News 2012
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Dobermann puppies O'zone P-litter (dobermann) planned for late 2013 O'zone P-pentue (dobermann) suunniteilla lopuvuodelle 2013 |
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Dalmatian puppies O'zone O-litter (dalmatian) planned for early 2013. O'zone O-pentue (dalmatiankoira) suunnitteilla alkuvuodelle 2013. |
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Looking back at year 2012
Year 2012 has been very eventful with many highlights but also some sad departings. This has most likely been the most successful year so far judging by show results looking at the amazing number of new championships (26 in all!), great placings in Best Male/Best Female classes as well as BOB/BOS/BIG and BIS competitions (2 x BIS1 Breeder at INT shows) along with some fine new titles. Of these we can mention eg. Dobermanns O'zone Huron, O'zone Java, O'zone Jedda and O'zone Jewel along with Fleur v h Wantij and Dascha v Havelland who gathered CAC, CACIB, Best Male/Best Female and BOB/BOS placings. "Dascha" also got her FI CH title and is now EE & FI CH BH KK2 FH1, congratulations to handler & owner Hanna! The grand old lady FI, RU, SE CH & BALT, EE, LV, LT VETCH BH JK2 Santa Julf Alaska got BOB-Vet's at the great age of 10 years - congratulations to handler & owner Heli! Also to be mentioned are the great achievements of O'zone Jachal with his handler & owner M. Harjuntausta in Dogski and Canicross competitions gathering Dobermann Breed Championships Gold Medal (RM) 11.2.12, Provincial Championship (PM) 19.2.12 and being placed 4th at National Championships (SM) 3.3.12 and also placed 4th in Canicross National Championships (SM) 29.9.12. To be mentioned also is the fine debute of Dalmatian O'zone Kubrick with his handler & owner J. Virtanen at Canicross National Championships (SM) also being placed 4th in his series. Dascha v Havelland achieved FH1 with 1st place on 9.9.12 in Estonia together wit her handler & owner H. Pasanen. O'zone Jewel achieved easily SAR-Dog trials PEHA-A and –B levels (the highest level possible) together with her handler & owner K. Salomaa. Dalmatian O'zone Gothika achieved TK1 with handler & owner S. Vesterinen and O'zone Goodfella fine results in Agility (maxi) with handler & owner S. Vuorenmaa. Congratulations to You all! Dalmatian O'zone Ilmarinen went to Croatia in May to spend some time there and Danila Master Iz Terletskoy Dubravy aka “Danny” came to live with us in the meantime. Ilmari finished CIB, HR & SLO CH and is now CIB, FI, BALT, EE, LV, LT, HR, SLO CH and was also placed BIS1 and BIS3 Native Breeds and EX 2 res-CACA at Salzburg ÖDaC World Club Show. His brother O'zone Ilias finished SE, LV & BLR CH and is now FI, EE, LV, SE, BLR CH and expecting to finish his CIB in 2013. Their sister O'zone Indira got her FI CH confirmed in January’12 and then added BALT, EE, LV, LT CH to that being now FI, BALT, LV, LT, EE CH & BALTW-12 and expected to finish her CIB in 2013 – and all this with just going to a couple of shows! She was also placed EX 2 res-CACA in champion class at Salzburg ÖDaC World Clubshow, BOS at Group VI Speciality in Tallinn (Estonia), got several BIG-placings and a double nomination for Crufts! O'zone Kharisma got her FI CH confirmed in May and added BALT, LV, LT & EE CH to that and her WJW-11 title and is expected to finish her CIB in 2013. We also have a litter plan on her for late 2013/early 2014. O'zone Eadmund came to showring at age over 6 years and got all necessary CAC’s for his FI CH by May 2012. Also O'zone Kieslowski was shown and he got CAC’s and Best Male and BOB placings both in Finland and in Estonia and is expected to finish his championships in 2013. His sister O'zone Katherine got her first CACIB and opened her first championship, hopefully finishing it in 2013. “Danny” added FI & EE CH to his titles being now HR, FI, EE CH & HR, SLO, HU JCH and was BOB & BIS1 in Group VI Speciality in Tallinn (Estonia), he is expected to finish his CIB in 2013. The young L-litter boys did also amazing as O'zone Lemminkäinen got BALT, EE, LV & LT JCH titles along with Tallinn Junior Winner-12 (TLNJW-12) title and ÖKV/ÖDaC Jugensieger-12 title at Salzburg ÖDaC World Club Show along with Best Male placings, CACIB’s,(adult) CAC’s from intermediate class and BOB-Junior’s and BOB, also Finnish Dalmatian Club Show Best Junior Male & BOS-Junior and is expected to finish his adult championships and closing his CIB in 2013. The same great success with his brother O'zone Lionheart who got BALT, EE, LV & LT JCH titles added to his previous HeJW-11 title, and he also got CACIB’s, (adult) CAC’s from intermediate class, BOB-Junior’s, BOB’s and was also nominated for Crufts! He is also expected to finish his adult championships and closing his CIB in 2013. Many others also went to show and came back with fine results. Thank You all! Many were also health tested (HD, ED, neck & spine x-rays, eyes, cardio, eg) and we are mainly very happy with the results as well as with the results from MH (Swedish Mental Test for dogs) and Finnish Charactertests (LT). Owners have also been active in training their dogs in various activities – hopefully some will be seen also in trials. The year however ended in a sad note as two loved ones departed. We had to say goodbye to golden boys FI, EE & LT CH O’zone Goldfinger and CIB, BALT, FI, RU, EE, LV, LT ADpr O’zone Cirius. A big hug and Thank You for all these years to the families of these two great dogs! Already earlier on in the year we had to say doogbuy to to the very last of our very first litter, O'zone Baltica, and then in early autumn also to the dam of our E-litter, FI & LV CH Jilloc's Girl Of Thousand Dream. A big hug and Thank You for all these years to the families of these dogs! Our N-litter born mid-October consisted of only one female puppy, O'zone Narnia, who proved out to be as expected (brave and intelligent :)) and is much loved by her family. We want to Thank all owners of dogs from our breeding and co-owners/placement families for this fine year 2012 and we wish You have the same enthusiasm in the New Year 2013 be it in everyday life, in training, in show or in anything You wish to attempt with your dog. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND EVENTFUL NEW YEAR 2013 IN THE COMPANY OF GOOD FRIENDS! |
9.12.2012 |
Helsinki, Finnish Winner-12 INT
dalmatians in Intermediate class males: O'zone Lemminkäinen EX 1 O'zone Lionheart EX 2 O'zone Leonardo VG in Champion class males: Danila Master Iz Terletskoy Dubravy EX O'zone Ilias EX in Open class females: O'zone Katherine VG in Champion class females: O'zone Indira EX & CQ O'zone Kharisma EX for T. Eerola (FIN) dalmatiankoirat "Ilpo" ERI 1 "Oiva" ERI 2 "Roni" EH "Danny" ERI "Jasu" ERI "Kike" EH "Miina" ERI, SA "Dana" ERI Tuomarina T. Eerola (FIN) |
8.12.2012 |
Helsinki, Helsinki Winner-12 INT
dalmatians in Intermediate class males: O'zone Lemminkäinen EX 4 O'zone Lionheart VG O'zone Leonardo VG in Champion class males: Danila Master Iz Terletskoy Dubravy EX 2 CQ O'zone Ilias EX in Open class females: O'zone Katherine VG in Champion class females: O'zone Indira VG O'zone Kharisma EX in breeder class kennel O'zone 3rd (out of 8) & HP for T. Eerola (FIN) ![]() © R. Mettomäki O'zone Breeder group (Oz. Ilias, Indira, Kharisma & Katherine) in HeW-12 dalmatiankoirat "Ilpo" ERI 4 "Oiva" EH "Roni" EH "Danny" ERI 2 SA "Jasu" ERI "Kike" EH "Miina" EH "Dana" ERI Tuomarina T. Eerola (FIN) |
4.12.2012 |
4.12.2012 |
In Memoriam C.I.B. & FI & RU & BALT & EE & LV & LT CH ADpr O'zone Cirius 30.5.2003 - 4.12.2012 (eutanasia; possible trauma-related acute paralysis) Thank You Holma family for loving and taking care of him. ![]() |
25.11.2012 |
Minsk INT (Bielorussia)
dalmatians in Champion class males: O'zone Ilias EX2 in Open class females: O'zone Katherine EX1 dalmatiankoirat Ilias ERI 2 Katherine ERI 1 |
24.11.2012 |
Minsk INT (Bielorussia)
dalmatians in Champion class males: O'zone Ilias EX1 CAC -> BLR CH! 2nd Best Male res-CACIB in Open class females: O'zone Katherine EX1 CAC 2nd BF res-CACIB -> will be converted to CACIB :-) ![]() © A. Astrouh Oz. Katherine Minsk INT BF2 CAC res-CACIB -> CACIB dalmatiankoirat Ilias ERI 1, SERT, PU 2, vara-CACIB -> BLR MVA Katherine ERI 1, SERT, PN 2, vara-CACIB -> muuttuu CACIBiksi |
21.11.2012 |
In Memoriam FI & EE & LT CH O'zone Goldfinger 8.9.2007 - 21.11.2012 (eutanasia: spondylosis) The falling leaves drift by the window The autumn leaves of red and gold I see your lips, the summer kisses The sun-burned hands I used to hold Since you went away the days grow long And soon I'll hear old winter's song But I miss you most of all my darling When autumn leaves start to fall (Autumn Leaves, original poem in French by Jacques Prévert) Thank You Eveliina for loving & taking care of him. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
11.11.2012 |
Jyväskylä INT
dalmatians in Intermediate class males: O'zone Lionheart EX 1 CQ O'zone Lemminkäinen EX 2 CQ O'zone Léon VG 3 -> so a "triple win" in their class for the L-boys in Champion class males: O'zone Ikaros EX 2 CQ O'zone Eadmund EX in Open class females: O'zone Katharsis VG in breeders' kennel O'zone 2.nd place for Attila Áron Czeglédi (Hungary) dalmatiankoirat "Oiva" ERI 1, SA "Ilpo" ERI 2, SA "Olli" EH 3 "Ros" ERI 2, SA "Bonzo" ERI "Kata" EH Tuomarina Attila Áron Czeglédi (Unkari) |
4.11.2012 |
Tartto INT (Estonia)
dobermanns in Open class females: O'zone Java VG1 in Champion class females: Dascha vom Havelland EX4 4th Best Female for S. Watson (Cyprus) dobermannit "Java" EH 1 "Dascha" ERI 4, PN 4 Tuomarina S. Watson (Cyprus) |
3.11.2012 |
Tartto INT (Estonia)
dobermanns in Open class females: O'zone Java VG1 in Champion class females: Dascha vom Havelland EX3 3rd Best Female for M. Inzoli (IT) dobermannit "Java" EH 1 "Dascha" ERI 3, PN 3 Tuomarina M. Inzoli (IT) |
2.11.2012 |
28.10.2012 |
Charactertest Orimattila, Finnish Character Test, judges M. Laine & S. Heikkilä O'zone Jewel total + 155 p. O'zone Indira total + 10 p. I disagree with the interpretation of her test for the nerve construction and ability to function evaluations as they should have been evaluated as +1 in stead of -1. However the result is what is is and can not be complained. I am looking forward to re-testing her or /MH- testing her for comparison. |
21.10.2012 |
Turku INT
dalmatians in Intermediate class males: O'zone Lionheart EX1 CQ 2nd Best Male CAC res-CACIB (only 4 males in all got CQ) in Open class males: O'zone Kurosawa VG3 in Open class females: O'zone Katharsis G for E. Senashenko (RUS), 46 entries ![]() © R. Mettomäki Oz. Lionheart Turku INT 10/2012 intermediate EX1 CQ 2nd BM CAC res-CACIB dalmatiankoirat "Oiva" ERI 1, SA, PU 2, SERT, vara-CACIB "Zoni" EH 3 "Katha" H Tuomarina E. Senashenko (RUS) |
20.10.2012 |
Turku INT
dobermanns in Open class females: O'zone Jedda EX1 CQ 4th Best Female for C. Jouanchiot (FR) dobermannit "Wilma" ERI 1, SA, PN 4 Tuomarina C. Jouanchiot (FR) |
15.10.2012 |
6.10.2012 |
Tuulos National Show
dalmatians in Intermediate class males: O'zone Lemminkäinen EX1 for R. Lahtovaara (FIN) dalmatiankoirat "Ilpo" ERI 1 Tuomarina R. Lahtovaara (FIN) |
1.10.2012 |
Happy Birthday! Happy 3 years birthday to jazzy J-litter! ![]() Erinomaista 3-vuotissynttäriä J-pentuelle! |
29.9.2012 |
Working result Ohkola, Canicross national Championships (SM) O'zone Jachal "Remu" & Mika Harjuntausta in series DCMV 4,1 km, time 14.28, placing 4/6 O'zone Kubrick "Emppu" & Janne Virtanen in series 4,1 km, time 13.13, placing 4/10 Congratulations to all! ![]() © K. Harjuntausta |
29.9.2012 |
Eckerö INT
dobermanns in Open class females: O'zone Java EX 1 CQ Best Female CACIB BOB (the only dog to get excellent) for E. Haapaniemi (FIN) dobermannit "Java" ERI 1, SA, PN 1, CACIB, ROP Tuomarina E. Haapaniemi (FIN) |
16.9.2012 |
Show results O'zone Ilmarinen finished HR CH! Thank You dearly Anita & Zeljko!! O'zone Ilmarinen viimeisteli HR MVA-arvon(4 sertiä, 4 eri tuomaria)! Lämpimät kiitokset Anita & Zeljko! |
16.9.2012 |
Osijek INT (Croatia)
dalmatians in Open class males: O'zone Ilmarinen EX1 CAC 2nd Best Male res-CACIB for Sinisa Cujan ( Cro ) dalmatiankoirat Ilmarinen ERI 1, SERT, PU 2, vara-CACIB Tuomarina Sinisa Cujan ( Cro ) |
15.9.2012 |
Osijek INT (Croatia)
dalmatians in Open class males: O'zone Ilmarinen EX2 res-CAC for Dubravka Reicher ( Cro ) dalmatiankoirat Ilmarinen ERI 2, vara-SERT Tuomarina Dubravka Reicher ( Cro ) |
13.9.2012 |
Happy Birthday! Happy 2 years birthday to dear "Elsa" (Fleur v h Wantij)! ![]() ![]() Hyvää 2-vuotissynttäriä "Elsalle" (Fleu v h Wantij)! |
9.9.2012 |
Porvoo National Show
dalmatians in Open class males: O'zone Kurosawa EX2 in Intermediate class females: O'zone Louhi VG3 for K.-E. Johanssen (SE) dalmatiankoirat "Zoni" ERI 2 "Lara" EH 3 Tuomarina K.-E. Johanssen (SE) |
9.9.2012 |
Helsinki National Show
dobermanns in Intermediate class females: Fleur van het Wantij EX3 for D. Furlani (CH) dobermannit "Elsa" ERI 3 Tuomarina D. Furlani (CH) |
9.9.2012 |
Working result Harjumaa, Estonia, judge V. Roosioks (EE) Dascha von Havelland "Dascha" & H. Pasanen FH1, 90p, 1st place Congratulations to Hanna & Dascha!!!! Great work! ![]() © H. Käro Hanna & Dascha 1st place, judge Vilve Roosioks and Monika Laneman & Born To Win White Almighty 2nd place |
9.9.2012 |
Tallinn (Estonia)
dobermanns in Open class females: O'zone Java EX 2, CAC for N. Sedykh (RU) dobermannit "Java" ERI 2, SERT Tuomarina N. Sedykh (RU) |
8.9.2012 |
Luige (Estonia)
dobermanns in Open class females: O'zone Java EX 2 for I. Selimovic, Croatia dobermannit "Java" ERI 2 Tuomarina I. Selimovic, Kroatia |
8.9.2012 |
2.9.2012 |
Working result O'zone Gothika "Siru" & S. Vesterinen Obedience 1st level/ TOKO ALO 184p & HP (KP), placing 3 / 15 -> TK1 !! Congratulations Siru & Sanni!! ![]() ![]() © S. Vesterinen Sanni & Siru TK1 |
2.9.2012 |
Helsinki National Show
dalmatians in Intermediate class males: O'zone Lemminkäinen EX2 CQ O'zone Leonardo EX in Open class males: O'zone Kurosawa EX3 CQ in Champion class males: Danila Master Iz Terletskoy Dubravy EX4 CQ in Intermediate class females: O'zone Katharsis EX for B. Spoljaric (HR) dalmatiankoirat "Ilpo" ERI 2, SA "Roni" ERI "Zoni" ERI 3, SA "Danny" ERI 4, SA "Lara" ERI 3 "Katha" ERI Tuomarina B. Spoljaric (HR) |
1.9.2012 |
Working result O'zone Jewel "Aga" & K. Salomaa National Exam for RH-FL level B (PEHA-B) passed / hyväksytty, judge K.Makkonen Congrastulations Kristiina & "Aga"! |
1.9.2012 |
Helsinki National Show
dobermanns in Open class females: O'zone Jedda EX 1 CQ Best Female, CAC, BOB for P. Lundberg (SE) ![]() © T. Ivakko O'zone Jedda Best Female, CAC, BOB in Helsinki 1.9.2012 dobermannit "Wilma" ERI 1, SA, PN 1, SERT, ROP Tuomarina P. Lundberg (SE) |
26.8.2012 |
Tervakoski INT dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Lemminkäinen EX1 CQ "5th BM" O'zone Leonardo EX in Open class males: O'zone Kurosawa EX2 CQ 4th Best Male O'zone Kieslowski EX3 CQ in Champion class males: O'zone Ikaros EX2 CQ in Open class females: O'zone Katharsis EX kennel O'zone 3rd place for L. Erdös (HU) dobermanns in Open class females: O'zone Java EX1 CQ Best Female & BOS (the only female to get CQ!!) O'zone Jedda EX3 in Veteran class females: Santa Julf Alaska EX1 for H. Simberg (EE) dalmatiankoirat "Ilpo" ERI 1, SA, "PU 5" "Roni" ERI "Zoni" ERI 2, SA, PU 4 "Eeka" ERI 3, SA "Ros" ERI 2, SA Katharsis ERI Tuomarina L. Erdös (HU) dobermannit "Java" ERI 1, SA, PN 1, VSP "Wilma" ERI 3 "Saga" ERI 1 Tuomarina H. Simberg (EE) |
25.8.2012 |
dalmatians in Open class males O'zone Kieslowski EX1 CQ Best Male CAC BOB for J. Putkonen (FIN) dalmatiankoirat "Eeka" ERI 1, SA, PU 1, SERT, ROP Tuomarina J. Putkonen (FIN) |
19.8.2012 |
Tallinn, Group VI Speciality Show
dalmatians in Open class males: O'zone Kieslowski can not be judged due limping (quality judging with excellent but he had blisters on his paws from exercicing on bicycle so couldn't run properly) in Champion class males: Danila Master Iz Terletskoy Dubravy EX1 Best Male CAC BOB BIS-1 !!! in Champion class females: O'zone Indira EX1 Best Female BOS O'zone Kharisma EX2 2nd Best Female CAC -> EE & BALT CH!! for M. Aleksoski (Macedonia) Thank You Veera for great company and handling assistance! dalmatiankoirat "Eeka"EVA ontumisen takia: anturoissa rakkoja fillarilenkin seurauksena eikä voinut liikkua kunnolla "Danny" ERI 1, PU 1, SERT, ROP, BIS 1 "Miina" ERI 1, PN 1, VSP "Dana" ERI 2, PN 2, SERT, EE & BALT MVA Tuomarina M. Aleksoski (Macedonia) Kiitos Veera matkaseurasta ja esitysavusta! |
18.8.2012 |
Tallinn INT Baltic Winner 2012(Estonia)
dalmatians in Open class males: O'zone Kieslowski VG1 in Champion class males: Danila Master Iz Terletskoy Dubravy EX3 3rd Best Male CAC -> EE& FI CH! in Champion class females: O'zone Indira EX1 CAC -> EE & BALT CH!! CACIB BALTIC WINNER 2012,2nd Best Female O'zone Kharisma EX3 4th Best Female for S. Lovenkjaer (DK) dalmatiankoirat "Eeka" EH 1 "Danny" ERI 3, PU 3, SERT -> EE & FI MVA "Miina" ERI 1, PN 2, SERT, CACIB, Baltic Winner 2012 -> EE & BALT MVA "Dana" ERI 3, PN 4 Tuomarina S. Lovenkjaer (DK) |
18.8.2012 |
Heinola National Show
dobermanns in Open class females: O'zone Jedda EX 1 CQ 2nd Best Female res-CAC for W. Schicker (D) dobermannit "Wilma" ERI 1, SA, PN 2, vara-SERT Tuomarina W. Schicker (D) |
12.8.2012 |
Raisio National Show
dalmatians in Intermediate class males O'zone Lionheart EX1 CQ 3rd Best Male res-CAC for L. de Ridder-Onghena (BE) dalmatiankoirat "Oiva" ERI 1, SA, PU 3, vara-SERT Tuomarina L. de Ridder-Onghena (BE) |
11.8.2012 |
Helsinki National Show
dobermanns in Open class females: O'zone Jedda EX2 CQ 3rd Best Female in Veteran class females: Santa Julf Alaska EX1, CQ, BOB-Veteran for T. Salmi-Aalto (FIN) ![]() Saga BOB-Veteran dalmatians in Intermediate class males O'zone Lemminkäinen EX1 CQ Best Male CAC BOB O'zone Lionheart EX2 for J. Putkonen (FIN) dobermannit "Wilma" ERI 2, SA, PN 3 "Saga" ERI 1, SA, ROP-Veteraani Tuomarina T. Salmi-Aalto (FIN) dalmatiankoirat "Ilpo" ERI 1, SA, PU 1, SERT, ROP "Oiva" ERI 2 Tuomarina J. Putkonen (FIN) |
11.8.2012 |
In Memoriam O'zone Baltica "Miisa" 8.5.2002-11.8.2012 sudden death when outing, had been operated on pyometra approx. a month earlier Thank You Anne & Janne for greatly loving and taking care of her! ![]() äkkikuolema lenkillä, operoitu pyometra n kk aiemmin Kiitos Anne & Janne Miisan rakastamisesta ja huolenpidosta! |
10.8.2012 |
Dobermann puppies O'zone Formosa mated (AI), O'zone N-litter expected approx. mid October'12 O'zone Formosa astutettu - O'zone N-pentuetta odotetaan syntyväksi lokakuun puolivälissä |
9.8.2012 |
9.8.2012 |
Charactertest Karkkila judges B. Söderholm & T. Matsuoi in Finnish Charactertest (LT) O'zone Java +1, +1, +3, +2, +2, +1, +1, +3, + (safe to gunshot: no reaction/ laukausvarma), total + 142p |
7.8.2012 |
In Memoriam 15.9.2001 - 7.8.2012 (eutanasia) Jilloc's Girl Of Thousand Dream "Peppi" ![]() Farewell dear Peppi & Thank You Sanna for loving and taking care of her. |
6.8.2012 |
5.8.2012 |
Pärnu INT (Estonia)
dobermanns in Open class females: O'zone Java EX 2 in Champion class females: Dascha vom Havelland EX 1 dobermannit "Java" ERI 2 "Dascha" ERI 1 |
4.8.2012 |
Pärnu INT (Estonia)
dobermanns in Open class females: O'zone Java EX (only quality judging) in Champion class females: Dascha vom Havelland EX 2 dobermannit "Java" ERI (vain laatuarviointi) "Dascha" ERI 2 |
4.8.2012 |
Druskininkai INT (Lithuania)
dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Lionheart EX1 Jun-CAC > LT & BALT JCH! BOB-Junior Best Male BOB in Intermediate class males: O'zone Lemminkäinen EX1 classCAC 2nd Best Male WinnerCAC CACIB in Champion class females: O'zone Kharisma EX1 classCAC Best Female WinnerCAC > LT CH! CACIB "BOS" for V. M. Cristovao de Veiga (PT) dalmatiankoirat "Oiva" ERI 1, jun-SERT, ROP-juniori, ROP -> LT & BALT JMVA "Ilpo" ERI 2, luokka-SERT, PU 2, SERT, CACIB "Dana" ERI 1, luokka-SERT, PN 1, SERT, CACIB, "VSP"-> LT MVA Tuomarina V. M. Cristovao de Veiga (PT) |
3.8.2012 |
Druskininkai INT (Lithuania)
dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Lemminkäinen EX1 Jun-CAC > LT & BALT JCH! BOS-Junior in Intermediate class males: O'zone Lionheart EX1 classCAC Best Male WinnerCAC CACIB "BOS" qualified for Crufts in Champion class females: O'zone Indira EX1 classCAC Best Female WinnerCAC CACIB BOB BOG-2 (for V. M. Criatovao de Veiga, PT) qualified for Crufts O'zone Kharisma EX2 2nd best female res-CACIB for H. Boelaars (NL) kennel O'zone BIS-3 Breeder for M. Lorenzo Gonzalbo (SP) dalmatiankoirat "Ilpo" ERI 1, jun-SERT, VSP-juniori -> LT & BALT JMVA "Oiva" ERI 1, luokka-SERT, PU 1, SERT, CACIB, "VSP", oikeuttaa Cruftsiin "Miina" ERI 1, luokka-SERT, PN 1, SERT, CACIB, ROP, RYP 2, oikeutta Cruftsiin "Dana" ERI 2, PN 2, vara-CACIB Tuomarina H. Boelaars (NL) |
29.7.2012 |
Juva Finnish Dalmatian Club Speciality Show
dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Lemminkäinen EX1 CQ BOS-Junior 3rd Best Male res-CAC in Intermediate class males: O'zone Lionheart EX 2 CQ O'zone Léon VG in Champion class males: O'zone Ikaros EX for S. Lepasaar (EST) in Champion class females: O'zone Indira EX O'zone Kharisma EX in Breeder kennel O'zone 3rd place & HP dalmatiankoirat "Ilpo" ERI 1, SA, ROP-juniori, PU 3, vara-SERT "Oiva" ERI 2, SA "Olli" EH "Ros" ERI Tuomarina S. Lepasaar (EST) "Miina" ERI "Dana" ERI |
28.7.2012 |
Mikkeli INT
dalmatians in Intermediate class males: O'zone Lemminkäinen EX1 CQ 4th Best Male res-CAC O'zone Lionheart VG O'zone Léon VG in Champion class males: O'zone Ikaros EX"6" in Champion class females: O'zone Kharisma EX in Breeder kennel O'zone 4th place for M. Redlicki (PL) dalmatiankoirat "Ilpo" ERI 1, SA, PU 4, vara-SERT "Oiva" EH "Olli" EH "Ros" ERI "6" "Dana" ERI Tuomarina M. Redlicki (PL) |
22.7.2012 |
Mäntsälä National Show
dobermanns in Intermediate class female: Fleur v h Wantij EX1 CQ Best Female CAC BOB (we didin't stay for group) in Open class females: O'zone Jedda VG2 for E. Haapaniemi (FIN) ![]() © H. Schuravleff Elsa BOB 22.7.2012 Mäntsälä, age 22 months dalmatians in Intermediate class males: O'zone Lemminkäinen VG2 in Champion class males: Danila Master Iz Terletskoy Dubravy EX2 CQ 2nd Best Male CAC in Junior class females: O'zone Liebchen "Lola" can not be judged due limping for M. Van de Brempt (BE) dobermannit "Wilma" ERI 1, SA, PN 2, vara-SERT Tuomarina W. Schicker (D) dalmatiankoirat "Ilpo" EH 2 "Danny" ERI 2, SA, PU 2, SERT "Lola" EVA ontumisen takia Tuomarina M. Van de Brempt (BE) |
21.7.2012 |
Working result O'zone Jewel"Aga" & K. Salomaa National Exam for IPOR Search - passed / PEHA-A hyväksytty |
17.7.2012 |
15.7.2012 |
Lammi National Show
dobermanns in Intermediate class females: Fleur vh Wantij EX1 in Open class females: O'zone Java EX 1 CQ Best Female CAC BOB O'zone Jedda EX 2 CQ 2nd Best Female res-CAC for E. Liljequist-Borg (SE) dobermannit "Elsa" ERI 1 "Java" ERI 1, SA, PN 1, SERT, ROP "Wilma" ERI 2, SA, PN 2, vara-SERT Tuomarina E. Liljequist-Borg (SE) |
14.7.2012 |
O'zone kennel day, Lammi
In very nice weather we had obidience, field tracking and search training - Thank You to all participants and special thanks to Hanna Pasanen & Pekka Salomaa for coaching :-) More photos from Kennel day ![]() © K. Harjunausta O'zone Jericho % Assi ![]() © K. Harjunausta O'zone Jedda & Leena Kuniissa kesäsäässä treenattiin tottista, peltojälkeä ja hakua - Kiitos kaikille osallistujille ja erityiskiitos "valmentajille" Hanna Pasaselle & Pekka Salomaalle :-) |
14.7.2012 |
Piteå INT (Sweden)
dalmatians in Champion class males: O'zone Ilias EX2 2nd Best Male CAC > SE MVA!!, res-CACIB in Open class females: O'zone Katherine VG for L. Widén (SE) dalmatiankoirat "Jasu" ERI 2, PU 2, SERT, vara-CACIB -> SE MVA "Kike" EH Tuomarina L. Widén (SE) |
14.7.2012 |
Forssa National Show
dobermanns in Open class females: O'zone Java EX2 CQ 2nd Best Female res-CAC for L. Zake (LV) dobermannit Java ERI 2, SA, PN 2, vara-SERT Tuomarina L. Zake (LV) |
8.7.2012 |
Karjaa INT
dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Leonardo VG1 for P. Poduschka-Aigner (A) dalmatiankoirat "Roni" EH 1 Tuomarina P. Poduschka-Aigner (A) |
8.7.2012 |
Luige National Show (Estonia)
dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Lionheart EX 2, 3rd Best Male in Open class males: O'zone Kieslowski EX 2, 4th Best Male, CAC for M. Urosevic (Serbia) dobermanns in Open class females: O'zone Java EX 3, 4th Best Female for J. Laakso (FI) dalmatiankoirat "Oiva" ERI 2, PU 3 "Eeka" ERI 2, PU 4, SERT Tuomarina M. Urosevic (Serbia) dobermannit "Java" ERI 3, PN 4 Tuomarina J. Laakso (FI) |
7.7.2012 |
Luige National Show (Estonia)
dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Lionheart EX 1 Jun-CAC -> EE & LV JunCH!!! BOB-Junior & 3rd Best Male in Open class males: O'zone Kieslowski EX 2, 4th Best Male, CAC for P. Rehanek (Tzech) dobermanns in Open class females: O'zone Java EX1, 3rd Best Female, CAC for H. Vella (Malta) dalmatiankoirat "Oiva" ERI 1, JUN-SERT, ROP-Juniori, PU 3 -> EE & LV JMVA "Eeka" ERI 2, PU 4, SERT Tuomarina P. Rehanek (Tzech) dobermannit "Java" ERI 1, PN 3, SERT Tuomarina H. Vella (Malta) |
6.7.2012 |
1.7.2012 |
Lendava (CACIB (Slovenia)
dalmatians in Champion class males: O'zone Ilmarinen EX 2, 2nd Best Male, CAC > SLO CH!, res-CACIB for M. Fury (HR) Thank You Anita & Zeljko! dalmatiankoirat Ilmarinen ERI 2, PU 2, SERT, vara-CACIB -> SLO MVA Tuomarina M. Fury (HR) |
1.7.2012 |
30.6.2012 |
17.6.2012 |
Kotka INT
dalmatians in Intermediate class males: O'zone Lemminkäinen EX 1 CQ 4th Best Male in Champion class males: Danila Master Iz Terletskoy Dubravy EX 2 CQ 3rd Best Male res-CAC res-CACIB for C. Karcher (FR) dobermanns in Open class females: O'zone Java VG 1 for S. Bownds (Australia) dalmatiankoirat "Ilpo" ERI 1, SA, PU 4 "Danny" ERI 2, SA, PU 3, vara-SERT, vara-CACIB Tuomarina C. Karcher (FR) dobermannit "Java" EH 1 Tuomarina S. Bownds (Australia) |
16.6.2012 |
Helsinki INT
dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Leonardo EX4 in Intermediate class males: O'zone Lemminkäinen EX1 CQ in Champion class males: Danila Master Iz Terletskoy Dubravy EX4 for S. Tripoli (IT) dobermanns in Open class females: O'zone Java VG1 for R. Vanhoenacker (BE) dalmatiankoirat "Roni" ERI 4 Lemminkäinen ERI 1, SA Danila Master Iz Terletskoy Dubravy ERI 4 Tuomarina S. Tripoli (IT) dobermannit "Java" EH 1 Tuomarina R. Vanhoenacker (BE) |
10.6.2012 |
Riga INT (Latvia)
dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Lionheart EX1 CQ Jun-CAC 2nd Best Male in Intermediate class males: O'zone Lemminkäinen EX1 CQ 3rd Best Male CAC res-CACIB in Champion class males: O'zone Ilias EX1 CQ Best Male CACIB BOB BOG-3 in Open class females: O'zone Kharisma EX1 CQ Best Female CAC > LV CH! CACIB BOS for L. Tchistiakova (RUS) ![]() © K. Dolmatoff O'zone Ilias BOG-3 in Riga INT 1§0.6.2012 dalmatiankoirat "Oiva" ERI 1, SA, jun-SERT, PU 2 "Ilpo" ERI 1, SA, PU 3, SERT, vara-CACIB "Jasu" ERI 1, SA, PU 1, CACIB, ROP, RYP 3 "Dana" ERI 1, SA, PN 1, SERT, CACIB, VSP, LV MVA Tuomarina L. Tchistiakova (RUS) |
9.6.2012 |
Tuuri National Show
dobermanns in Junior class males: O'zone Justice VG4 for K. Niemelä (FIN) dobermannit "Zero" EH 4 Tuomarina K. Niemelä (FIN) |
9.6.2012 |
Riga INT (Latvia)
dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Lemminkäinen EX 1 CQ Jun-CAC > LV JCH! in Intermediate class males: O'zone Lionheart EX1 CQ 3rd Best Male in Champion class males: O'zone Ilias EX2 CQ 2nd Best Male CAC > LV CH! res-CACIB (will be converted to CACIB) in Open class females: O'zone Kharisma EX1 CQ 3rd Best Female res-CACIB in Champion class females: O'zone Indira EX 1 CQ Best Female CAC > LV CH! CACIB BOB BOG-2 kennel O'zone BIS-3 Breeder for V.M.C. Veiga (PT) ![]() © K. Dolmatoff Best Male competition, Riga INT 9.6.2012, from left to right: O'zone Lemminkäinen, O'zone Lionheart, Aragron The King Vitalight, O'zone Ilias ![]() © K. Dolmatoff BOS Aragorn The King Vitalight & BOB BOG-2 O'zone Indira, Riga INT 9.6.2012 dalmatiankoirat "Ilpo" ERI 1, SA, jun-SERT, LV JMVA "Oiva" ERI 1, SA, PU 3 "Jasu" ERI 2, SA, PU 2, SERT, vara-CACIB (muuttuu CACIBiksi), LV MVA "Dana" ERI 1, SA, PN 3, vara-CACIB "Miina" ERI 1, SA, PN 1, SERT, CACIB, ROP, RYP 2, LV MVA Tuomarina V.M.C. Veiga (PT) |
9.6.2012 |
7.6.2012 |
Kokkola National Show
dalmatians in Open class females: O'zone Katharsis EX 3 for P. Teini (FIN) dalmatiankoirat "Katha" ERI 3 Tuomarina P. Teini (FIN) |
6.6.2012 |
2.6.2012 |
Novi Marof National Show (Croatia)
dalmatians in Champion class males: O'zone Ilmarinen EX 1 CAC Best Male BOB BOG-1 BIS-1 Native Breeds & BIS-3 for I. Bakal (HR) Thank You Anita & Zeljko!! dalmatiankoirat Ilmarinen ERI 1, SERT, PU 1, ROP, RYP 1, BIS 1 Native Breeds & BIS 3 Tuomarina I. Bakal (HR) |
30.5.2012 |
6.6.2012 |
28.5.2012 |
27.5.2012 |
Varadzin INT (Croatia)
dalmatians in Champion class males: O'zone Ilmarinen EX 1 Best Male CAC CACIB > C.I.B.!!! BOB BOG-1 BIS-1 Native Breeds for I. Colaric (HR) ![]() dalmatiankoirat Ilmarinen ERI 1, PU 1, SERT, CACIB, ROP, RYP 1, BIS 1 Native Breeds -> C.I.B. Tuomarina I. Colaric (HR) |
27.5.2012 |
Joensuu INT
dalmatians in Open class males: O'zone Eadmund EX 1 CQ 2nd Best Male CAC res-CACIB > FI CH!! in Champion class females: O'zone Kharisma EX 1 CQ Best Female CACIB BOS for J Roger Sauge (NO) dalmatiankoirat "Bonzo" ERI 1, SA, PU 2, SERT, vara-CACIB, FI MVA "Dana" ERI 1, SA, PN 1, CACIB, VSP Tuomarina J Roger Sauge (NO) |
27.5.2012 |
Tampere National Show
dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Lemminkäinen EX 1 CQ in Intermediate class males: O'zone Lionheart EX 1 CQ 2nd Best Male CAC in Champion class females: O'zone Katharsis EX 2 CQ for L. Erdös (HU) dalmatiankoirat "Ilpo" ERI 1, SA "Oiva" ERI 1, SA, PU 2, SERT "Katha" ERI 2, SA Tuomarina L. Erdös (HU) |
26.5.2012 |
Kemiö National Show
dalmatians in Junior class females: O'zone Lorelei G (due missing teeth) for R. Lsahtovaara (FIN) dalmatiankoirat "Lara" H (hammaspuutosten takia) Tuomarina R. Lsahtovaara (FIN) |
26.5.2012 |
Joensuu National Show
dalmatians in Open class males: O'zone Eadmund VG 2 (no excellent given to other except champion class males) in Champion class females: O'zone Kharisma EX 1 CQ Best Female BOS for J. de Cyper (BE) dalmatiankoirat "Bonzo" EH 2 "Dana" ERI 1, SA, PN 1, VSP Tuomarina J. de Cyper (BE) |
26.5.2012 |
Finnish Dobermann Club Speciality Show
dobermanns in Open class females: O'zone Java EX in Veteran class females: Santa Julf Alaska EX 3 for A. Polifrone (Italy) dobermannit Java ERI "Saga" ERI 3 Tuomarina A. Polifrone (Italia) |
23.5.2012 |
Welcome to Finland "Danny" Our "Ilmari" is now spernding some time in turn at our friends A. & Z. Radic, kennel Lacrima Christi (Croatia) |
21.5.2012 |
Happy Birthday! Happy 9th birthday to "everlasting" Mera!! ![]() Erinomaista 9-vuotissynttäriä ikiliikkuja-Meralle!! |
20.5.2012 |
WW-12 salzburg (Austria)
dobermanns in Junior class males: Gotti v h Wantij EX 3 (V3) for H. Wiblishauser dobermannit Gotti ERI 3 Tuomarina H. Wiblishauser |
20.5.2012 |
WW-12 Salzburg (Austria)
dalmatians judge for dalmatian males J. Simcic judge for dalmatian females S. Jarmer in Junior class males: O'zone Lemminkäinen EX (in final six) O'zone Lionheart VG (due watertail) in Champion class males: O'zone Ilmarinen EX 4 in Champion class females: O'zone Indira EX (in final six) dalmatiankoirat Tuomarina uroksille J. Simcic Tuomarina nartuille S. Jarmer "Ilpo" ERI "Oiva" EH (vesihäntä) "Ilmari" ERI 4 "Miina" ERI |
20.5.2012 |
Riihimäki National Show
dobermanns in Open class females: O'zone Jedda EX 4 CQ 4th Best Female for K. Alén dobermannit "Wilma" ERI 4, SA, PN 4 Tuomarina K. Alén |
19.5.2012 |
Salzburg (Austria) World Club Winner ÖDaC ÖKV
dalmatians judge for dalmatian males S. Lepasaar (EST) judge for dalmatian females N. Byles (GB) BOB, Breeder S. Lepasaar & N. Byles in Junior class males: O'zone Lemminkäinen EX 1 Jugensieger des ÖDaC / ÖKV O'zone Lionheart EX (in final six) in Champion class males: O'zone Ilmarinen EX 2 in Champion class females: O'zone Indira EX 2 in Breeders' kenel O'zone 2.nd place ![]() © E. Dragovic O'zone Lemminkäinen Jugendsieger des ÖDaC/ÖKV, ANIF 19.5.2012 ![]() © E. Dragovic O'zone Lionheart 15 months at ANIF Salzburg 19.5.2012 ![]() © E. Dragovic O'zone Indira in ANIF Salzburg 19.5.2012 dalmatiankoirat Tuomarina uroksille S. Lepasaar (EST) Tuomarina nartuille N. Byles (GB) ROP, kasvattajaluokka S. Lepasaar & N. Byles "Ilpo" ERI 1, Jugensieger des ÖDaC / ÖKV "Oiva" ERI "Ilmari" ERI 2 "Miina" ERI 2 |
19.5.2012 |
Piteå (Sweden)
dalmatians in Champion class males: O'zone Ilias EX 1 CQ 2nd Best Male res-CAC for P. Teini (FIN) dalmatiankoirat Ilias ERI 1, SA, PU 2, vara-SERT Tuomarina P. Teini (FIN) |
19.5.2012 |
Somero National Show
dobermanns in Open class females: O'zone Jewel EX 2 CQ 2nd Best Female res-CAC for S. Juutilainen (FIN) ![]() © K. Salomaa Oz. Jewel 2 ½ years in Somero show 19.5.12 dobermannit "Aga" ERI 2, SA, PN 2, vara-SERT Tuomarina S. Juutilainen (FIN) |
19.5.2012 |
Working result In unofficial Rally-obedience trial O'zone Louhi "Lara" & K. Suihko 92 / 100p O'zone Lancelot "Heppu" & U.Isoranta 92 / 100p > unfortunately result disqulified due handler's mistake to follow judge's orders WELL DONE!!! epäviralliasesse Rally-TOKO kokeessa. HIENOA ja tsemppiä jatkoon Lara & Kaisa sekä Heppu & Ulla + taustajoukot!! |
19.5.2012 |
8.5.2012 |
Happy Birthday! Excellent 10 years birthday to Oz. Baltica & her family! In Memoriam Boheme, Baikal, Baku, Babylone, Byzance ![]() Oz- B-puppies 3½ weeks ![]() Oz. Baltica 10 years, 8.5.12 Erinomaista 10 vuotissynttäriä "Miisalle" perheineen! |
6.5.2012 |
Lieksa National show
dalmatians in Open class males: Oz. Eadmund VG3 in Open class females: Oz. Kharisma EX 1 CQ Best Female CAC -> FI CH!!, BOB for M. Pylvänäinen-Suorsa ![]() © V. Turunen Dana 2 years, BOB at Lieksa 6.5.12; FI CH dalmatiankoirat Eadmund EH 3 Kharisma ERI 1, SA, PN 1, SERT, ROP -> FI MVA Tuomarina M. Pylvänäinen-Suorsa |
6.5.2012 |
Lahti National show
dobermanns in Open class females: Oz. Java EX 1 CQ 2nd Best Female res-CAC for J. van Liet (NL) dobermannit "Java" ERI 1, SA, PN 2, vara-SERT Tuomarina J. van Liet (NL) |
5.5.2012 |
dobermanns in Open class females: Oz. Java VG2 for M. Kärdi (EST) dobermannit "Java" EH 2 Tuomarina M. Kärdi (EST) |
29.4.2012 |
Lahti INT
dobermanns in Open class females: Oz. Java EX 2 CQ, 2nd Best Female, res-CAC, res-CACIB for G. Kostopoulos (GR) dalmatians in Junior class males: Oz. Lemminkäinen EX 1 CQ "5th Best Male" res-CAC Oz. Lionheart Ex 2 in Open class females: Oz. Katharsis VG in Champion class females: Oz. Indira EX"5" CQ in breeder class, kennel O'zone 3rd place for L. de Ridder Onghena (BE) dobermannit "Java" ERI 2, SA, PN 2, vara-SERT, vara-CACIB Tuomarina G. Kostopoulos (GR) dalmatiankoirat "Ilpo" ERI 1, SA, "PU5", vara-SERT "Oiva" ERI 2 "Katha" EH Indira ERI"5" SA Tuomarina L. de Ridder Onghena (BE) |
22.4.2012 |
Happy Birthday! Magnificent birthday to M-litter boys! ![]() Mainiota 1-vuotissynttäriä M-pentueen pojille! |
16.4.2012 |
Health result O'zone Lemminkäinen HD- A/A, ED- 0/0 O'zone Lionheart HD- B/B, ED- 0/0 O'zone Léon HD- C/B, ED- 0/0 Fleur v h Wantij HD- A/A, ED- 0/0 |
16.4.2012 |
Health result Fleur v h Wantij neck & spine x-rayed - normal (04/2012), phtvl/phpv-1, pra/hc/rd - free (04/2012). |
15.4.2012 |
Tallinn INT, Tallinn Winner 2012 (Estonia)
dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Lemminkäinen EX 1 Jun-CAC Jun-BOB -> EST Jun CH & Tallinn Junior Winner 2012 (TLN JW'12) in Open class males: O'zone Kurosawa EX 2 in Champion class males: O'zone Ilmarinen EX 3, 3rd Best Male in Open class females: O'zone Kharisma EX 1, 4th Best Female for J. Opara (PL) in breeder class: kennel O'zone & BOB-Breeder & BIS-1-Breeder for L. de Ridder Onghena dalmatiankoirat "Ilpo" ERI 1, jun-SERT, ROP-jun -> EE JMVA & Tallinnan Juniorivoittaja 2012 (TLN JW'12) "Zoni" ERI 2 "Ilmari" ERI 3, PU 3 "Dana" ERI 1, PN 4 Tuomarina J. Opara (PL) |
15.4.2012 |
Vaasa INT
dalmatians in Champion class males: O'zone Goldfinger EX 3 in Open class females: O'zone Katharsis G for A. Foss (NO) dalmatiankoirat "Otso" ERI 3 "Katha" H Tuomarina A. Foss (NO) |
11.4.2012 |
10.4.2012 |
Lappeenranta National Show
dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Lemminkäinen EX1 CQ 4th Best Male O'zone Lionheart EX3 O'zone Léon EX4 for T. Eerola (FIN) in Open class females: O'zone Kharisma VG (too fat) in Open class males: O'zone Eadmund EX1 CQ Best Male CAC BOS in Breeder group: kennel O'zone & Honour Prize (KP) for E. Nummi (FIN) dalmatiankoirat "Ilpo" ERI 1, SA, PU 4 "Oiva" ERI 3 "Olli" ERI 4 Tuomarina T. Eerola (FIN) "Dana" EH (liian tuhdissa kunnossa) "Bonzo" ERI 1, SA, PU 1, SERT, VSP Tuomarina E. Nummi (FIN) |
4.4.2012 |
Happy Birthday! Merry 2nd anniversary to darling K-litter! ![]() Hauskaa 2-vuotissynttäriä kultaiselle K-pentueelle! |
1.4.2012 |
Polvijärvi CAC-show
dalmatians in Open class males: O'zone Eadmund EX 1, CQ, Best Male, CAC, BOS in Intermediate class females: O'zone Kharisma EX 1 for S. Bister (FIN) dalmatiankoirat "Bonzo" ERI 1, SA, PU 1, SERT, VSP Kharisma ERI 1 Tuomarina S. Bister (FIN) |
1.4.2012 |
Rakvere (Estonia) National Show
dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Lemminkäinen EX 1, Jun-CAC, BOB-Junior, 2nd best Male in Intermediate class males: O'zone Karajan VG 1 in Junior class females: O'zone Liebchen EX 3, 4th Best Female for S. Lepasaar (EST) dalmatiankoirat Lemminkäinen ERI 1, jun-SERT, ROP-jun, PU 2 Karajan EH 1 Liebchen ERI 3, PN 4 Tuomarina S. Lepasaar (EST) |
31.3.2012 |
Rakvere (Estonia) National Show
dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Lemminkäinen EX 1, Jun-CAC, BOB-Junior, 2nd best Male in Intermediate class males: O'zone Karajan VG 1 in Junior class females: O'zone Liebchen VG 2 for H. Ahlmgren (SWE) ![]() ![]() © K. Janson O'zone Lemminkäinen almost 14 months; 2 x BOB-Junior, Rakvere 31.3.-1.4.2012 dalmatiankoirat Lemminkäinen ERI 1, jun-SERT, ROP-jun, PU 2 Karajan EH 1 Liebchen EH 2 Tuomarina H. Ahlmgren (SWE) |
20.3.2012 |
15.3.2012 |
Health result Santa Julf Alaska cardiotestested clinical, ECG, ultra + Holter 24 h: normal (A), 02/2012 |
14.3.2012 |
13.3.2012 |
Happy Birthday! Happy 4 years birthday to the 7 brothers of our dear H-litter!! ![]() ![]() Hyvää 4-vuotissynttäriä hurmaavan H-pentueen seitsemälle veljekselle!! |
9.3.2012 |
6.3.2012 |
4.3.2012 |
Tallinn (Estonia) National show
dobermanns in Junior class females: Fleur v h Wantij EX3, 4th Best Female for I. Pirogova (RUS) dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Lionheart VG2 (too wide chest & ribcage, short tail) in Intermediate class males: O'zone Kurosawa EX2, 3rd Best Male for V. Klucniece (LV) dobermannit "Elsa" ERI 3, PN 4 Tuomarina I. Pirogova (RUS) dalmatiankoirat "Oiva" EH 2 (liian vahva eturinta ja rintakehä, lyhyt häntä) "Zoni" ERI 2, PU 3 Tuomarina V. Klucniece (LV) |
3.3.2012 |
Dogski Finnish Championships (SM)
M. Harjuntausta & O'zone Jachal "Remu" 4/5 time 11.34,7 ![]() © S. Eskelinen 45v, sij. 4/5, aika 11.34,7 |
3.3.2012 |
Tallinn (Estonia) National show
dobermanns in Junior class females: Föeur v h Wantij EX4 for D. Klein (RO) dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Lionheart EX1 Jun-CAC BOB-Junior 3rd Best Male in Intermediate class males: O'zone Kurosawa VG2 for A. Stepinski (PL) dobermannit "Elsa" ERI4 Tuomarina D. Klein (RO) dalmatiankoirat "Oiva" ERI1 Jun-SERT ROP-Jun PU3 "Zoni" EH2 Tuomarina A. Stepinski (PL) |
19.2.2012 |
O'zone Jachal & Mika Harjuntausta, men MA45V, 5km, time 9.14, placing 1/1, Provincial Championship! (PM) |
12.2.2012 |
Vihti, Finnish Dalmatian Club Puppy Speciality & Open show
dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Lemminkäinen EX 2 O'zone Leonardo EX 4 O'zone Lancelot VG in Intermediate class males: O'zone Karajan VG 3 in Pet class females: O'zone Gothika EX 1 & BOB-Pet in Pet class males: O'zone Kubrick Ex 1 & BOS-Pet in Breeders' class kennel O'zone 3rd place for E.-M. Ripatti (kennel Holmankarin) dalmatiankoirat "Ilpo" ERI 2 "Roni" ERI 4 Lancelot EH "Jan" EH 3 "Siru" ERI 1, ROP-lemmikki "Emppu" ERI 1, VSP-lemmikki Tuomarina E.-M. Ripatti (kennel Holmankarin) |
11.2.2012 |
Hämeenlinna, Dobermann Dogski Championships
O'zone Jachal "Remu" & Mika Harjuntausta in series men A 45 years, time 9.50, placing 1/4 and DOBERMANN CHAMPIONSHIPS' GOLD MEDALISTS!!! Congratulations to Mika & Katja!! ![]() © K. Harjuntausta |
11.2.2012 |
Tallinn INT
dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Lionheart EX 1 Best Junior Male Jun-CAC BOB-Junior (we didn't have time to stay for Junior-BIS) in Junior class females: O'zone Liebchen VG 2 in Intermediate class males: O'zone Karajan EX 1 in Champion class males: O'zone Ilmarinen EX 2 for J. Walsh (IRL) in Breeders' class kennel O'zone & BOB-Breeder & BIS-1 Breeder for G. Alessandro (IT) Thank You to Gerli & Kairi Janson and Niina Huttuunen for handling help in BIS-Breeder competition! dalmatiankoirat "Oiva" ERI 1, jun-SERT, ROP-juniori "Lola" EH 2 "Jan" ERI 1 "Ilmari" ERI 2 Tuomarina J. Walsh (IRL) Kiitos Gerli & Kairi Janson sekä Niina Huttunen handleriavusta BIS-kasvattajakisassa! |
10.2.2012 |
Tallinn INT
dobermanns in Junior class females: Fleur v h Wantij VG 2 for J. Walsh (IRL) dobermannit "Elsa" EH 2 Tuomarina J. Walsh (IRL) |
5.2.2012 |
Happy Birthday! Happy 1 year birthday to lovely L-litter! ![]() © V. Vesterinen Hyvää 1- vuotissynttäriä ihastuttavalle L-pentueelle! |
22.1.2012 |
Turku INT
Judge for dalmatian puppies and juniors (the judging was split due to great number of entries in the breed, junior mostly got VG or lower) dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Lemminkäinen VG 3 O'zone Lionheart G (too fat) O'zone Leonardo G (too rounded skull) in Junior class females: O'zone Liebchen G (sloping loin, not yet developped overall) O'zone Louhi G (too fat, high in rear) O'zone Lorelei S (too narrow overall, not yet developped) for H. Lehtinen (FIN) in Intermediate class males: O'zone Karajan EX 2 in Champion class males: O'zone Ikaros EX 4 O'zone Goldfinger EX 3, 3rd Best Male in Intermediate class females: O'zone Katharsis VG for K-E. Johanssen (SWE) in Breeders' class: Kennel O'zone 4th place ![]() copy M. Aromaa Preparing for Breeders' Class, from left: Ikaros, Karajan, Lemminkäinen, Katharsis dobermanns in Junior class females: Fleur v h Wantij EX 4 in Open class males: O'zone Huron EX 1 CQ Best Male CACIB BOB (didn't stay for group) for H. Kliebenstein (D) ![]() copy S. Suominen dalmatiankoirat Suuren ilmottautumismäärän takia rodun arvotelu oli jaettu kahdelle tuomarille, junioreilla pääosin jaettiin vain EH.ta tai sitä alempia arvosanoja. "Ilpo" EH 3 "Oiva" H (liian lihava) "Roni" H (liian pyöreä pää) "Lola" H (luisu takaosa, kesken kehityksen) "Lara" H (liian lihava, takakorkea) "Lara" T (liian kapea, kesken kehityksen) Tuomarina H. Lehtinen (FIN) "Jan" ERI 2 "Ros" ERI 4 "Otso" ERI 3, PU 3 "Katha" EH Tuomarina K-E. Johanssen (SWE) dobermannit "Elsa" ERI 4 Huron" ERI 1, SA, PU 1, CACIB, ROP (ei jäänyt ryhmään) Tuomarina H. Kliebenstein (D) |
16.1.2012 |
Happy Birthday! Happy 7th birthday to dear Helmi (LC C'est La Vie) ![]() Erinomaista 7-vuotissynttäriä rakkaalle Helmille! |
15.1.2012 |
Lahti national show
dobermanns in Junior class females: Fleur v h Wantij EX 3 CQ 4th Best Female in Open class females: O'zone Java EX 1 CQ Best Female CAC BOB (didn't stay ffor group) for T. Salmi-Aalto (FIN) dobermannit "Elsa" ERI 2, SA, PN 4 "Java" ERI 1, SA, PN 1, SERT, ROP Tuomarina T. Salmi-Aalto (FIN) |
14.1.2012 |
Kajaani INT
dalmatians in Junior class males: O'zone Léon S (due pacing) in Intermediate class males: O'zone Kieslowski G for E.-B. Nordin dalmatiankoirat "Olli" T (peitsaamisen takia) "Eeka" H Tuomarina E.-B. Nordin |
3.1.2012 |