News 2014
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Dalmatian puppies O'zone S -litter (Dalmatian) planned for early 2015. O'zone S -pentue (dalmatiankoira) suunnitteilla alkuvuodelle 2015. |
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Peaceful Christmas & Eventful New Year 2015 in the company of Good Friends!! |
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One more eventful year passed again. Looking back at 2014 I must say that despite the many good things and nice successes it has also been a year of too many farewells and sorrow; there have been times when I so hoped this year to soon run to its’ end. This year we celebrated several veteran birthdays but also too many farewells to some of them. Starting with 9 years birthday in January of our Fin & Rus & Ee CH & EEV CH, TallinnVeteranWinterCup-13, FinDAL Open Show BOB-vet-13, HeVW-13, BH MH Lacrima Christi C’est La Vie, who also was decorated as the FinDAL Veteran of the Year 2013 in January 2014. Unfortunately “Helmi” left us suddenly in early April as we had to decide on euthanasia due to an acute closed pyometra and bloodpoisoning. Farewell my love… In February Dascha vom Havelland celebrated her 8 years birthday and did great in veteran rings adding many veteran championships and titles to her already extended resumé, and topping it all by achieving the rare title of Nordic Champion (must have acquired min 3 champion titles from the different Nordic countries) and being now CIB & NORD & SE & FI & EE & RU & BLR & NO CH & BALT VCH & TLNVW-14 & EEV CH & LV V CH & LT V CH & BALTVW-14 BH FH1 KK2; GREAT CONGRATULATIONS to owner & handler Hanna Pasanen!! In March we celebrated the 8 years birthday of CIB & BALT & FI & RU & LV & LT CH, Finnish Winner-07, FinDAL Youth Winner & BOS-Youth-07, FinDAL Open Show BOB-vet-14, EEV CH Gracilis Irresistible who started off in veteran classes in a few shows and finished her show year in December in Helsinki by being BOB at the Finnish Winner-14 international show and adding Finnish Veteran Winner-14 & Finnish Winner-14 to her impressive titles. At the end of May, we celebrated 11 years birthday of the ones that are still with us from our C –litter and in July the 11 years birthday of the ones that are still with us from our D –litter, and the 12 years birthday of FIN & RU & SE & BALT & EE & LV < V CH, FinDOB Youth Winner & BOB-Youth-04, BH JK2 Santa Julf Alaska….only to have to say farewell to her couple of days later….GREAT THANK YOU TO owner & handler Heli Pantsar for all these years loving and taking care of “Saga” who truly was a unique personality. As Heli put it:”All days spent together are as pearls in a string of memory. This precious pearl string, not a single one to be lost.” In August it was time to celebrate the 9 years birthday of our still very energetic E-litter and especially we were happy to celebrate our CIB & FI & RU & BALT & EE & LT & LV CH, EEW-08, HeVW-13, FinDAL Open Show BOS-vet-14, BH AD O’zone Evald as in late February we had almost lost him due veterinarian misdiagnoses on gastric inflammation whereas he actually had a severe gastric obstruction and was ultimately diagnosed correctly and operated in emergency and intensive care due his rapidly deteriorated condition at the Helsinki University Veterinarian Hospital. He then once again proved to be a true fighter in spirit and loving life. But we rejoiced too soon thinking that there would be many good years still to come…. as at end of September he developed an acute gastric volvulus and died of arrhythmia on the veterinarian operating table…Farewell my love… Amongst other departed are also O’zone Humboldt “Sulo” 13.3.2008-28.3.2014 (euthanasia due lymphosarcoma) and O’zone Fidji “Laika”20.3.2007-17.6.2014 (died in her sleep most likely of earlier detected barycardia); Great Thank You to their families for loving and taking care of them until the end. Some dogs from our breeding have been to the Swedish Mental test (MH) and/ or Finnish Character test, and working trials such as the National Obedience trial / Estonian National Obedience Trial Highest Level KK3 / FH1 and FH2 trials, SAR dog trials, Canicross Finnish Championships (eg. O’zone Gothika & Sanni Vesterinen and Fleur vh Wantij & Jenni Tuomaala who participated in National Obedience Trial, O’zone Java & Hanna Pasanen who added KK3 + National Obidience Trial II level Breed Championship + FH Breed Championships FH1, place + FI CH to their titles, O’zone Jewel & Kristiina Salomaa added TK1 to their titles, O’zone Jachal & Mika Harjuntausta Canicross National Championships Bronze Medalists, O’zone Kubrick & Outi Heikkinen SAR trials, O’zone Hudson & Paju Asikainen PERA-A / SAR) and many others; THANK YOU To YOU ALL and may You have the same enthusiasm in the years to come and hope others will also follow your example :) Many from our breeding have also been health tested in various ways in 2014 and we are overall pleased with the results. In show, the year has been very successful in many ways as many from our O –litter debuted in junior rings and finished EE JunCH, most prominently O’zone Orion with owner Krista Hukkanen got BALT & EE & LV & LT & BLR JunCH, BLR JunW-14. O’zone Osgar got TLNWCup JW-14 & TLNWCupW-14 and started well to gather CACIB so we expect him to finish CIB in 2015, his sister O’zone Oma got TLNWCupJW-14 and also opened her CACIB “account” as well as O’zone Oihonna opened her CACIB “account”, O’zone Kharisma added CIB to BALT & FI & EE & LV & LT CH JWW-11 and her sister O’zone Kaherine finished FI & EE & BLR CH and O’zone Idole BLR CH & TLNWCupW-13 & TLNW-13 finished BLR Grand Champion, and O’zone Lionheart added CIB to FI & LT & BLR & EE CH , BALT & EE & LV & LT JunCH, HeJW-11. O’zone Narnia gathered necessary CACIB’s and is expected to finish her CIE in 2015. O’zone P –litter debuted in shows and did extremely well gathering some CAC’s already and in the biggest international shows in December O’zone Pilgrim got HeJW-14 and his sister O’zone Phaedra got Finnish Junior Winner-14 titles. Other great achievements have already been mentioned above (eg. Dacha vom Havelland, O’zone Java, Gracilis Irresistible, O’zone Evald and many many others with BOB/BOS, CAC’s, Best Male / Best Female placements) and can be read from News 2014 section of our homepage. Our Q –litter (Dalmatian) was born in June out of CIB & AR & Latin America Grand Champions Zagreb Seahawk and CIB & BALT & FI & EE & LV & LT CH JWW-11 O’zone Kahrisma; unique liver spotted male O’zone Qommander has developed to be very very promising and debuted in the FinDAL Puppy & Junior Speciality show on Nivember 15th at age just 5 months wimming the Baby males and being the Best Male Puppy & Honour Prize & BOS-Puppy. We will see more of him in the showrings in 2015. He has also started training for SAR. Our R –litter (Dobermann) was born in December under very unfortunate stars. According to expert veterinarian ultrasound we were expecting to get 8 puppies. 6 were born live and were quite big (except for one that seemed to be prematurely born) and after 2 more were born dead I made a fatal misjudgment probably due to the ultrasound statement and having been awake for almost 48 hours straight as 2 more were then later on born dead at the vet clinic with oxytocin and calcium IV/injections help, luckily there was no need to operate and the mother recuperated fast. Writing this we however only have 3 brave musketeers (2 black + 1 brown male) as 1 died embedded by his mother, 1 was put to sleep at age 2 days due birth defect (urinary tract improperly formed) and the 1 prematurely born died at the age of 2 weeks. Now my 3 brave ones are growing fast, big and strong – so hope they have all the life force of their departed siblings. I am so very sad but at the same time relieved that the dam and her 3 sons are with us. We will see more of them in rings and training fields in the future. Welcome to all the 2014 newcomers: O’zone Qommander, O’zone Rhinelander, O’zone Reykholar and O’zone Rostov with their families. Our next litter, O’zone S –litter (Dalmatian), is planned for late spring 2015 and our next Dobermann litter for 2016. If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact us for more information. We want to thank all owners of dogs from our breeding and all co-owners of our dogs / placement families for the year 2014 and we wish you have the same enthusiasm in the New Year 2015 be it in everyday life, in training, in show or in anything you wish to attempt with your dog. EVENTFUL NEW YEAR 2015 IN THE COMPANY OF GOOD FRIENDS! (written Jan.1st, 2015) |
21.12.2014 |
Vilnus INT (Lithuania) Judge for dobermann A. Filatova (RUS) In intermediate females Oz. Phaedra EX1 CQ "3rd Best Female" In open class females Oz. Narnia EX4 "Dharma" ERI 1, SA Narnia ERI 4 Judge for dalmatian M. Aleksoski (Macedonia) In intermediate males Oz. Osgar EX1 CQ class-CACIB Best Male Winner-CACIB CACIB BOB BOG-3 In intermediate class females Oz.Oma EX2 CQ 2nd Best Female res-CACIB Oz.Oihonna EX1 CQ class-CAC Best Female CACIB BOS Oz. Osgar & Oma BIS-2 Brace for A. Fintarova (RUS) "Oskari" ERI 1, SA, luokka-SERT, PU 1, CACIB, ROP, RYP 3 "Rafi" ERI 2, SA, PN 2, vara-CACIB "Oona" ERI 1, SA, luokka-SERT, PN 1, CACIB, VSP ![]() © Stasys Barauskas O'zone Osgar & Oma BIS-3 Brace at Vilnus INT 21.12.2014 |
20.12.2014 |
Vilnis INT (Lithuania) Judge for dobermann J. Walsh (IRL) in intermediate females Oz. Phaedra VG in olen females Oz. Narnia VG "Dharma" EH Narnia EH Judge for dalmatian M. Urosevic (Serbia) in intermediate males Oz. Osgar EX1 CQ class-CAC Best Male Winner-CAC CACIB BOB and shortlisted in group in intermediate females Oz. Oma VG Oz. Oihonna VG In Brace competition Oz. Osgar & Oma shortlisted "Oskari" ERI 1, SA, luokka-SERT, PU 1, SERT, CACIB, ROP "Rafi" EH "Oona" EH |
7.12.2014 |
Finnish Winner-14; Helsinki INT judge for damatian D. Antonopoulos (SE) intermediate males O'zone Osgar EX3 O'zone Orion EX1 CQ res-CAC open males O'zone Leonardo VG4 champion males O'zone Kurosawa EX intermediate females O'zone Oma EX2 champion females O'zone Idole EX3 veteran fewmales Gracilis Irresistible EX1 CQ Best Female BOB-Vet BOB FINVW-14 & FINW-14 kennel O'zone 3rd HP "Oskari" ERI 3 "Ramos" ERI 1, SA, vara-SERT "Zoni" ERI "Rafi" ERI 2 "Lumi" ERI 3 "Irma" ERI 1, SA, PN 1, ROP VET, ROP, VV-14, V-14 ![]() © A. Kalanti FINVW-14 & FINW-14 & BOB & BOB-Vet Gracilis Irresistible and FINW-14 BOS Firehouse's Powerback, 7.12.2014 judge for dobermann V. Maranik (EE) in junior males O'zone Pilgrim EX2 in junior females O'zone Phaedra EX1 CQ FINJW-14 4th Best Female "Noah" ERI 2 "Dharma" ERI 1, SA, JV-14, PN 4 |
6.12.2014 |
Helsinki Winner-14; Helsinki INT judge for dalmatian E.Paterson (GB) intermediate males O'zone Osgar EX2 CQ O'zone Orion EX3 O'zone Ossian EX4 open males O'zone Leonardo Ex4 champion males O'zone Kurosawa VG intermediate females O'zone Oma EX3 CQ champion females O'zone idole Vg veteran fewmales Gracilis Irresistible EX2 CQ kennel O'zone 3rd HP "Oskari" ERI 2, SA "Ramos" ERI 3 "Osku" ERI 4 "Roni" ERI 4 "Zoni" EH "Rafi" ERI 3, SA "Lumi" EH "Irma" ERI 2, SA judge for dobermann R. Vuorinen (fin) in junior males O'zone Pilgrim EX1 HeJW-14 in junior females O'zone Phaedra EX2 "Noah" ERI 1, HeJW-14 "Dharma" ERI 2 |
3.12.2014 |
Happy Birthday! Happy 6 years birthday to illuminous I -litter!! ![]() ![]() Erinomaista 6 -vuotissynttäriä loistavalle I -pentueelle! |
15.11.2014 |
FINDAL Puppy & Junior Speciality, Lieto judge Mrs S. Myllyntaus (kennel Titara's, FI) in Baby males 5-7 months O'zone Qommander Best Baby Male & HP & Best Male Puppy & BOS-Puppy ![]() © R. Säynäjoki ![]() © R. Säynäjoki "Jalo" PUP 1, KP, VSP-pentu |
14.11.2014 |
Health results O'zone Peacemaker hd-B, ed-0, VAO - normal (official), neck and spine - normal (11/2014; unofficial; orthoped statement) O'zone Priya hd-A, ed-0 (official), neck & spine - normal (11/2014; unofficial; orthoped statement |
13.11.2014 |
9.11.2014 |
Tartu INT (Estonia) judge for dalmatian F. Asnaghi (IT) in intermediate males Oz. Ossian EX4 in open males Oz. Leonardo EX3 in intermediate females Oz. Oihonna EX2 in breeders' kennel O'zone BOB-Breeder "Osku" ERI 4 "Roni" ERI 3 "Oona" ERI 2 |
8.11.2014 |
Jyväskylä INT judge for dalmatian A. Paloheimo in intermediate males Oz. Osgar EX2 CQ in champion females Oz. Idole EX "Oskari" ERI 2, SA "Lumi" ERI judge for dobermann M. Purnell-Carpenter (GB) in junior females Oz. Phaedra EX1 CQ Best Female CAC (couldn't take CACIB due age) BOB (only 3 females fot CQ - no males got CQ) "Dharma" ERI 1, SA, PN 1, SERT, ROP |
8.11.2014 |
Tartu INT (Estonia) judge for dalmatian A.Beneticto Santos III (Philippines) in intermediate males Oz. Ossian EX1 CQ in open males Oz. Leonardo EX3 CQ in intermediate females Oz. Oihonna Ex2 CQ 3rd Best Female in breeders' kennel O'zone BOB-Breeder Thank You Eija (kennel Dalamigos) for showing them! "Osku" ERI 1, SA "Roni" ERI 3, SA "Oona" ERI 2, SA, PN 3 |
18-19.10.2014 |
Jämi, Finnish National Championships in Canicross SM-DCMV Canicross veteran men 4.2 km 3rd place & BRONZE MEDALIST M. Harjuntausta & O'zone Jachal SM-DCM Canicross men 4.2 km 8th place J. Virtanen & O'zone Kubrick Excellent times in tough competition for all teams - WELL DONE!!! ![]() © K. Harjuntausta ![]() © K. Harjuntausta ![]() © K. Harjuntausta |
15.10.2014 |
12.10.2014 |
Valmiera National Show judge for dalmatian S. Kelveri Philippou (Cyprus) in intermediate males O'zone Orion EX1 CQ Best Male CAC BOB BIG-4 "Ramos" ERI 1, SA, PU 1, SERT, ROP, RYP 4 |
11.10.2014 |
Valmiera National show (Latvia) judge for dalmatian Y. Barak (Israel) in junior males O'zone Orion EX1 CQ Jun-CAC > LV & BALT JunCH!! BOS-Jun Best Male BOS "Ramos" ERI 1, SA, JUN SERT, VSP JUN, PU 1, VSP -> LV & BALT JMV |
11.10.2014 |
Finnish Dobermann Club FH - Championship trial H. Pasanen & O'zone Java, FH1 (77p), 1st place |
5.10.2014 |
Hämeenlinna (Tuulos) national show
judge for dobermann H. Simberg (EST) in junior males O'zone Pilgrim EX1 CQ Best Male CAC BOS in junior females O'zone Priya VG2 in open females O'zone Jedda EX4 "Noah" ERI 1, SA, PU 1, SERT, VSP "Rauha" EH 2 "Wilma" ERI 4 |
5.10.2014 |
Working result
Espoo (SPEK) SAR-trial judge J. Löytöläinen O'zone Hudson "Onni"& P. Asikainen PERA-A (SPEK) hyväksytty Natioanl trial for SAR (ruins) - 1st level - accepted |
4.10.2014 |
Working result
Hanko, National Obedience Trial judge R. Björklund O'zone Jewel "Aga" & K. Salomaa National Obedience Trail, 1st level; 180,5 / 200p, 1st place & HP -> TK1 (TOKO ALO 1, 1.sija & KP > TK1) ![]() © P. Salomaa |
1.10.2014 |
Happy Birthday! Happy 5 years birthday to jazzy J - litter!! ![]() Erinomaista 5 -vuotissynttäriä J -pentueelle !! |
25.9.2014 |
In memoriam CIB.BALT.FI.RU.EE.LV.LT CH EEV-08, HeVW-13, ADpr, BH, FinDAL Open Show BOS-VET-14 O'zone Evald "Eetu" 4.8.2005-25.9.2014 (arrythmia due to GVS - gastric volvulus syndrome - on the operating table at vet clinic) My heart will stay here when it’s time for me to leave. The autumn wind just plays its’ song like it would know everything. My heart will stay here forever in the place I lived. Tough I can only stay here until it’s the last night of summer. When I am gone then You’ll only hear the whispering waves at the shore. If You believe more than You think then I will greet You in it. Once again You see the summer and hear the songs of the birds. If your senses are open even for a moment then You’ll understand my message in it. My heart will stay here it will always be near You. You’ll reach it if You want even if there weren’t any songs left on earth. My heart will stay here forever in the place I lived. Farewell my love..... Hyvästi rakkaani.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
25.9.2014 |
Health result O'zone Phaedra hd-B/C ed-0 |
18.9.2014 |
Health result O'zone Orion hd-B ed-0 |
13.9.2014 |
10.9.2014 |
Health result O'zone Oswald hd-A ed-0 |
8.9.2014 |
Happy Birthday! Happy 7 -years birthday to groovy G -litter! ![]() Erinomaistya 7-vuotissynttäriä G -pentueelle! |
7.9.2014 |
Minsk INT (Belorussia)
judge for dalmatian R Kazlauskaite (LT) in junior males Oz. Orion EX1 CQ BOB-Jun Best Male BOB BOG-4 in open males Oz. Leonardo EX1 CQ CAC 3rd Best Male res-CACIB in champion females Oz. Idole EX1 CQ CAC (now BLR GrandCH) Best Female CACIB (now one more from anywhere anytime to finish CIB) BOS Superdouper congratulations to owners Krista & Rita!! "Ramos" ERI 1, SA, ROP JUN, PU 1, ROP, RYP 4 "Roni" ERI 1, SA, SERT, PU 3, vara-CACIB "Lumi" ERI 1, SA, SERT, PN 1, CACIB, VSP |
7.9.2014 |
6.9.2014 |
Minsk INT, BLRW-14 (Belorussia)
judge for dalmatian K. Barbosov (RU) in junior males Oz. Orion EX1 CQ Jun-CAC (now EE,LT, BLR JunCH) BOB-Jun & BLR JW-14 in open males Oz. Leonardo EX in champion females Oz. Idole EX1 CQ CAC 2nd Best Female res-CACIB "Ramos" ERI 1, SA, JUN SERT, ROP JUN, BLR JW -14 "Roni" ERI "Lumi" ERI 1, SA, SERT, PN 2, vara-CACIB |
6.9.2014 |
Helsinki Nat. show
judge for dalmatian C. Jouanchiot (FR) in junior males Oz. Ossian EX1 CQ 3rd Best Male CAC in champion males Oz. Lemminkäinen EX2 CQ 2nd Best Male in junior females Oz. Opri EX2 O'zone Jedda VG3 in breeders' kennel O'zone 1. HP & BOB-Breeder "Osku" ERI 1, SA, PU 3, SERT "Ilpo" ERI 2, SA, PU 2 "Opri" ERI 2 "Rafi" EH 3 |
4.9.2014 |
Health result O'zone Odin hd-A ed-0 |
1.9.2014 |
Health result O'zone Ossian hd-A ed-0 O'zone Opri hd-A ed-0 |
31.8.2014 |
Tervakoski INT
judge for dobermann T. Eerola (FI) in junior males O'zone Pilgrim EX1 CQ 2nd Best Male res-CAC in junior females O'zone Phedra EX1 CQ 3rd Best Female in open females Fleur vh Wantij EX2 CQ 2nd Best Females res-CAC res-CACIB O'zone Jedda VG3 "Noah" ERI 1, SA, PU 2, vara-SERT "Dharma" ERI 1, SA, PN 3 "Elsa" ERI 2, SA, PN 2, vara-SERT, vara-CACIB "Wilma" EH 2 judge for dalmatian R. Johanssen (SE) in intermediate males O'zone Osgar EX2 in intermediate females O'zone Oma EX2 "Oskari" ERI 2 "Rafi" ERI 2 |
31.8.2014 |
Health result Oz. Osgar hd-A ed-0 Oz. Oma hd-A ed-0 |
30.8.2014 |
Kennel day Annual O'zone kennel day at Lammi; Thank You to all participants and training instructors H.Pasanen and P. & K. Salomaa :-) Photos / Kuvia Vuotuiset kennelpäivät Lammilla; Kiitos kaikille osallistujille sekä koulutusohjaajille H. Pasanen ja P. & K. Salomaa :-) |
24.8.2014 |
Tallinn INT (Estonia)
judge for dobermann I. Gergel (UA) in junior females Oz. Phaedra EX1 CQ Jun-CAC BOB-Junior in intermediate females Oz. Narnia EX1 CQ 2nd Best Female CAC res-CACIB -> will be converted to CACIB in champion females Oz. Java EX2 CQ 4th Best Female in veteran females Dascha v. Havelland EX1 CQ BOS-Vet in breeders' class O'zone 1. HP BOB-Breeder "Dharma" ERI 1, SA, JUN SERT, ROP JUN Narnia ERI 1, SA, PN 2, SERT, vara-CACIB Java ERI 2, SA, PN 4 Dascha ERI 1, SA, VSP VET judge for dalmatian U. Özkanal (TY) in intermediate males Oz. Osgar EX1 CQ 2nd Best Male res-CACIB in intermediate females Oz. Oma EX1 CQ Best Female CACIB BOS in brace Osgar & Oma 1. HP & BIS-1 Brace "Oskari" ERI 1, SA, PU 2, vara-CACIB "Rafi" ERI 1, SA, PN 1, CACIB, VSP |
23.8.2014 |
judge for dalmatian J. Coppens (NL) in junior males Oz. Orion EX1 CQ 3rd Best Male res-CAC in open males Oz. Leonardo EX2 "Ramos" ERI 1, SA, PU 3, vara-SERT "Roni" ERI 2 |
23.8.2014 |
Tallinn INT (Estonia)
judge for dobermann M. Palgi (EST) in junior females Oz. Phaedra VG in intermediate females Oz. Narnia EX1 CQ 3rd Best Female CAC in champion females Oz. Java VG in veteran females Dascha v. Havelland VG in breeders' class O'zone place "Dharma" EH Narnia ERI 1, SA, PN 3, SERT Java EH Dascha EH judge for dalmatian C. Kerssemeijer (NL) in intermediate males Oz. Osgar EX1 CQ Best Male CACIB BOB BOG-1 in intermediate females Oz. Oma VG in brace Osgar & Oma 1. HP ![]() © P. Saar "Oskari" ERI 1, SA, PU 1, CACIB, ROP, RYP 1 "Rafi" EH |
22.8.2014 |
Luige (Estonia)
judge for dobermann S. Vakkilainen (FI) in junior females Oz. Phaedra VG in intermediate females Oz. Narnia 0 in champion females Oz. Java EX1 CQ 3rd Best Female in veteran females Dascha v. Havelland EX1 CQ BOB-Vet 2nd Best Female BIS-2 VET "Dharma" EH Narnia 0 Java ERI 1, SA, PN 3 Dascha ERI 1, SA, ROP VET, PN 2, BIS 2 Veteraani |
19.8.2014 |
Working result
Raasepori, FH-trial judge H. Laajajärvi O'zone Java & H. Pasanen, FH1 (74p) |
17.8.2014 |
Rasio, Nat. show
judge for dalmatian M. Jonsson (SE) in champion males Oz. Kurosawa EX4 in junior females Oz. Oma EX1 CQ 4th Best Female in champion females Oz. Idole EX1 CQ in veteran females Gracilis Irresistible EX3 "Zoni" ERI 4 "Rafi" ERI 1, SA, PN 4 "Lumi" ERI 1, SA "Irma" ERI 3 judge for dobermann G. Ehrenreich (A) - only 4 dogs got CQ - in junior males Oz. Peacemaker EX1 CQ Best Male CAC BOS in junior females Oz. Phaedra EX1 CQ Best Female CAC BOB ![]() © P. Salomaa Oz. Phaedra BOB & Oz-. Peacemaker BOS, Raisio 17.8.14 "Mace" ERI 1, SA, PU 1, SERT, VSP "Dharma" ERI 1, SA, PN 1, SERT, ROP |
16.8.2014 |
Valkeakoski, Nat. show judge for dalmatian E. Nummi (FI) in junior females Oz. Oihonna EX2 "Oona" ERI 2 |
16.8.2014 |
Ulvila, Nat. show judge for dalmatian D. Reicher (HR) in junior males Oz. Orionn EX1 CQ 3rd Best Male in open males Oz. leonardo EX3 in champion males Oz. Kurosawa EX1 CQ 2nd Best Male res-CAC in champion females Oz. Idole EX1 CQ 4th Best Female res-CAC "Ramos" ERI 1, SA, PU 3 "Roni" ERI 3 "Zoni" ERI 1, SA, PU 2, vara-SERT "Lumi" ERI 1, SA, PN 4, vara-SERT |
14.8.2014 |
Happy Birthday! Happy 1 year birthday to precious P -litter! ![]() ![]() Ihanaa 1 -vuotissynttäriä pirtsakalle P -pentueelle! |
12.8.2014 |
Working result
Inkoo, judge P. Tallberg O'zone Jewel & K. Salomaa National Obedience Trial, 1st level (TOKO ALO): 180 / 200p & HP, 1st place |
9.8.2014 |
Helsinki, WDS-14
judge for dalmatian males A. Foss (NO) in junior males Oz. Osgar EX Oz. Ossian VG Oz. Orion VG in open males Oz. Leonardo VG "Oskari" ERI "Osku" EH "Ramos" EH "Roni" EH judge for dalmatian females L. de Ridder-Onghena (BE) in junior females Oz. Oma EX4 Oz. Odile VG Oz. Oihonna VG in champion females Oz. Indira EX in veteran females Gracilis Irresistible EX "Rafi" ERI 4 "Odi" EH "Oona" EH "Miina" ERI "Irma" ERI |
4.8.2014 |
Happy Birthday! Merry 9 years birthday to exuberant E -litter!! ![]() Upeaa 9 -vuotissynttäriä erinomiaselle E -pentueelle!! |
3.8.2014 |
Working result
Forssa, judge I. Sten O'zone Jewel & K. Salomaa National Obedience Trial, 1st level (TOKO ALO): 186 / 200p ; 3rd place |
Siikajoki Nat. show
judge for dobermann M. Mäkinen (FI) in junior females Oz. Phoebe VG1 "Piiku" EH 1 |
3.8.2014 |
Kuopio INT
judge for dalmatian H. Kirschbichler (A) in junior males Oz. Orion EX2 in intermediate males Oz. Osgar EX1 CQ in open males Oz. Leonardo EX1 CQ in intermediate females Oz. Oihonna EX1 "Ramos" ERI 2 "Oskari" ERI 1, SA "Roni" ERI 1, SA "Oona" ERI 1 |
2.8.2014 |
Kuopio INT
judge for dalmatian V. Hutton (Australia) in junior males Oz. Orion EX2 Oz. Ossian EX3 in open males Oz. Leonardo EX3 in intermediate females Oz. Oihonna EX1 CQ "Ramos" ERI 2 "Osku" ERI 3 "Roni" ERI 3 "Oona" ERI 1, SA |
1.8.2014 |
Kuopio INT
judge for dalmatian E. Haapaniemi (FI) in intermediate males Oz. Osgar EX1 in intermediate females Oz. Oihonna VG1 "Oskari" ERI 1 "Oona" EH 1 |
27.7.2014 |
Saarijärvi Nat. show
judge for dalmatian A. Giura (RO) in champion males Oz. Ilmarinen EX in junior females Oz. Oma EX4 CQ "Ilmari" ERI "Rafi" ERI 4, SA judge for dobermann M. Mäkinen (FI) in junior females Oz. Phaedra EX1 CQ Best Female CAC BOS "Dharma" ERI 1, SA, PN 1, SERT, VSP |
26.7.2014 |
Helsinki Nat. show
judge for dalmatian E. Mjelde (NO) in junior males Oz. Osgar EX2 CQ 3rd Best Male Oz. Ossian EX4 Oz. Orion EX in open males Oz.Leonardo EX1 in junior females Oz. Odile EX2 in veteran females Gracilis Irresistible EX2 CQ 3rd Best Female kennel O'zone BOB-Breeder & HP (we didn't stay for BIS) "Oskari" ERI 2, SA, PU 3 "Osku" ERI 4 "Ramos" ERI "Roni" ERI 1 "Odi" ERI 2 "Irma" ERI 2, SA, PN 3 judge for dobermann M. Järventölä (FI) in junior females Oz. Phedra EX1 CQ Best Female CAC BOB "Dharma" ERI 1, SA, PN 1, SERT, ROP |
20.7.2014 |
Kemi INT
judge for dobermann H. Lehkonen (FI) in junior females Oz. Phoebe VG1 "Piiku" EH 1 judge for dalmatian I. Pablaka (LV) in junior females Oz. Oma VG1 "Rafi" EH 1 |
19.7.2014 |
In memoriam FI & RU & SE CH, BALT & EE & LV & LT VetCH, JK2, BH Santa Julf Alaska 17.7.2002 - 19.7.2014 (euthanasia; health issues related to spread tumours) Heli's farewell to "Saga": Kauniina nauhana vuosien päivät, helmenä jokainen muistoksi jäivät. Elämän päivien ketju on kallis, helmist’ ei yhdenkään kadota sallis. (Free translation: All days spent together as pearls in a string in my memory. This precious pearl string, not a single one to be lost) Saga nukutettiin ikiuneen kotona rauhallisesti sylissäni. Palattuamme viemästä Sagaa viimeiselle matkalle, satoi hetken taivaan täydeltä, sitten paistoi aurinko lämpimästi ja iltaa kohti pilveni taivas. Pilvien seasta kuului voimakas ukkosen jyrinä; tiesimme, että Saga oli saapunut perille. Kiitos Saga kaikesta! 12 vuoteen mahtuu niin paljon. Ystävä, harrastuskaveri, matkakumppani, suuri persoona ja äärimmäisen rakastettu perheenjäsen. Opetit meille paljon. Sinä jos joku, osasit elää siinä hetkessä. Kiitos, että kuljit rinnallani koko maallisen matkan. Toivon, että osasin olla arvoisesi. Sydämeni ei voisi olla särkyneempi... Lepää rauhassa neiti kesäheinä! Dear Heli & Pasi; Saga couldn't have had a more loving family than You; I am ever so grateful that 12 years ago You set on this adventure with her - Thank You for everything, also seeing that Saga was given her final "Free!" when time had come, it also takes courage to let one's loved-one go... |
17.7.2014 |
Happy Birthday! Extraordinary 12th birthday greetings to super-Saga!! ![]() ![]() © H. Pantsar Saga 12 years on 17.7.2014 ![]() © H. Pantsar Saga 12 years on 17.7.2014 Super-Sagalle huippu hyvää 12 -vuotissynttäriä!! |
13.7.2014 |
6.7.2014 |
Happy Birthday! Happy 11th birthday to darling "D -litter"!! ![]() ![]() © F. Glander Fred & Oz. Djakarta aka. Aika 11 years Erinomaista 11 -vuotissynttäriä D -pentueelle!! |
6.7.2014 |
Pärnu INT (Estonia) judge for dalmatians E. Liljeqvist-Borg (dals on trip with me shown by another handler as the rings for overlapping totally... :-// ) in junior males Oz. Orion EX1 CQ Jun-CAC > EE JunCH!!, BOB-Junior & 2nd Best Male in open males Oz. Leonardo EX2 in champion males Oz. Lionheart VG in junior females Oz. Odile G in breeders' kennel O'zone BOB-Breeder & HP & BIS-2 Breeder for M. Lepasaar ![]() © S. Kinnas BIS-2 Breeder group with, from left to right; Oz. Orion, Leonardo and Lionheart "Ramos" ERI 1, SA, JUN SERT, ROP JUN, PU 2, EE JMVA "Roni" ERI 2 "Oiva" EH "Odi" H judge for Dobermann M Polivanov (RU) in junior females Oz. Pheadra EX3 CQ in intermediate females Oz. Narnia EX1 CQ "Dharma" ERI 3, SA "Narnia" ERI 1, SA |
5.7.2014 |
Pärnu INT (Estonia) judge for both dalmatian and dobermann K. P. Reisinger (A) dalmatians in junior males Oz. Orion EX1 in open males Oz. Leonardo EX1 in champion males Oz. Lionheart EX1 CQ Best Male CACIB -> CIB!!, BOS in junior females Oz. Odile EX1 in breeders' kennel O'zone BOB-Breeder & HP "Ramos" ERI 1 "Roni" ERI 1 "Oiva" ERI 1, SA, PU 1, CACIB, VSP, C.I.B "Odi" ERI 1 dobermanns in junior females Oz. Phaedra VG in intermediate females Oz. Narnia EX1 CQ "Dharma" EH Narnia ERI 1, SA |
5.7.2014 |
30.6.2014 |
Hämeenlinna judge J. Kurtti Fleur vh Wantij & J. Tuomaala National Obedience Trial, 1st level (TOKO ALO): 180 / 200p |
29.6.2014 |
Forssa (Mustiala) National Show judge for dalmatian K.-E. Johansson (SE) in junior females Oz. Oihonna VG1 "Oona" EH 1 |
28.6.2014 |
Pori INT judge for dalmatian D Reicher (HR) in junior males Oz. Osgar EX1 CQ 2nd Best Male CAC Oz. Orion EX2 CQ Oz. Ossian EX3 Oz. Oula EX4 in open males Oz. Leonardo EX3 in champion males Oz. Kurosawa EX4 in junior females Oz. Oihonna EX2 in champion females Oz. Idole EX in veteran females Gracilis Irresistible EX1 CQ BOS-Veteran in breeders class kennel O'zone 2nd "Oskari" ERI 1, SA, PU 2, SERT "Ramos" ERI 2 SA "Osku" ERI 3 "Otto" ERI 4 "Roni" ERI 3 "Zoni" ERI 4 "Oona" ERI 2 "Lumi" ERI "Irma" ERI 1, SA, VSP VET judge for dobermann M. Talvitie (FI) in junior females Oz. Phaedra EX1 Dharma ERI 1 |
22.6.2014 |
Rovaniemi INT judge for dalmatian R. Lahtovaara (FI) in junior females Oz. Oma VG1 "Rafi" EH 1 judge for dobermann R. Branislav (SI) in junior females Oz. Phoebe EX1 CQ 2nd Best Female CAC "Piiku" ERI 1, SA, PN 2, SERT |
17.6.2014 |
In memoriam O'zone Fidji "Laika" 20.3.2007 - 17.6.2014 Died in her sleep, presumably due to oxygen deprivation due to severe bradycardia diagnosed early 2014 (preliminary autopsy findings University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover, Germany: cause of death undetermined)"; Final diagnosis: sinus arrest (without sinus tachycardia) due to symptoms of sinus node dysfunction (and sinus node dysfunction/sick sinus syndrome led to sinus bradycardia and during the last weeks of her life progressed to Atrial fibrillation with slow ventricular response which is also different form atrial fibrilations in DCM). In humans sinus arrest is considered an inevitable end in people with Sick Sinus Syndrome who do not have a pacemaker. The University’s finally report reported generalised inflammation of the entire heart and valves leading to the symptoms detected by the cardiologist not even five days prior to her death. Sun sinking, night arrives, another day is gone. The world falls asleep and quietly awakes, the nightingales sad song. And with every new beginning the end is never far. We come here and we move on and always passes time. Goodbye, dear friends, lets complete the eternal circle. Life is, but a game. But if you know to play it right you reach the final aim. (from a song by Claus Ludwig Laue, 1946) Thank You Anna for being such a true friend to Laika, loving and taking outmost excellent care of her until the end we both knew to arrive too soon.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
15.6.2014 |
Tromssa INT (Norway) judge for dalmatian V. Nymark (NO) in champion males O'zone Lemminkäinen EX3 in champion females O'zone Indira EX2 CQ 3rd Best Female res-CACIB ![]() © O. Vilkuna CIB & MultiCH O'zone Lemminkäinen and CIB & MultiCH O'zone Indira in Tromssa, Norway judge for dobermann V. Hübentahl (NO) also I had the pleasure to handle in intermediate males Taikaviitan Utopian-Uhka EX1 CQ Best Male CAC CACIB BOS - Congratulations to owner Nina & Jorma :-) "Ilpo" ERI 3 "Miina" ERI 2, SA, PN 3, vara-CACIB |
15.6.2014 |
Kotka INT judge for dalmatian A. Koskelo (FI) in junior males O'zone Orion EX1 CQ in open males O'zone Leonardo EX4 "Ramos" ERI 1, SA "Roni" ERI 4 |
14.6.2014 |
Pöytyä, National Show judge for dobermann M. Talvitie (FI) in open females O'zone Jedda EX1 CQ Best Female CAC BOB (the only dog to get CQ; didn't stay for group) Congratulations Leena & "Wilma"! ![]() "Wilma" ERI 1, SA, PN 1, SERT, ROP |
9.6.2014 |
7.6.2014 |
Working result
Finnish Dobermann Club National Obedience Trial Championships, II level (TOKO AVO): 189.5 / 200p, 1st place & HP & OPEN CLASS BREED CHAMPION (RM) O'zone Java & H. Pasanen Super job Hanna & Java! ![]() |
1.6.2014 |
Tallinn (Estonia)
Estonian Dalmatian Club Speciality & Group VI Speciality judge M. Blaha (A) in junior males O'zone Ossian EX1 CQ Best Junior Male Jun-CAC > EE JunCH!! BOB-Junior, 2nd Best Male, BIS-2 Junior in open males O'zone Leonardo VG2 in champion males O'zone Lemminkäinen VG (??? loose movement ???) in junior females O'zone Odile EX3 CQ in champion females O'zone Indira EX1 CQ (but for some odd reason not placed in BF ring even tough run against the female placed BF1....) in breeders' class kennel O'zone 3rd & HP "Osku" ERI 1, SA, ROP JUN, JUN SERT, PU 2, BIS 2 -JUN, EE JMVA "Roni" EH 2 "Lemminkäinen" EH "Odi" ERI 3, SA "Miina" ERI 1, SA Estonian Dobermann Club Speciality judge N. Timmermans-Kadenko (NL) in junior females O'zone Phaedra EX3 "Dharma" ERI 3 |
31.5.2014 |
Minsk INT (Bielorussia)
![]() O'zone Katherine "Kike" becomes BLR & FI & EE CH!! Congratulations to Kati & "Kike"! |
23.-25.5.2014 |
Moletai 3 X INT (Lithuania; BALTW-14 on 24.5.14)
Dascha vom Havelland made new championships acquiring LT Vet CH & BALT Vet CH & BALTVW-14 titles - Congratulaitons Hanna & Dascha!!! "Daschalle" upeita uusia titteleitä Moletaista; LT Vet MVA & BALT Vet MVA & BALTVV-14 - Onnittelut Hanna ja Dascha!!! |
25.5.2014 |
Moletai INT, Lithuania
judge for dalmatian R. Cekic (Serbia) in junior males O'zone Orion EX1 CQ Jun-CAC -> LT JunCH !! BOB-Junior "Ramos" ERI 1, SA, JUN SERT, LT JMVA, ROP JUN |
24.5.2014 |
Nurmijärvi, MH-test (Swedish Character / Mental test for dogs)
judges P. Kelloperä & A. Haapakoski O'zone Lemminkäinen MH - passed /-hyväksytty O'zone Indira MH - passed /-hyväksytty O'zone Ilmarinen MH - passed /-hyväksytty |
24.5.2014 |
Finnish Doberman Club Speciality, Helsinki
judge for puppies & males M. Dalgaard (DK) judge for females T. Becht little under 100 entries in junior males O'zone Peacemaker EX O'zone Pilgrim EX both boys got to final 6 in their class in junior females O'zone Phaedra EX2 CQ in veteran females Santa Julf Alaska EX4 CQ & The Oldest Veteran in the Show Congratulations also to Nina & "Rontti" (Taikaviitan Utopian-Uhka) for interm. males EX2 CQ 4th Best Male res-CAC! It was my pkleasure to handle him once again :-) "Mace" ERI "Noah" ERI "Dharma" ERI 2, SA Santa Julf Alaska ERI 4, SA |
24.5.2014 |
Järvenpää, National show
judge for dalmatian A. Lehmussaari (FI) in champion males O'zone Kurosawa EX1 CQ 2nd Best Male res-CAC in champion females O'zone Idole EX2 "Zoni" ERI 1, SA, PU 2, vara-SERT "Lumi" ERI 2 |
24.5.2014 |
Oulainen, National show
judge for dobermann K. Niemelä (FI) in junior females O'zone Phoebe EX1 "Piiku" ERI 1 |
24.5.2014 |
Moletai INT "BALTW-14", Lithuania
judge for dalmatian V. Staviarska (SI) in junior males O'zone Orion EX2 "Ramos" ERI 2 |
23.5.2014 |
Moletai INT, Lithuania
judge for dalmatian V. Piskay (SI) in junior males O'zone Orion EX1 CQ Jun-CAC BOB-Junior 2nd Best Male "Ramos" ERI 1, SA, JUN-SERT, ROP JUN, PU 2 |
18.5.2014 |
Joensu, National Show
judge for dalmatian M. Kipinä (FI) in veteran males O'zone Eadmund EX1 CQ 2nd Best Male BOS-Vet "Bonzo" ERI 1, SA, PU 2, VSP VET |
18.5.2014 |
Oulu INT
judge for sdobermann I. Oesten- Schenk (A) in junior females O'zone Phoebe EX1 CQ "Piiku" ERI 1, SA |
18.5.2014 |
IHA Wieselburg (Austria)
judge for dobermann H. Watschinger (A) Gotti vh Wantij V1, CACA, CACIB, BOB Congratulations Davor & Lana!! "Gotti" ERI 1, SERT, CACIB, ROP |
17.5.2014 |
Helsinki, Working breeds Speciality
judge for dobermann H. Tast (FI) in champion females O'zone Java EX1 CQ Best Female BOB "Java" ERI 1, SA, PN 1, ROP |
17.5.2014 |
Oulu, National Show
judge for dobermann M. Kodslowska (PL) in junior females O'zone Phoebe EX1 CQ 2nd Best Female CAC "Piiku" ERI 1, SA, PN 2, SERT |
17.5.2014 |
Rauma, National Sgow
judge for dalmatian A. di Lorenzo (NO) in junior females O'zone Oihonna VG2 "Oona" EH 2 |
17.5.2014 |
Joensuu INT
judge for dalmatian I. Bakal (HR) in veteran males O'zone Eadmund EX2 CQ "Bonzo" ERI 2, SA |
17.5.2014 |
Helsinki, National Show
judge for dalmatian M. Luoso (FI) in junior males O'zone Orion EX1 "Ramos" ERI 1 |
17.5.2014 |
Charactertest result
Renko / Hämeenlinna Finnish Charactertest (LT) judges A. Kiiminki & P. Kelloperä Fleur van het Wantij +1, +1, +1, +2, +1, +1, +1, +3, +++ (laukausvarma / secure to gunshot, no reaction) |
11.5.2014 |
Helsinki INT
judge for dalmatian and dobermann N. Karlsdotter (SE) in junior males O'zone Ossian EX2 CQ 4th Best Male res-CAC O'zone Orion EX in open males O'zone Leonardo VG1 in champion males O'zone Lemminkäinen EX1 CQ 2nd Best Male CACIB in junior females O'zone Oma EX2 O'zone Odile VG3 in champion females O'zone Indira EX"5" CQ in veteran females Gracilis Irresistible EX2 CQ kennel O'zone 2.nd & HP in dobermann female puppies O'zone Phaedra 1. HP & BOB-puppy ![]() © T. Fyhr O'zone Ossian 12 months ![]() © T. Fyhr O'zone Orion 12 months ![]() © T. Fyhr O'zone Leonardo 3 years ![]() © T. Fyhr O'zone Oma 12 months "Osku" ERI 2, SA, PU 4, vara-SERT "Ramos" ERI "Roni" EH 1 "Ilpo" ERI 1, SA, PU 2, CACIB "Rafi" ERI 2 "Odi" EH 3 "Indira" ERI "5", SA "Irma" ERI 2, SA "Phaedra" 1 KP, ROP-pentu |
11.5.2014 |
Working result
Tartu (Estonia) Working result: KK3 (highest level national obedience trial) O'zone Java & H. Pasanen, KK3 ; 88 / 100p, 1st place!! Supercongratulations Hanna & Java! ![]() |
10.5.2014 |
Hamina INT
judge for dalmatian J. Putkonen (FI) in junior males O'zone Osgar EX1 CQ Best Male CAC (could't take cacib due age) BOS O'zone Orion VG3 in open males O'zone Leonardo VG1 in junior females O'zone Opri EX1 CQ O'zone Odile VG2 in champion demales O'zone Idole EX2 CQ res-CAC in veteran females Gracilis Irresistible Ex2 CQ 3rd Best Female kennel O'zone 1.HP & BOB-Breeder judge for dobermann A. Castellis Llosa (SP) in puppy females 7-9 months O'zone Phaedra 1. HP BOB-Puppy "Oskari" ERI 1, SA, PU 1, SERT, VSP "Ramos" EH 3 "Roni" EH 1 "Opri" ERI 1, SA "Odi" EH 2 "Lumi" ERI 2, SA, vara-SERT "Irma" ERI 2, SA, PN 3 "Phaedra" 1 KP, ROP-pentu |
4.5.2014 |
Talsi National show (Latvia)
judge for dalmatian J. Scheepers (NL) in open males O'zone Leonardo EX1 CQ Best Male CAC BOB BIG-5 "Roni" ERI 1, SA, PU 1, SERT, ROP, RYP 5 |
4.5. 2014 |
Tampere INT
judge for dalmatian M. Lepasaar (EST) in junior males O'zone Osgar EX1 CQ Best Male CAC (couldn't take CACIB due young age) BOS O'zone Oula EX2 CQ O'zone Ossian VG O'zone Orion VG in junior females O'zone Oma excellent critique but could not be judged due limping (EVA; ontui; erinomainen arvostelu muutoin) O'zone Oihonna EX2 CQ in champion females O'zone Idole EX in veteran females Gracilis Irresistible EX3 in breeders' kennel O'zone 3.rd & HP ![]() © T. Fyhr Oz. Osgar & Oz. Oula 12 months at Tampere INT 4.5.2014 ![]() © T. Fyhr Oz. Osgar 12 months BOS & Beloe Zoloto Desert Rose BOB at Tampere INT 4.5.14 with judge M. Lepasaar "Oskari" ERI 1, SA, PU 1, SERT, VSP "Otto" ERI 2, SA "Osku" EH "Ramos" EH "Rafi" EVA "Oona" ERI 2, SA "Lumi" ERI "Irma" ERI 3 |
3.5.2014 |
Working result
Hyvinkää National Obedience Trial, Open level (TOKO AVO) judge H. Pörsti O'zone Java "Java" & Hanna Pasanen, 168 / 200p, 2nd place O'zone Gothika "Siru" & Sanni Vesterinen, 166 / 200p, 3rd place ![]() © A. Salmi Oz. Gothika & Sanni and Oz. Java & Hanna Great debute for trial season - Congratulations Hanna & Sanni!! |
3.5.2014 |
Talsi National show (Latvia)
judge for dalmatian D. Reicher (HR) in open males O'zone Leonardo EX1 CQ Best Male CAC BOB BIG-5 Congratulations Krista & "Roni"! "Roni" ERI 1, SA, PU 1, SERT, ROP, RYP 5 |
3.5.2014 |
Tampere INT
judge for dobermann R Fors (SE) shown on puppy class 7-9 months males: O'zone Peacemaker 1.HP Best Male Puppy & BOB-Puppy shown in puppy class 7-9 months females: O'zone Phaedra 1. HP Best Female Puppy & BOS-Puppy O'zone Phoebe 2. HP 2nd Best Female Puppy O'zone Priya 3. intermediate class females O'zone Narnia EX1 CQ Best Female CAC CACIB BOS open class females Fleur vh Wantij EX1 CQ 4th Best Female res-CACIB "Mace" PUP 1.KP ROP-pentu "Dharma" PNP1 KP VSP-pentu "Piiku" PNP2 KP "Rauha" PEK3 "Narnia" ERI 1, SA, PN 1, SERT, CACIB, VSP "Elsa" ERI 1, SA, PN 4, vara-CACIB |
1.5.2014 |
Hollola National Show
judge for dalmatian G. Druborough (Australia) in junior males Oz. Orion EX3 in open males Oz. Leonardo VG3 in champion males Oz. Kurosawa VG4 in champion females Oz. Idole EX1 CQ 3rd Best Female in veteran females Gracilis Irresistible EX1 CQ 4th Best Female BOB-Vet & BIS-3 Vet for R. Paquette (CA) "Ramos" ERI 3 "Roni" EH 3 "Zoni" EH 4 "Lumi" ERI 1, SA, PN 3 "Irma" ERI 1, SA, PN 4, ROP VET, BIS-3 VET |
26.4.2014 |
Lahti INT
judge for dalmatian M. Mähönen (FI) in junior males O'zone Orion EX2 CQ O'zone Osgar VG3 O'zone Ossian VG4 in open males O'zone Leonardo VG1 in junior females O'zone Oihonna G O'zone Opri VG3 O'zone Oma VG4 kennel O'zone "Ramos" ERI 2, SA "Oskari" EH 3 "Osku" EH 4 "Roni" EH 1 "Oona" H "Opri" EH 3 "Rafi" EH 4 |
22.4.2014 |
Happy Birthday! Happy 3 years birthday to mighty M-litter!! ![]() Mahtavaa 3-vuotissynttäriä M -pentueelle! |
19.4.2014 |
Hyvinkää Puppy Show
judge for dobermann J. Putkonen (FI) in puppy males 7-9 months Oz. Pilgrim 1. HP, 2nd Best Male Puppy in puppy females 7-9 months Oz. Phaedra 1. HP, Best Female Puppy & BOB-Puppy "Noah" PUP2 "Dharma" PNP1, ROP-pentu |
19.4.2014 |
Laukaa National Show
judge for dalmatian P. Rekiranta (FI) in junior males Oz. Orion VG3 in open males Oz. Leonardo EX2 in champion females Oz. Idole EX1 CQ 4th Best Female "Ramos" EH 3 "Roni" ERI 2 "Lumi" ERI 1, SA, PN 4 |
13.4.2014 |
Happy Birthday! Happy 1 year birthday to outstanding O -litter!! ![]() ![]() Erinomaista 1 -vuotissynttäriä upealle O -pentueelle!! |
12.4.2014 |
Tallinn INT, Tallinn Winner-14 judge for dobermann N. Lemo (HR) in veteran females Dascha vom Havelland EX1 CQ Vet-CAC BOB-Vet TLVW-14 "Dascha" ERI 1, SA, ROP VET, TLNVW-14 |
5.4.2014 |
Award Finnish Dobermann Club Breeder of the Year 2013 Award (based on overall results in trials, shows, health and character testing); THANK YOU to the owners of dogs from our breeding for their activity !!! Suomen dobermann yhdistys ry. Vuoden kasvattaja 2013 (perustuu koe-, näyttely-, terveystutkimus- ym. vastaaviin tuloksiin); ISO KIITOS kasvattiemme omistajille heidän aktiivisuudestaan!!! |
4.4.2014 |
In memoriam Lacrima Christi C'est La Vie "Helmi" 16.1.2005 - 4.4.2014 (euthansia; closed pyometra & bloodpoisoning) ![]() Jos sua ei ois ollut niin olisin keksinyt sut ois susta samanlainen tullut mitään en ois muuttanut ohikulkijat luulee minun seinille puhuvan tyhjyyteen he sanovan mun kuulee sua aina rakastan (...) kiitos kun olit totta hetken nyt mun täytyy tästä jatkaa vierelläni teet loppuretken vaikka se olis kuvitelmaa Kaija Koo, Jos sua ei ois ollut |
4.4.2014 |
Happy Birthday! Happy 4 years birthday to kindhearted K -litter! ![]() ![]() Hyvää 4-vuotissynttäriä sydämelliselle K-pentueelle! |
31.3.2014 |
Health result Oz. Narnia HD- C/B, ED- 0/0, neck & spine x-rayed: normal |
30.3.2014 |
Rakvwere (Estonia) National Show judge for dalmatian L. Tchistiakova (RUS) in junior males Oz. Ossian EX1 CQ (jun-CAC) BOB-Junior Best Male BOB & BIG-1 (for N. Davidovska, BLG) in open males Oz. Kurosawa EX1 CQ 2nd Best Male (CAC) in junior females Oz. Oihonna EX1 CQ jun-CAC > EE JCH!! BOS-Junior 2nd Best Female in veteran females Gracilis Irresistible EX1 CQ BOB-Vet (vet-CAC) Beast Female BOS in breeders' class kenel O'zone 1.HP & BOB-Breeder "Osku" ERI 1, SA, ROP JUN, PU 1, ROP, RYP 1 "Zoni" ERI 1, SA, PU 2 "Oona" ERI 1, SA, VSP JUN, PN 2 "Irma" ERI 1, SA, ROP VET, PN 1, VSP judge for dobermann S. frisk (SE) in puppy females 7-9 mopnths Oz. Phaedra 1. HP BOB-Puppy & BIS-2 Puppy (for Z. Davidovska, BLG) ![]() © R. Mettomäki Oz. Phaedra aka. Dharma BOB-Puppy & BIS-2 Puppy Rakvere Nat. Show 30.3.2014 "Dharma" 1 KP, ROP-pentu, BIS 2 -pentu |
29.3.2014 |
Rakvere (Estonia) National Show judge for dalmatian T. Pehar (HR) in junior males Oz. Ossian EX1 CQ Jun-CAC BOB-Junior Best Male BOS in open males Oz. Kurosawa EX1 CQ 2nd Best Male CAC > EE CH!! in junior females Oz. Oihonna EX1 CQ jun-CAC > EE JCH!! BOS-Junior 2nd Best Female in veteran females Gracilis Irresistible EX1 CQ BOB-Vet vet-CAC > EE VetCH!! Best Female BOB & BIG-1 (for T. Pehar) ![]() CIB & MultiCH FV-08 Gr. Irresistible "Irma" BOB & BOB-Vet & EE VetCH & BIG-1 in Rakvere Nat. Show 29.3.2014 in breeders' class kennl O'zone 1. HP & BOB-Breeder "Osku" ERI 1, SA, JUN SERT, ROP JUN, PU 1, VSP "Zoni" ERI 1, SA, PU 2, SERT, EE MVA "Oona" ERI 1, SA, JUN SERT, VSP JUN, PN 2, EE JMVA "Irma" ERI 1, SA, ROP VET, VET SERT, PN 1, ROP, RYP 1, EE VMVA judge for dobermann P. Demetriou (CY) in puppy females 7-9 mopnths Oz. Phaedra 1. HP BOB-Puppy "Dharma" 1 KP, ROP-pentu |
29.3.2014 |
Kemijärvi National Show judge for dobermann S. Juutilainen (FI) shown in puppy females 7-9 months Oz. Phoebe 1.HP BOB-Puppy open class females Oz. Jedda EX2 "Piiku" 1.KP ROP-pentu "Wilma" ERI 2 |
29.3.2014 |
In memoriam O'zone Humboldt "Sulo" 13.3.2008 - 28.3.2014 (euthanasia; lymphosarcoma) Thank You Juhani & family for loving and taking care of "Sulo" until the end and having courage to let him go when his time had come. ![]() ![]() ![]() "When you walk through a storm Hold your head up high And don't be afraid Of the dark At the end of a storm There's a golden sky And the sweet silver song Of a lark Walk on, through the wind Walk on, through the rain For your dreams be tossed and blown Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart And you'll never walk alone You'll never walk alone Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart And you'll never walk alone You'll never walk alone" Nina Simone;songwriters C. Sturken / E. Rogers |
23.3.2014 |
Kouvola, National Puppy show judge for dobermann H. Salohalla (FI) in puppy males 7-9 months Oz. Pilgrim Best Male Puppy & HP & BOS-Puppy in puppy females 7-9 months Oz. Phaedra Best Female Puppy & HP & BOB-Puppy We didn't stay for group "Noah" 1.KP PUP1 VSP-pentu "Dharma" 1.KP PNP1 ROP-pentu |
22.3.2014 |
Vierumäki, FinDAL Open show-14 judge M. Wallenius (kennel Tinydot's, FI) in junior males Oz. Osgar EX2 CQ Oz. Orion EX3 Oz. Ossian VG4 in open males Oz. Leonardo VG4 in veteran males Oz. Evald EX1 CQ BOS-vet in junior females Oz. Oma EX3 in pet females Oz. Kokoschka VG2 in veteran females Gracilis Irresistible EX1 CQ BOB-vet 2nd Best Female & special nomination "Best Mover" ![]() © T. Fyhr Gr. Irresistible "Irma" FINDAL Open show Best veteran Female & BOB-Veteran-14 in breeders' class kennel O'zone 4th place (Evald, Osgar, Orion, Oma) "Oskari" ERI 2, SA "Ramos" ERI 4 "Osku" EH 4 "Roni" EH 4 "Eetu" ERI 1, SA, VSP VET "Rafi" ERI 3 "Iita" EH 2 "Irma" ERI 1, SA, ROP VET, PN 2 |
20.3.2014 |
Happy Birthday! Happy 7 years birthday to fascinating F -litter! ![]() Hyvää 7 -vuotissynttäriä personalliselle F -pentueelle! |
14.3.2014 |
13.3.2014 |
Happy Birthday! Happy 6 years birthday to handsome H -litter! ![]() ![]() Hyvää 6 -vuotissynttäriä komealle H H-pentueelle! |
2.3.2014 |
Tallinn National Show
judge for dobermann T. Ahlman-Stockmari (FI) in puppy females Oz. Phaedra Best Female Puppy & HP & BOB-Puppy & BIS-4 Puppy (for C. Pettersson, SE) in veteran females Dascha vom Havelland EX1 CQ Vet-CAC BOB-Vet 2nd Best Female (only 4 females got CQ) judge for dalmatian A. Stepinski (PL) in junior males Oz. Osgar EX1 CQ Jun-CAC > EE JCH!!, BOB-Jun Best Male BOB BIG1 in junior females Oz. Oma EX1 CQ Jun-CAC > EE JCH!!, BOS-Jun 2nd Best Female Oz. Osgar & Oma 1. HP Brace & BIS-1 Brace (for A. Ionescu, RO) "Dharma" Paras Narttupentu, KP, ROP-pentu, BIS 4 pentu "Dascha" ERI 1, SA, ROP VET, PN 2 "Oskari" ERI 1, SA, JUN SERT, ROP JUN, PU 1, ROP, RYP 1 -> EE JMVA "Rafi" ERI 1, SA, JUN SERT, VSP JUN, PN 2 -> EE JMVA |
1.3.2014 |
Tallinn National Show
judge for dobermann L. Volariokova (SK) in puppy females Oz. Phaedra 2nd Best Female Puppy & HP in veteran females Dascha vom Havelland EX1 CQ Vet-CAC BOB-vet > EE VET CH judge for dalmatian T. Ahlman-Stockmari (FI) in junior males Oz. Osgar EX1 CQ Jun-CAC BOB-Jun Best Male BOS in junior females Oz. Oma EX1 CQ Jun-CAC BOS-Jun 3rd Best Female Oz. Osgar & Oma 1.HP Brace & BIS-4 Brace ![]() © L. Zjabrikova Dharma almost 6½ months in Tallinn 1.2.2014 ![]() © L. Zjabrikova Dascha 8 years in Tallinn 1.2.2014 "Dharma" Paras Narttupentu 2, KP "Dascha" ERI 1, SA, VET SERT, ROP VET -> EE VMVA "Oskari" ERI 1, SA, JUN SERT, ROP JUN, PU 1, VSP "Rafi" ERI 1, SA, JUN SERT, VSP JUN, PN 3 |
23.2.2014 |
Jyväskylä INT
judge for dobermann P. Mattila (FIN) in intermediate females Oz. Narnia EX1 CQ Best Female CAC CACIB BOS (only 2 females got CQ) Narnia ERI 1, SA, PN 1, SERT, CACIB, VSP |
22.2.2014 |
Jyväskylä INT
judge for dalmatian I. Poletaeva in junior males Oz. Osgar EX2 CQ 4th Best Male Oz. Orion EX4 Oz. Ossian VG Oz. Oula VG in open males Oz. Leonardo VG4 in champion males Oz. Lionheart EX3 in junior females Oz. Oma EX2 CQ in champion females Oz. Kharisma EX3 in veteran females LC C'est La Vie EX2 in breeders' class kennel O'zone & HP & BOB-Breeder "Oskari" ERI 2, SA, PU 4 "Ramos" ERI 4 "Osku" EH "Otto" EH "Roni" EH 4 "Oiva" ERI 3 "Rafi" ERI 2, SA "Dana" ERI 3 "Helmi" ERI 2 |
8.2.2014 |
Tallinn Winter Cup-14 INT
judge for dobermann Jean-Jacques Dupas (FR) shown in baby class 4-6 months O'zone Phaedra EX1 & HP & BOB-Baby & BIS-4 Baby (for J. Scheepers, NL) judge for dalmatian M. Lepasaar (EST) in junior males O'zone Osgar EX1 CQ Jun-CAC BOB-Jun Best Male BOB & TLN WinterCup Junior Winner-14 & TLN WinterCup Winner-14 & BIG-3 (for D. Skok, HR) in open males O'zone Leonardo VG1 in junior females O'zone Oma EX1 CQ Jun-CAC BOS-Jun 2nd Best Female & TLN WinterCup Junior Winner-14 in champion females O'zone Kharisma EX1 CQ Best Female CACIB > CIB!!! BOS & TLN WinterCup Winner-14 in breeder class kennel O'zone 1.HP & BOB-Breeder & BIS-3 Breeder (for A. Brace, GB) in brace class O'zone Osgar & O'zone Oma 1. HP & BIS-1 Brace (for M. Lepasaar, EST) ![]() © P. Saar Tallinn WinterCup Baby Winner-14 & BIS-4 Baby 8.2.14 Oz. Phaedra almost 6 months ![]() © P. Saar Tallinn WinterCup-14 BIS-1 Brace 8.2.14: O'zone Osgar & O'zone Oma "Dharma" ERI 1, KP, ROP-pentu, BIS 4 -pentu "Oskari" ERI 1, SA, JUN-SERT, ROP-JUN, ROP, RYP 3 "Roni" EH 1 "Rafi" ERI 1, SA, JUN-SERT, VSP-JUN, PN 2 "Dana" ERI 1, SA, PN 1, CACIB -> C.I.B, VSP |
5.2.2014 |
Happy Birthday! Happy 3 years birthday to luminous L -litter!! ![]() ![]() ![]() © T. Raitamo Oz. Leopold aka. Logo 3 years Erinomaista 3-vuotissynttäriä L -pentueelle!! |
26.1.2014 |
National show Narva (Estonia)
judge for dalmatian B. Kavcic (SL) in junior females O'zone Oihonna EX1 CQ Jun-CAC BOB-Junior Best FEmale & BOB & BIG-3 Congratulations to Eija & "Oona" - now only one more Jun-CAC away from EE JunCH!! "Oona" ERI 1, SA, JUN-SERT, ROP-JUN, PN 1, ROP, RYP 3 |
25.1.2014 |
National show Narva (Estonia)
in junior females O'zone Oihonna EX1 CQ Jun-CAC BOB-Junior 2nd Best Female ![]() © E. Tähtinen O'zone Oihonna BOB & BIG-3 at Narva (Estonia), age 9 months "Oona" ERI 1, SA, JUN-SERT, ROP-JUN, PN 2 |
19.1.2014 |
Turku INT
judge for dobermann T. Borkowski (PL) in open females Fleur vh Wantij EX3 CQ 4th Best Female "Elsa" ERI 3, SA, PN 4 |
19.1.2014 |
Turku INT
judge for dalmatian J. Fors in junior males O'zone Osgar VG3 O'zone Ossian VG4 O'zone Orion VG in open males O'zone Kurosawa VG3 O'zone Leonardo VG4 in junior females O'zone Oma VG2 O'zone Oihonna VG3 O'zone Odile VG4 in champion females O'zone Idole EX kennel O'zone 2nd & HP "Oskari" EH 3 "Osku" EH 4 "Ramos" EH "Zoni" EH 3 "Roni" EH 4 "Rafi" EH 2 "oona" EH 3 "Odi" EH 4 Idole ERI kenel O'zone 2.KP |
15.1.2014 |
Health result O'zone Idole hd- B, ed- 0 Thank You Rita for examining "Lumi" :-) |
12.1.2014 |
Helsinki, National Puppy Show
judge for dalmatian M. Luoso (FIN) in puppy males 7-9 months O'zone Osgar 2nd Best Male Puppy & HP O'zone Ossian 4th Best Male Puppy O'zone Orion very promising, no placing n puppy females 7-9 months O'zone Opri 2nd Best Female Puppy & HP O'zone Oma 4th Best Female Puppy O'zone Oihonna very promising, no placing kennel O'zone 1st HP BOB-Breeder (we didn't stay for group) ![]() © R. Mettomäki Oz. Osgar almost 9 months ![]() © R. Mettomäki Oz. Oihonna almost 9 months ![]() © R. Mettomäki Oz. Oma almost 9 months ![]() © R. Mettomäki Oz. Opri almost 9 months "Oskari" 2.KP "Osku" 4. "Ramos" erit. lupaava, ei sijoitusta "Opri" 2.KP "Rafi" 4. "Oona" erit.lupaava, ei sijoitusta kennel O'zone 1.KP ROP-kasvattaja (emme jäänet BIS-kasvattajakisaan) |
12.1.2014 |
Tartto (Estonia), Natiojal show
judge for dobermann O. Vondrous (Czech Republic) dobermanns in open class females: O'zone Jedda EX 1 CQ Best Female CAC BOS ![]() Oz. Jedda Best Female CAC BOS, Tartto 12.1.2014 dobermannit "Wilma" ERI 1, SA, PN 1, SERT, VSP Tuomarina O. Vondrous (Tsekki) |
11.1.2014 |
Tartto (Estonia), National show
judge for dobermann M. Bruska (PL) dobermanns in open class females: O'zone Jedda EX 1 dobermannit "Wilma" ERI 1 Tuomarina M. Bruska (PL) |
11.1.2014 |
Kajaani INT
judge for dalmatian P. Rekiranta (FI) dalmatians in Champion class females: O'zone Kharisma EX2 dalmatiankoirat "Dana" ERI 2 Tuomarina P. Rekiranta (FI) |
16.1.2014 |
Happy Birthday! Happy 9 years birthday to dear Helmi Lacrima Christi C'est La Vie!! ![]() ![]() Erinomaista 9-vuotissynttäriä kultaiselle Helmille!! To begin the new year Helmi was also nominated Veteran of the Year 2013 (based on show results) of the Finnish Dalmatian Club Helmi nimettiin myös uuden vuoden alkajaisiksi Dalmatiankoirat ry.n Vuoden Veteraani 2013 (perustuu näyttelytuloksiin). |