaksoit aina odottaa ja palkitsit yhteiset metsälenkit "pösselihypyilläsi". mikä onkaan onnellisinta seurata kuin vapaana kirmaavaa iloista koiraa. Sanoja ei tarvittu, pelkkä katse riitti kertomaan kuinka toisiamme rakastimme ja palvoimme. Tyytyväisenä soundasit ja vyörytit päällemme; paikkasi oli aina välissämme. Olemme ikuisesti sinusta kiitollisia emmekä unohda sinua koskaan.

Jälleennäkemisen toivossa, Eija ja Seppo.

Thank You to Buster's family for loving anf taking care of him until the end.


Tromsa INT (NO)

judge for dalmatian A-M. Olsen (NO)

in champion males
Oz. Osgar "Oskari" EX2 CQ 2nd Best Male CAC res-CACIB -> NO CH!!

in junior females
Oz. Thesiree "Desi" EX2 CQ

Osgar & Desi at Kilpisjärvi by Mount Saana, Lapland 17.6.2017" © O. Vilkuna

Oulu, National Show

judge for dalmatian A. Giura (RO)

in open males
Oz. Shaman "Riski" EX1 CQ Best Male CAC BOS


Latvian Winner-17 INT, Riga (Latvia)

judge for dalmatian (DE)

intermediate males
Oz. Starrider EX1 CQ 2nd Best Male res-CACIB

champion males
Blanco Solar Gabriel EX1 CQ

veteran males
Oz. Ilmarinen EX1 CQ vet-CAC BOS-vet 4th Best Male -> LV & BALT VCH, LV VW-17

junior females
Oz. Thesiree EX2

veteran females
Oz. Indira EX1 CQ vet-CAC BOB-vet (shortlisted in BIS-vet in final 8) -> LV & BALT VCH, LV VW-17

kennel O'zone BIS-5 Breeder :-))

Thannk You to Elizaveta Vitola (kennel Vitalight, Latvia) for handling assistance!!!


Vanamöisä, National show (Estonia)

judge for dalmatian M. Persson (SE)

champion males
Blanco Solar Gabriel EX1 CQ Best Male CAC BOS -> EE CH

junior females
Oz. Thesiree EX1

intermediate females
Oz. Sheherazade EX1 CQ Best Female CAC BOB


Norrköping INT

judge for dalmatian K. Nilsson (SE)

intermediate males
Oz. Starrider EX4

champion males
Blanco Solar Gabriel EX3 CQ 3rd Best Male res-CAC

junior females
Oz. Thesiree EX3

intermediate females
Oz. Saskia EX


judge for dobermann (DK)

open males
Oz. Pilgrim EX1 CQ BOS CACIB


Norrköping INT (SE)

judge for dalmatian G. Goller (Australia)

intermediate males
Oz. Starrider EX1

champion males
Blanco Solar Gabriel EX2 CQ 3rd Best Male CAC res-CACIB (which will be converted to CACIB) -> with this results having turned 2 years of age on May 31st "Gabri" became SE.FI.EE.LV.LT.BALT CH in additions to being BY CH!!!!!

junior females
Oz. Thesiree EX3

intermediate females
Oz.Saskia EX1 CQ 2nd Best Female CAC res-CACIB (which will be converted to CACIB)


judge for dobermann G. O'Shea (SE)

open males
Oz. Pilgrim EX1 CQ Best Male BOS CACIB


SUPER DUPER 14 years birthday to Grand Old Lady O'zone Comete "Sissi" and her family!!

UPEAA 14 v synttäriä "Sissille" perheineen!!!

"Oz. Comete, aka. Sissi, almost 12 years" © S. Käkönen

"Oz. Comete almost 14 years & Oz. Shalimar 20 months" © family Käkönen


Moletai (LT) Mayor's Cup INT

judge for dalmatian Y. Ovsyannikova (RU)

in intermedaite males
Oz. Starrider EX1 CAC Best Male Winner-CAC CACIB BOB

in champion males
Blanco Solar Gabriel EX1 CAC

in veteran males
Oz. Ilmarinen EX1 CAC BOB-Veteran (shortlisted in BIS-Vet in final six)

in junior females
Oz. Thesiree VG2

in champion females
Oz. Shalimar EX1 CAC res-CACIB

in veteran females
Oz. Indira EX1 VetCAC > LT VCH, BOS-Vet


Moletai (LT) Baltic Winner-17 INT

judge for dalmatian S. Lepasaar

in intermediate males
Oz. Starrider EX1 CAC

in champion males
Blanco Solar Gabriel EX2

in veteran males
Oz. Ilmarinen EX1 VetCAC > LT VCH, BOS-Vet Baltic VeteranWinner-17 (BaltVW-17)

in junior females
Oz. Thesiree EX2

in champion females
Oz. Shalimar EX1 CAC Best Female Winner-CAC CACIB BOB BOG-2

in veteran females
Oz. Indira EX2


Helsinki INT

judge for dalmatians A. Beare (IE)

intermediate males
Oz. Starrider EX1 CQ Best Male CAC CACIB BOB

champion males
Blanco Solar Gabriel EX2 CQ
Oz. Leonardo EX4

veteran males
Oz. Ilmarinen Ex1 CQ BOS-Veteran

junior females
Oz. Thesiree EX2 CQ
Oz. Thessalia VG

intermediate females
Oz. Saskia EX2 CQ 3rd Best Female

veteran females
Oz. Indira EX2 CQ

kennel O'zone & HP & BOB-Breeder

Hamina INT

judge for dalmatians P. Såhlberg (FI)

intermediate males
Oz. Starrider EX1 CQ "5th Best Male" CAC

champion males
Blanco Solar Gabriel EX2 CQ

veteran males
Oz. Ilmarinen EX1 CQ BOS-Veteran

junior females
Oz. Thesiree EX2

champion females
Oz. Opri EX2 CQ 2nd Best Female CAC -> FI CH!!, res-CACIB (will be converted to CACIB)

veteran fewmales
Oz. Indira EX4

kennel O'zone 2nd & HP


Riga (Latvia), Group VI Speciality

judge N. Melnikova (kennel Laguna Dios, BY)

intermediate males
Oz. Starrider EX1 CQ Best Male CAC BOB BIS-3

champion males
Blanco Solar Gabriel EX1 CQ 2nd Best Male

champion females
Oz. Shalimar EX2 CQ 2nd Best Male

Thank You Elizaveta Vitola (kennel Vitalight, LV ) for help in handling!


Riga (Latvia), National show

judge for dalmatians S. Hadjisavvas (CY)

intermediate males
Oz. Starrider EX1

champion males
Blanco Solar Gabriel EX1 CQ Best Male CAC BOB -> LV CH!! & BOG-3

champion females
Oz. Shalimar EX1 CQ Best Female CAC BOS -> LV CH!!


Laihia, National show

judge for dalmatians E. Nummi (FI)

in junior males
Oz. T'Aramis VG

in intermedaite males
Oz. Shaman EX1 CQ 3rd Best Male CAC


Lahti, National show

judge for dalmatian P. Teini (FI)

in intermediate class fewmales

Oz. Sheherazade VG3


Hankasalmi, National show

judge for dalmatian J. Fors (FI)

in intermediate class malaes

Oz. Shaman "Riski" EX1 CQ 2nd Best Male res-CAC


Tohmajärvi, National show

judge for dalmatian A. Tarjan (HU)

in puppy class females
Oz. Thesiree "Desi" Best Female Puppy & HP & BOB-Puppy

in champion females
Oz. Kharisma "Dana" EX1 CQ Best Female BOB



O'zone Shaman "Riski" & N. Liukkonen - BH passed.
Judge I. Halonen

Congratulations :-)


National Puppy Shows

Pello, judge L. Finne

Oz. T'Aramis Best Male Puppy & HP & BOB-Puppy & BOG-2 Puppy

Helsinki, judge A. Paloheimo

Oz. Thalassa 2nd Best Female Puppy


Happy 6 years birthday to O'zone Mohican "Axis"!!

Hyvää 6 vuotissynttäriä "Axikselle" perheineen!!


In memoriam

O'zone Justice "Zero"

1.10.2009- 18.4.2017
(euthanasia; suspect brain tumor)

Thank You Liisa & family for lovng and taking care of him until the end.


Imatra INT

judge for dalmatian A. Czeglédi (HU)

in puppy females
Oz. Thesiree "Desi" Best Female Puppy & HP & BOB-Puppy
Oz. Thessalia "Liah" 2nd Best Female Puppy

in intermediate males
Oz. Starrider "Tarmo" VG1 (too strong)

in champion males
Blanco Solar Gabriel "Gabri" EX2 CQ 2nd Best Male res-CACIB res-CAC
Oz. Leonardo "Roni" EX3

in intermediate females
Oz. Sheherazade "Zade" EX2 CQ

in veteran females
Oz. Idole "Lumi" EX1 CQ res-CAC BOB-Veteran

kennel O'zone 2nd & HP


In memoriam

O'zone Eivar "Igor"

4.8.2005 - 13.4.2017
(eutanasia; old age troubles started severely affecting on the quality of his life)

Thank You Mia & family for loving and taking care of him until the end.


Happy 4 years birthday to O -litter!!

Hyvää 4 -vuotissynttäriä O -pentueelle!!



in Finnish Charactertest
judges T. Juselius and L. Yli-Suvanto

O'zone Pilgrim "Noah"
I: +1a, II: +3, III: +3, IV: +2a, V: +2, VI: +2, VII: +3, VIII: +3, +++ ; total + 210p

O'zone Priya "Rauha"
I: +1b, II: +1b, III: -1, IV: +2a, V: +1b, VI: +1, VII: +1, VIII: +2b, +++ ; total + 123p


Tallinn Winner-17 INT (Estonia)

judge for dalmatians Z. Jojkic (HR)

in intermediate males
Oz. Starrider "Tarmo" EX1 CQ 4th Best Male res-CACIB

in champion males
Blanco Solar Gabriel "Gabri" EX1 CQ 2nd Best Male CACIB

in intermediate females
Oz. Sheherazade "Zade" EX2

in veteran females
Oz. INdira "Miina" EX1 CQ BOB-Vet 2nd Best Female Tallinn VeteranWinner-17 (TLN VW-17)

kennel O'zone BOB-Breeder & HP


Lahti INT

judge for dalmatian U. Timonen (FI)

in puppy class females
Oz. Thessalia "Liah" Best Female Puppy & HP & BOB-Puppy

in intermediate males
Oz. Starrider "Tarmo" EX1 CQ 2nd Best Male CAC res-CACIB -> will be converted to CACIB!

in champion males
Blanco Solar Gabriel "Gabri" EX2 CQ

in veteran males
Oz. ILmarinen "Ilmari" EX2 CQ

in intermediate females
Oz. Saskia "Sacha" EX1 CQ 2nd Best Female res-CAC res-CACIB

in veteran females
Oz. Idole "Lumi" Ex1 CQ BOS-Vet

in breeders'
kennel O'zone 2nd & HP


Fabulous 10 years birthday to Oz. F-litter Foenix!!

Erinomaista 10-vuotissynttäriä F -pentueen "Feenalle" perheineen!!

O'zone F-litter pups 7 weeks having a nap outdoors



Finnish Dalmatian Club CHAMPION OF DALMATIANS invitation gala competition 2017;
based on results from 2015-2016 (event organized every other year)

O'zone Shalimar BOB at Champion of Dalmatians 2017 gala

on the left: C.I.B. & BALT & FIN & RUS & LV & LT & EE CH, Finnish Winner-07 (V-07), FDC Youth Winner & BOS-Youth'07, FinDAL Open Show BOB-VET-14, EE VetCH, FINVW-14 & FINW-14, TLN VW-15, TLN W-15, TLN VW-16 Gracilis Irresistible 11 years old at Finnish Dalmatian Club CHAMPION OF VETERANS invitation gala 2017, Helsinki 18.3.2017

BY CH. EE JCH. TLN WCupW-17 FIN PuppyW-15 Blanco Solar Gabriel at Finnish Dalmatian Club CHAMPION OF DALMATIANS gala competition; he was in the final 6

We were happy to attend this event with several from our dogs and especially happy and proud of "Noppa"!!
Thank You to all of You encourageing us at the event!


Super 11 years birthday to our Grand Old Dame C.I.B. & BALT & FIN & RUS & LV & LT & EE CH, Finnish Winner-07 (V-07), FDC Youth Winner & BOS-Youth'07, FinDAL Open Show BOB-VET-14, EE VetCH, FINVW-14 & FINW-14, TLN VW-15, TLN W-15, TLN VW-16 Gracilis Irresistible aka. "Irma"!!

Dascha & Irma puppyfun'06

CIB & MultiCH Gracilis Irresistible 8.5 yeards in WDS Helsinki-14


Super 9 years birthday to handsome H -litter!!

Erinomaista 9-vuotissynttäriä H -pentueelle!!

O'zone H-litter pups having a common nap outdoors at almost 8 weeks


Tallinn Winter Cup-17 INT (Estonia)

judge for dalmatian B. Müller (CH), group VI G. Nyholm (SE)

in intermediate males
Oz. Starrider "Tarmo" EX1 CQ 2nd Best Male res-CACIB

in champion males
Blanco Solar Gabriel "Gabri" EX1 CQ Best Male & CAC & CACIB & BOB & BOG-4 & TLN WCup Winner-17

in veteran males
Oz. ILmarinen "ILmari" EX1 CQ vet-CAC -> EE VetCH BOB-Vet 3rd Best Male & TLN WCup Veteran Winner-17

in intermediate females
Oz. Saskia "Sacha" EX1 CQ Best Female & CAC & CACIB & BOS & TLN WCup Winner-17

in veteran females
Oz. Indira EX1 CQ vet-CAC -> EE VetCH BOS-Vet 4th Best Female & TLN WCup Veteran Winner-17

kennel O'zone BOB-Breeder & HP


Happy 6th birthday to luminous L -litter!!

Hyvää 6-vuotissynttäriä L -pentueelle!!


National Puppy Show, Lahti

judge for dalmatian J. Tchokkinen (FI)

in Baby class males
Oz. T'Aramis Best Baby Male & HP & Best Male Puppy & BOS-Puppy

in Baby class females
Oz. Thesiree "Desi" Best Baby Female & HP & 2nd Best Female Puppy
Oz. Thessalia "Lia" 3rdd Best Baby Female


Kaunas INT (Lithuania)

udge for dalmatian L. Cox (IE)

in champion males
Oz. Leonardo "Roni" EX1 CQ class-CAC Best Male wonner-CAC CACIB BOS -> finished also LT & BALT CH!!!


National Puppy Show, Lahti

judge for dalmatian (also group VI) H. Tast (FI)

in Baby class males
Oz. T'Aramis "Juksu" Best Baby Male & HP & 2nd Best Male Puppy

in Baby class females
Oz. Thesiree "Desi" Best Baby Female & HP & Best Female Puppy & BOB-Puppy & BOG-3 Puppy
Oz. Thessalia "Lia" 2nd Best Baby Female

© A. Tasala


In memoriam

O'zone Gladiator "Otto"

8.9.2007 - 25.1.2017
(euthanasia due spondylotic changes which started to affect on the quality of his life)

"Går du med mig än, min kära,
fast jag inte längre ser dig?

Är du kvar här på jorden, så som du är kvar i mitt hjärta?
Jag ligger kvar och grubblar, det är ödsligt tyst runt om mig.

Tårar bryter ut och faller,
i tanken på dig.
En ängel som här
glömdes kvar, har nu fått sina vingar.

Vart flyger du nu, min ängel?
Vart flyger du nu?
Flyger du genom himlaporten, säg?
Eller till världens ände?
Flyger du bredvid mig?
Eller är jag ensam nu?

Var du nu än är, min vän.
Vart än vägen för dig.
Lova att
du väntar där, tills jag möter dig. Jag hoppas du är lycklig nu.
Så som jag var med dig. Och smärtan du har lidit,
hoppas jag är glömd. Sväva fritt, min kära.
Du är fri nu.

Och tills vi åter möts,
Farväl, min ängel."

'Daniel's Joik'
Jon Henrik Fjällgren

Ottoa kaivaten,
Myra (O'zone Ishtar), Johanna, Rasmus ja Pinja

Thank You Johanna & family for loving and taking care of him until the end.


Turku INT

judge for dalmatian T. Illukka (FI)

in champion males
Oz. Qommander "Jalo" VG4

in champion females
Oz. Shalimar "Noppa" EX1 CQ 2nd Best Female res-CACIB (only 2 females opf all classes got CQ)

in veteran females
Gr. Irresistible "Irma" VG2 - closing on 11 years of age and still super mover


National Puppy Show, Helsinki

judge for dalmatian P. Rekiranta (FI)

in Baby class females
Oz. Thessalia "Lia" 3rd Best Baby Female

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